Oxford Discover 2 Student Book ( PDFDrive )

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Student Book




i Scop e and Seq u en ce ,


f 1



Am azing Anim als Inform ational T e x t


Pag e 16


Read in g S trateg y Com pare and Contrast

Leo and Lily's Adventure Story


Read in g S trateg y Com pare and Contrast

Pag e 26

Reading te x t w o rd s skin, m am m als, eggs, am phibians, scales, gills, feathers, wings, fur

S u b je ct and O b je ct Pronouns

Listen in g te x t w o rd s head, eye, ear, m outh, leg, body

They have gills.

Word Study Com pound Words

Gills h elp them breathe.

Reading te x t w o rd s worm , berries, hunt, escape, creep, fight, peck, pinecone, squawk

A d verb s of Freq u en cy

Listen in g te x t w o rd s strong, gentle, patient, sm art, calm , fierce

Lily is usually very nervous.

How do th in g s ch an g e?

W hat Is Our World Made Of? Inform ational Text

Life Science

Fish have gills.

Lily always escapes.

Leo som etim es tries to catch Lily.



How a re an im als d iffe re n t from one a n o th e r?


Read in g Strateg y Cause and Effect

Physical Science

Reading te x t w o rd s flow, solid, liquid, gas, heat, steam , ice, freeze, m elt

Sim p le Past o f V erb To Be

Listen in g te x t w o rd s ice pop, balloon, kettle, popcorn, icicle, candle

They were hard. N ow they're soft.

It w as a liquid. N ow it's a gas.

Word Study N o unsand Verbs


P a g e 36

Let's Make Ice Cream! Play

Read in g te x t w o rd s cream, sugar, salt, pour, plastic bags, m ixture, open, closed, freezer


Listen in g te x t w o rd s coffee, tea, salad, fruit, vegetables, pasta

Read in g Strateg y Cause and Effect

Page 46


Was the freezer door open? Yes, it was. Were the students happy? No, they weren't.

[ ►1


Sim p le Past o f Verb To Be

How a re th in g s d iffe re n t now from long ag o ?

Then and Now Inform ational Text


Read in g Strateg y Main Idea and Details

Reading te x t w o rd s travel, com m unication, airplane, news, letter, text m essage, e-mail, radio, Internet

Sim p le Past R eg u lar Verbs

Listen in g te x t w o rd s boat, bus, m otorcycle, cable car, truck, horse

They didn 't watch the new s on TV.

People listened to the new s on the radio.

Word Study Words in A lphabetical Order

Tell Me a Story, Grandpa

Reading te x t w o rd s arrive, ask, check, enter, poor, crowded, clerk, visit, sick

Historical Fiction

Listen in g te x t w o rd s couch, chair, lamp, clock, bathtub, sink

Read in g Strateg y Sequence o f Events

Sim p le Past R eg u lar Verbs D id they travel by ship? Yes, they did. Did they arrive in tw o days? No, they didn't.

Pag e 56

-------- --- --------- ----- ----- wC

BIG QUESTION Subtraction

7 Page 68


When do we u se su b tra ctio n ?


Read in g te x t w ord s m inus sign, subtraction, take away, colum n, row, test score, single-digit num ber, double-digit number, left

Alm a bought five cookies. She didn 't buy four.

Read in g Strateg y Reread

Listen in g te x t w o rd s clean, dirty, tired, hungry, thirsty, full

Olivia gave h er sister tw en ty stickers.

Word Study S y lla b le s

She didn't give h er twenty-six.

Bandar, the Greedy Monkey

Read in g te x t w ord s let go, steal, dig up, hide, ja r, greedy, bored, baker, cook

S im p le P a st Irreg u la r V erbs

Inform ational Text


Fable Read in g Strateg y Beginning, M iddle and End of a Story

Listen in g te x t w o rd s knee, nose, foot, arm, face, hand

Sim p le P a st Irreg u la r V erbs

D id Ban dar go to a candy store? Yes, he did. D id h e let go o f the candy? No, he didn't.








Anim al Body Parts

Ex p re ssin g Sym pathy


Descriptions o f d ifferent anim al body parts

Are y o u OK?

Talk and w rite ab out favorite anim al groups. (W orkbook)

Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r specific inform ation

Oh, no!

No. M y leg hurts.

• R eview Story • Project a i r m in iiai ru _iu ic v_aius

D escribing A n im als

D escribing an Anim al

P ro no u ns

Descriptions o f anim als

Eagles have feathers a n d wings to help them fly.

Rabbits are very gentle.

Listen in g S trateg y


. Review They are very gentle.

Units 1 and 2 (W orkbook) 1 3

Task Talk and w rite ab out an anim al and w hat it is like. (W orkbook)

Listening fo r details

^ 5 5 5 -5





How Things Change

Accepting a Request


Descriptions o f changes in states

Please pass the juice.

Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r details

Sure. Here you go.

Talk and w rite ab out a thing that can change state. (W orkbook) • R eview Story


• Pro ject IY IIA IU IC

C reatin g M ixtures

D escribing Food and Ing red ients

C o n tractio n s

Descriptions o f food and drink m ixtures

Tell m e abou t the party.

The ice p o p s weren't in the freezer.

Listen in g S trateg y

M y friends were there. The ice cream was tasty.


A sking fo r So m eth in g to Be R epeated


Listening for specific inform ation

. Review Water isn ’t a gas.

Units 3 and 4 (W orkbook)


Talk and w rite about a favorite food and drink m ixture. (W orkbook)

So cial Studies: History Life Then and Now An in terview w ith Grandm a Listen in g S trateg y Listening for specific inform ation

What country d o you com e from ? W ould you repeat that, please?

Talk and w rite about som ething people did long ago b u t th ey don't do now. (W orkbook) • Review Story

In a M useum

D escribing Travel and T ran sp o rt

Adding - e d to Som e V erbs

Children discuss w h a t th ey are looking at

Where did you travel? 1traveled to Washington. H ow did you travel there?

1visited m y grandmother. yesterday.

Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r details

• Pro ject Interview an Adult

He arrived in New York

Task Talk and w rite about traveling to a place 100 years ago and traveling th ere today. (W orkbook)

Su b traction Problem s



Subtraction word problem s

Would you like so m e fruit? No, thank you . I'm full. H ow abou t som e water? Yes, please. I'm thirsty.

Talk about and w rite an interesting subtraction problem . (W orkbook)

N um ber Problem s

Say a M ath Problem

C on tractio ns

Math problem poems

Twenty cow s sa t in som e trees. Five fell down a n d h urt their knees. H ow m any cow s were le ft in the trees?

Karen doesn't like fru it salad. the candy.

Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r num ber details

Listen in g Strateg y Listening fo r num ber details

• Review Units 5 and 6 (W orkbook) | 3 j

■R eview Story ■Project Subtraction Board Game Bandar didn 't let go o f

Task Talk and w rite about three things that w ere done last nig ht. (W orkbook)

■Review Units 7 and 8 (W orkbook)






Following Rules Inform ational Text

P a g e 86


R ead in g Strateg y Categorize


How do people g et along with e a ch o th e r? Reading te x t w o rd s traffic light, take turns, polite, clean up, litter, librarian, crossing guard, principal, lifeguard

P o ssessive Pronouns

Listen in g te x t w o rd s kitchen, living room , cafeteria, classroom , sw im m ing pool, crosswalk

Whose bo ok is this? It's hers.

Those are y o u r things. Those things are yours.

Word Study Phrasal Verbs


P a g e 96

The Please and Thank You Book Poems

Reading te x t w o rd s knock, thoughtful, rude, grab, pass, p u t away, invite, wash, share


Listen in g te x t w o rd s com puter, laptop, camera, headphones, tablet, cell phone


R ead in g Strateg y Them e



Natural Resources Inform ational Text

w P a g e 106


Read in g Strateg y Main Idea and Details

Can a n d May Can I play? Yes, y o u can. M ay I com e in? No, you m ay not.

Why should we ta k e c a re o f th e E a rth ?

Earth Science

Read in g te x t w o rd s resources, w ood, landfill, land, trash, sm oke, sunlight, reduce, reuse

P rep o sitio n s of Place

Listen i ng te x t w o rd s cam p, hike, ride a horse, surf, fish, ski

The landfill is across from the park.

Word Study Verbs, Nouns, Adjectives, and Pronouns

The trash can is behind the tree.

There's sm oke in the a ir above the city.

The tree is in front o f the trash can.

A Juice Carton's Diary Diary Entries

f f i P a g e 116


P a g e 126


Reading te x t w o rd s carton, diary, paper, blow , shelf, recycling plant, m achine, stationery store, rescue



Is there a trash can beh ind the tree? Yes, there is.

How d o es m usic m ake u s fe e l?

How Music M akes us Feel

Read in g te x t w o rd s high, low, excited, sleepy, wolf, feelings, right, wrong, trum pet


Listen in g te x t w o rd s proud, sm ile, nervous, yaw n, unhappy, cry

R ead in g Strateg y Sum m arize

Word Study Synonym s

Olga's Flute Story

Where's the fountain? It's across from the statue.

Listen in g te x t w o rd s time, week, nine o'clock, nine-fifteen, nine-thirty, nine forty-five

R ead in g Strateg y Setting

Inform ational Text

P rep o sitio n s o f Place

Read in g te x t w o rd s notes, wait, worried, the flu, tears, solo, hum m ingbird, record, musician


Listen in g te x t w o rd s have lunch, give a concert, m ake a m istake, sign an autograph, talk to fans, d o an interview

Read in g Strateg y Characters

P a g e 136



P a g e 146



Forces and Movement Inform ational Text

Two Stubborn Little Goats (Fiction)

Read in g Strateg y Them e

P rep o sitio n s of Tim e Pedro listens to slo w m usic at night. When does A m anda listen to slo w m usic? She listens in the m orning.

A d verb s o f Tim e This m orning, Olga goes to school early fo r extra practice. When did M ark go to m usic class? He w en t yesterday m orning.

P h ysical Science

Reading te x t w o rd s push, pull, m ovem ent, ground, throw, speed, heavy, light, easy


R ead in g Strateg y Cause and Effect


W hat m akes th in g s move?


C o m p arative A d jective s A b a ll is lighter than a desk.

Listen i ng te x t w o rd s com puter m ouse, stapler, suitcase, broom, door, desk drawer

Is a desk heavier than a ball? Yes, it is.

Word Study Antonym s

A train is slow er than an airplane.

Reading te x t w o rd s stubborn, angry, goat, m ountain, west, east, forw ard, horns, wet

I'm the you n gest person in my family.

Listen in g te x t w o rd s basketball, soccer, tennis, baseball, hockey, g o lf

Is the ju icie st grass on East M ountain? Yes, it is.

W hat's slow er than an airplane?

Su p erla tive A d jectives

P a g e 156



Shapes in Art Inform ational Text


Reading Strategy P a g e 166

Text-to-Self Connection


How do we m ake a r t ?

A rt

Read in g te x t w o rd s crescent, star, spiral, oval, straight, nature, collage, sculpture, pattern Listen in g te x t w ord s photograph, origam i, draw ing, m obile, o il painting, m osaic Word Stu d y Flom ophones

Origami Panel Story


Reading Strategy Text-to-Self Connection


Reading te x t w o rd s shiny, fold, edge, crane, seal, crumple, waves, climb, golden Listen in g te x t w o rd s m arkers, scissors, glue, w atercolors, chalk, colored pencils

Bandar, the G reedy Monkey

Q u a n tifiers There are a lo t o f shapes. There aren't any triangles. There is a lo t o f paper. There isn 't any red paint. Q u a n tifiers D id M aki have any pencils? No, sh e didn't. H ow m any seals were there? There w as one seal. H ow m uch p a p e r was there? There w as a lo t o f paper.

Two Stubborn Little G oats





S o cial Studies: Community R u les in D ifferen t Places

A pologizing


Descriptions o f rules in d iffere n t places

It's m y turn.

Listen in g Strateg y

No, it isn't. It's Felix's turn.

Talk and w rite about th ree rules in th e home. (Workbook)

Listening for specific inform ation

Oh, you're right. I'm sorry.

• Review Story • Pro ject Rules Poster

Polite o r Rude? Dialogues show ing different kinds o f behavior Listen in g S trateg y

Being Polite Are y o u using th at computer? Yes, 1am. But we can share. Great. Thanks.

Listening for specific inform ation

S u b je ct-V e rb A g reem ent

• Review Units 9 and 10 (W orkbook) | 3 j

He is careful with scissors a n d glue. They were tired yesterday. Task Talk and w rite about a thoug htful person. (W orkbook)

C lea n or Polluted?

Rep rim and in g and A pologizing


Descriptions o f land and w ater states and how th ey a ffe ct activities

Please d o n 't litter. Use the trash can. Sorry. Where is it?

Talk and w rite about th ree natural resources seen eve ry day. (W orkbook)

Listen in g Strateg y

It's in front o f th at tree.

• R eview Story

Listening for details

Oh, I se e it. Thanks.

■Pro ject Natural Resource Collage

Earth A w areness Week

D escribing Conservation Activities

Verb Tenses to Show Time

Descriptions o f different co nservation activities

I recycled m y m ilk cartons. D id you?

I go to school.

Listening Strategy

Yes, I did. I recycled m y m ilk cartons, too!


Listening fo r specific inform ation

I'm going to school.

I w ent to school.

Talk and w rite about som ething that has been recycled. (W orkbook)

T h e School C oncert

G ivin g O pinions


Descriptions o f different feelings and reactions

Please turn dow n the music! Why?

Talk and w rite about m usic and feelings. (Workbook)

Listen in g S trateg y Listening for details

• Review Units 11 and 12 (W orkbook)

I don't like po p music.

■R eview Story

Really? It's m y favorite.

In tervie w w ith a Pop Star

D escribing M usic a n d Em otions

Using And a n d But

■Pro ject Music Mobile

A reporter in terview s a pop star

I gave a concert. I w as proud. Then I signed autographs. I was excited.

I'm singing and playing the piano. A den is excited, bu t I'm nervous.

• Review Units 13 and 14 (W orkbook)

Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r details

I p layed the pian o. I w as nervous.

Task Talk and w rite about favorite m usic and w h a t it sounds like. (W orkbook)

T h in g s We Push and Pull

O fferin g to Help


Descriptions o f actions that require m ovem ent

Phew! 1can't m ove this. It's too heavy.

Listen in g Strateg y

Let m e h elp you.

Talk and w rite about pushing and pulling. (W orkbook)

Listening fo r specific inform ation

Thanks. That w ou ld be great!

■R eview Story

No problem . Sp o rt a n d M ovem ent

D escribing Sports

C o m p arative and Su p erla tive Ending s

Descriptions o f different sports and actions

1run, ju m p , and throw the ball. You're playing basketball.

S m a ll.. . sm aller.. . sm allest H ea vy.. . heavier.. . heaviest

Listen in g S trateg y

■Pro ject Forces Poster ■Review Units 15 and 16 (W orkbook) n


Listening fo r details

Talk and w rite about speed and m ovem ent in a sport. (W orkbook)

A rt C lass

Com plim enting


Descriptions o f typ es o f art and shapes

Wow! That's a really great m obile! Thankyou. You're very g o o d a t art. Thanks. A nd you're g o o d a t m ath!

Talk and w rite about favorite kinds o f a rt and the shapes used in it. (W orkbook)

Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r details

M aking Art

D escribing Art

Using Com m as in L ists

Descriptions o f art and art tools

It's a picture o f the rainforest. 1used green and brow n pieces o f stone fo r the trees. You m ade a mosaic.

M y sister b o u g h t glue, a box o f m arkers colored pencils, scissors a n d chalk.

Listen in g S trateg y Listening fo r specific inform ation

Task Talk and w rite about a rt tools used in a rt projects. (Workbook)


• R eview Story • Pro ject A rt Report n • Review Unit5 „ and 18 (Workbook) Q

In units

f an d 2 /ou w ill:




a vid eo abo ut a n im a ls.

ab o u t a n im a l groups.

a cat a n d bird ad ven tu re.




ab o u t w h a t a n im a ls a re like.

a n im a l picture ca rd s.



How a re anim als d ifferen t from one another?

OWatch the video. a

0 Look at the picture. W hat do you see? 1 How many anim als can you see? 2 Where do you think they are?

G Think and answ er the questions. 1 What anim als do you like? 2 Which anim als help us?


Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h a t do you kn o w about an im als?

W ords o

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. ©









Read the sentences. Write the words from © . 1 Birds have two of these. Orangutans don't have these.

w in g s

2 Chickens lay these. Some people eat them in the morning. 3 These are all over an im a ls'b o d ie s._____________________________________

4 An elephant and an orangutan are part of this group. 5 Frogs are part of this group. 6 Many anim als that live in water have these to help them breathe. 8

Unit 1

Vocabulary: Animals and Animal Body Parts



B e fo re You Read T h i n k W hat do you know about fish? Do you like frogs? Why? Why not? In this text, we

Compare and Contrast

learn about different kinds

To compare things, we tell how they're the same.

of animals and

H oneybees and birds both have wings.

the groups they belong to.

To contrast things, we tell how they're different. H oneybees make hives. Birds make nests.

This text is an inform ational text.

Informational texts

Read the text. What's the sam e? What's different?

tell us about our

Check (✓ ) the correct column.


Mice and hamsters are both mammals.They both have fur, four legs, and run fast. Hamsters live inside and mice usually live outside. Both animals are small.

Life Science

Sam e

D ifferen t


1 Fur? 2 Four legs? 3 Inside or outside? 4 Big o r sm all?


Look at the title on page 10. W hat do you think the text is about?

Reading: Compare and Contrast

Unit 1


ALL anim als can breathe an d move, but th e y 're VS different in m any a m a z in g w a y s . Here w e look at h o w they a r e the sa m e an d how they are different This helps us put them into groups.




All birds have tw o legs, two w ings, an d feathers, an d most birds can fly. The w in g s a n d feathers help them fly an d the feathers help keep them warm . Birds l a y e g g s with hard shells. They keep the b a b y birds inside sa fe from anim als that w a n t to e a t them.


Fish have gills to help them breath e in water. S c a l e s all over their bodies help keep them sa fe from d a n g e ro u s fish that w a n t to bite them. They don't have legs, but their fins an d tails help them swim. Fish l a y their e g g s in water,


an d their e g g s are soft.

H ow a re fish d ifferen t fro m b ird s?

A m p h ib ia n ? Am phibians a r e v e r y interesting b e c a u s e they can live on land an d in water. Am phibians need to have w et skin, so they live in w e t p laces. They la y their soft e g g s in water. They have gills when th e y 're yo u n g an d the gills help them breathe in water. M ost am phibians, like frogs, h av e legs that help them w a lk an d jump on land.

T h in k How a re am phibians the sam e a s fis h ?

M a m m a l?

Som e m ammals live on land an d some live in water. W h a l e s a r e w a te r mammals, and cats, rabbits, an d lions are land mammals. Hair or fur covers most land m am m als' bod ies an d this helps keep them w arm . People are m ammals too! M a m m a ls don't la y e g g s . Their b a b ie s drink How a re m am m als d ifferen t fro m am p h ib ian s?

milk from their mothers.

U n d e rsta n d C o m p re h e n sio n T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. 1 The bird group


2 The fish group

□ □ □

3 The amphibian group 4 The mammal group


Ask and answ er


K © $1

□ o o

o □ □ W hat’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt?

the question. F ro g s have w e t sk in . T h a t’s cool!

0 How are birds and fish the sam e? How are they different? Circle Same or Different . 1 How they breathe

S am e C D if f e r e n O 2 How they lay eggs

Sam e O

D if f e r e n t

3 What covers their bodies

Sam e

4 How they move

Sam e

Answer the questions. 1 W heredoam phibianslive? 2 How do amphibians move? 3 What do mammals have all over their bodies?

T h in k W hat do you think? o&~~-- ^ 1 Why can't birds live under water? 2 Why do frogs need to live near water? 12

Unit 1


D if f e r e n t

D if f e r e n t


W orkbook r„ G ram m ar p ages 006 -0 0 7

G ra m m a r in U se o

Listen and sing along. We Love A nim als! © 1*04



Fish have gills to help them breathe.

H o w do m a m m a ls keep w a r m ?

T h e y ha ve gills to play in the sea!

Do you k n o w ?

Bird s have w in g s to help them fly.

T h e y have fur to play in the snow!

T h e y ha ve w in g s to play in the s k y !

H o w do a m p h ib ia n s breathe w h en



the y s w im ?

A n im a ls ! A n im a ls ! W e love an im als!

B elieve it or not, the y use their skin! A n im a ls ! A n im a ls ! W e love an im als!


L e a r n G ra m m a r


Fish have gills. They have gills. Gills help them breathe. Do gills help fish b reath e? Yes, gills help them breathe. How do gills help fish ? Gills help them breathe. W hat an im als have these things? Practice with your partner.

B ird s have them .

T h e y ’re w in g s.

Grammar: Subject and Object Pronouns

Unit 1


Com m unicate W ords o

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © 1.05


Read the clues and write the words. 1 Some anim als have two of these and some have four. 2 Eyes, ears, and mouth are on this for most animals. 3 Most anim als have two of these to see with. 4 This body part can open and close. Most anim als eat with this. 5 Elephants have two big ones but fish don't have any. 6 A tiger's legs help move this from place to place.

L is te n in g T h in k Are fish and bird body parts the sam e? Why or why not? Q

Listen. How m any of these an im als live in the ocean? © i.oe


Listen ag ain and circle the correct anim al. ©

1 g o ld f is h / s t a r f is h

4 m ic e / s p id e r s

2 c a t s / r a b b it s

5 liz a r d s /f r o g s




w h a le s / e le p h a n t s

Unit 1

6 h o n e y b e e s / e a g le s

Vocabulary: Body Parts • Listening: Specific Information


S p e a k in g

0 Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Use the words in the box to help. © i-os

Word S tu d y Compound Words Compound words are two words put together to make a new word, s ta r + fish = s ta rfis h

honey + bee = honeybee

Look at the pictures and complete the compound words.









W r it © Tell your partner three things about your favorite anim al group. Now write about them in your Workbook. EBEHSfr Speaking: Expressing Sympathy • Compound Words


I th in k anim als belong to different groups.

How a r e a n im a ls d if f e r e n t fro m o n e a n o th e r?

I th in k an im als have different body parts.

Unit 1


U N IT 2

G et Ready

W ords ©


Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © i.oq







Complete the sentences. Write the words. 1 Birds

at their food to eat it.

2 A ________________grows on a pine tree. 3 Strawberries are my favorite kind o f________________ 4 Some anim als in the rainforest

for their food.

5 The dog and the cat don't like each other. They often 6 A ________________is a long, thin anim al. It lives underground. 7 Bobby's pet bird can

out of the window.

8 Cats c a n ________________very quietly. Other anim als can't hear them coming. 4 Birds can 16

Unit 2

loudly. It's a funny sound!

Vocabulary: A nim al Words and Verbs


B e fo re You Read T h in k

Leo and Lily’s

How can an im als help people? Do you help at home?

Adventure Com pare and Contrast

In this story we read about the

Remember, to com pare things, we tell how they're the

adventure of a

same. To contrast things, we tell how they're different.

cat, Leo, and a bird, Lily.

Read the text. What's the sam e? What's different?

This story is an

Write the words in the Venn diagram .

adventure story.

Adventure stories

Hugo and Ivan are ten years old. Hugo lives in a big house in the country and Ivan lives in a small apartment in the city.They both have pets. Hugo has a big dog and Ivan has a small goldfish.


are usually exciting because a lot of things happen.

Look at the title and pictures on pages 1 8 -1 R. Guess the things that happen. Reading: Compare and Contrast

Unit 2



Leo a n d Lily's Adventure /




t v -



g p M I/ 4 Leo and Lily live in a big garden near a forest. Lily is red and yellow. She’s friendly, but she is usually very nervous. Lily flies from tree to tree in the garden and she hops in the grass. She eats worms, nuts, and berries. Leo is black and white. H e is very fast and very clever. H e’s brave, too. H e climbs trees in the garden and he hunts for mice ... and birds! Leo sometimes tries to catch Lily, but Lily always escapes. Leo can run fast, but Lily can fly.This makes Leo angry!

One day, Leo sees Lily in the garden. Leo wants to catch Lily. H e creeps through the garden very slowly and quietly. But Lily sees Leo and she flies aw ay into the forest. Leo chases Lily. Lily flies and flies and Leo runs and runs. Soon they are a long wag from the garden and they don’t know the w ay home. It’s dark in the forest. Leo and Lily are scared.

Leo and Lily hear a noise. It’s a fox! The fox is hungry. It wants some dinner. It wants to eat Leo! Leo tries to fight the fox, but the fox is very big. Lily is in a tree. She pecks a pinecone. The pinecone falls and hits the fox on the head! Leo escapes and climbs up the tree.The fox is angry. It can ’t climb trees.

Leo and Lily w ait in the tree for a long time. At last, the fox goes aw ay. Leo and Lily are safe, but they want to go home now. Lily flies up very high. She sees the garden! She squawks happily. Lily shows Leo the w ay home. But Lily is small and her wings are tired. She sits on Leo’s back and Leo carries Lily home. Leo and Lily are safe at home in their garden a g a in .T h e y ’re friends now. Lily flies around the garden and Leo never tries to catch her ... Well, hardly ever!

U n d e rsta n d C o m p re h e n sio n T h in k W hat do you like about the story? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. >cM—^ 1 Why Leo and Lily don't like each other 2 Their adventure in the woods 3 How Leo escapes from the fox 4 Why Leo and Lily are friends at the end


Ask and answ er

□i i□ i i□ i i

□i i□ i i□ i i

W hat’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt?

the question.


□i □i □i

Lily p e ck s the p in eco n e. I t ’s funny!

Com pare and contrast Leo and Lily. Write the words in the Venn diagram . can fly scared clever can run friendly

Number the events in the correct order.


Leo tries to fight the fox. Leo and Lily wait in a tree.

T h in k W hat do you think? 1 Which anim als can be pets? 2 Can anim als help each other? 20

Unit 2



Leo chases Lily. Lily shows Leo the w ay home.

G ram m ar 1

p ages 014 -0 1 5

G ra m m a r in U se o

Listen and sing along. C a t s an d B ird s © i . n


Meow! S q u a w k! Meow! S q uaw k!

Meow! S q u a w k! Meow! Sq uaw k!

M y cat and bird a l w a y s fight.

I usu ally have to shout.

T h e y never get along together.

I som etim es s a y the y m ust be friends

A n d fighting isn’t right.

O r I w o n ’t let them out!

Meow! S q u a w k! Meow! S q uaw k! I h a rd ly ever sleep at night. W h y c a n ’t m y ca t and bird be friends A n d tre a t each other right?


A dverbs o f Frequency Lily a lw a y s e s c a p e s .

a lw a y s y y y y

Lily is usually very nervous.

usually y y y

Leo som etim es trie s to catch Lily.

som etim es >//) the correct anim al. © i*m






Unit 2

Vocabulary: Adjectives • Listening: Details




S p e a k in g o

Describe an anim al. Your partner tells you the anim al group it belongs to. Use the words in the boxes to help. ©


E a g le s have fe a th e rs and w in g s to help them fly. W hat an im al group a re they in ?

-3 3


E a g le s a re in the bird group.

T h e se an im als have ...


They ca n ... They re in ...

W ritin g S tu d y Pronouns Some words can take the place of nouns. These words are called pronouns. Rabbits a r e very gentle. They a re very gentle. Write the pronouns for the underlined words. 1 My friends and I are playing. 2 The dog is barking at Tom. 3 The drums are very loud. 4 The city is dangerous. 5 Lions can be fierce. W r it © Tell your partner about an anim al that you know. Say w hat it is like. Now go to your W orkbook and write about it. Speaking: Describing an Animal • Writing: Pronouns

Unit 2


W rap Up o

Listen and read along. © M6 The students are learning about an im al groups.

Billy's pet is a fish

B o o d o e s n ’t h a v e legs b u t she h a s fin s . S h e ’s v e r y s m a rt!

Layla's pet is an am p h ib ian .

Dot's pet kitten is a m am m al.

T h is is C h a r lie . He h as b e a u tifu l w h it e fu r . H e ’s v e r y stro n g !

Gus's pet is a bird.

A m a z in q !

E d d ie h a s b e a u tifu l f e a t h e r s . He likes to fly a r o u n d m y ro o m .



Z a k has a pet lizc

P r o je c t : M a k e A n im a l P i c t u r e C a r d s


Make anim al picture cards. • Draw or find a picture of one anim al for each card. • Write the name of the anim al below the picture. • Write three facts about the anim al group on the back of the card.

mmq/ G rou p

Mammals have f “ r ot Covering -fheir b o d i e s ,

Most mammals h ave two o r fo u r legs. ftAammal b a b ie s d r in k

r abb i t O

ft)ilk from th e ir m oth ers.

Put your Anim al Picture Cards on the wall. Tell the class about an anim al.


T h is is a rabbit. R ab b its have fu r all o ve r th e ir bodies.

Play a gam e with your partners. Place your Picture Cards picture-side down on a desk. Partners read the sentences on the backs of the picture cards and guess the anim als.

W h a t did you


Watch the video.


learn about how anim als are different?


How a r e an im als d iffe re n t from one a n o th e r?

Think more about the Big Question.


Complete the

Big Question Chart. Project: Anim al Picture Cards • Big Q u estio n !

In units

3 and 4 you w ill:




a vid eo ab o u t how th ing s ch an g e.

ab o u t w h a t things a re m ad e of.

ab o u t how to m ake ice cream .


How do things change?

OWatch the video. a

0 Look at the picture. W hat do you see? 1 What is the weather like? 2 Where do you think this is? ©

Think and answ er the questions. 1 What things change? 2 Can you hold water in your hand?

0 Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h a t do you kn o w about how things change?



Get Ready

W ords O

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. ©


1 17


/\\ A A m


r solid







0 Write the correct words to complete the sentences. 1

Water is a

(jiq u id V s o lid \_j ____/ in drinks to make them cold. ....... ................................. ........ g a s / i c e

2 ■ ..We put On a hot day, ice cream can 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------m e lt / f r e e z e




We can't hold a




Water in a river can


A book is a


You can see


On a very cold day water can

Unit 3

in our hands. cold water to make it hot.

Vocabulary: Forms and States

over stones.

s o lid / g a s f r e e z e /h e a t m e lt/ flo w a a s / s o lid

on very hot water.

s t e a m / ic e f r e e z e ^ m e lt


B e fo re You Read


T h in k Are there any liquids in your backpack? LnjQ (2^ ]@ < 5)0?

W hat solids are in your kitchen at home?

In this text, we learn about what

Cause and Effect

things are made of.

Cause and effect tells how one event makes another event happen.

This text is an

A cause is why something happens.

text. Remember,

inform ational

informational texts

The effect is what happens after the cause.

tell us about our world.

C ause


I w a te r the plants.

They grow.

The ice cream is in the sun.

It melts.

Physical Science

Read the sentences. Match the causes and effects. In th e w inter, it's som etim es cool and ra in y. W hen it's ve ry cold, it snows. W hen there's a lot of snow, children don't go to school. T h ey stay home and th e y 're hap p y. In w inter, there's often ice on th e streets, and som etim es people slip and fa ll. Cause

Effect •

1 It's very cold. 2 There's a lot of snow. • 3 Children stay home. 4 There's often ice on the streets. O

a Sometimes people fall. b It snows.

c Children don't go to school.

d They're happy.

Look at the pictures on pages 30 - 31. W hat do you think the text is about? Reading: Couse and Effect

Unit 3




q d lp





Everything in o u r w o r ld c o m e s in th ree different states: solid, liquid, o r gas.

Solids S

W e can se e a n d feel solids. S o m e solids are hard, a n d s o m e solids are soft. Trees a n d feath ers are solids. Y o u 're a solid, too!




A liquid is a thing

T h e air th a t y o u

th a t can flow. S o m e

b re a th e is a g a s . We

liquids are thick, an d

c a n 't usually se e a g a s

s o m e liquids are thin.

but s o m e t im e s w e can

Juice a n d milkshakes

feel it w h e n it m o v e s.

are liquids. C an y o u

On a w i n d y day, w e

think o f o t h e r kinds

can feel th e w in d on

o f liquid?

o u r bodies.

Things can change from one state to another when we make them hot or cold. W hen w e make w ater

W hen ice or snow

W hen w e heat

very cold, it freezes

heats up, it melts and

water, it boils and

and changes to ice.

changes back to water.

changes to steam .

Look at these three pictures of things changing from one state to another.

The snow w as a solid and now it's a liquid.

Think" W hat’s the c a u s e o f the sn o w m elting? W hat’s the e ffe c t?

The w ater was a liquid and now

The w ater was

it's a solid.

a liquid and now it's a gas.

T h in k

T h in k

W hat’s the c a u s e o f the w a te r fre e z in g ? W hat’s the e ffe c t?

W hat’s the c a u s e o f the w a te r boiling? W hat’s the e ffe c t?

C o m p re h e n sio n T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. o & ~ "


1 Solids 2


3 Gases


Ask and answ er W h at’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt?

the question.

W ater c a n ch an g e to a solid o r a g a s . I t ’s in te re stin g .

0 Match the causes and effects. C ause 1 Water freezes.

E ffe ct • a It melts.

2 We heat ice.

b It changes to ice.

3 Water boils.

c It changes to steam.

0 Complete the statements. 1 We can see and feel this. It can be hard or soft. This is a 2 This flows. It can be thick or thin. It's a 3 We cannot usually see this. Sometimes we can feel it. It's a

T h in k W hat do you think? 1 Why do we boil liquids? 2


Can all solids change to liquids?

Unit 3



W orkbook G ram m ar p ag es 024 -0 2 5

G ra m m a r in U se o


Listen and sing along. Th e Snowm an © mr


T h is w a s m y s n o w m a n .

T h o s e w ere his b la ck eyes,

M y w o n d erfu l s n o w m a n .

A n d t h a t w a s his red nose,

B u t n o w he’s melting a w a y !

B u t n o w he’s melting a w a y !

His n a m e w a s J o e , m y man

He w a s n ’t sm all, he w a s

of sn o w ,

v e ry tall,

A n d n o w he’s melting a w a y !

A n d n o w he’s melting a w a y !

B n z E z m

Sim ple Past o f Verb To Be

I t w a s a liquid. Now it’s a g a s.

o ooo


They w ere hard. Now they’re so ft.

0 0 .0 ..

W hat w as it then? W hat is it now? Practice with your partner. Then ------------It w a s an o ran g e.




Look around the classroom . Find something that has changed from one thing to another. Tell your partner about it. Grammar: Simple Past o f Verb To Be

Unit 3


Com m unicate W ords ©

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © i. 20 1^ -


------------- ^


ice pop O






Read the clues. Write the word. 1 People think I'm fun to play with. If I get too big, I pop! What a m i? 2

I help people heat water for drinks. What am I?


I can grow on a house when it's very cold outside. What am I?


I get noisy when people make me hot. People eat me. What am I?


People use me to see in the dark. Be careful! I'm hot. What am I?

b alloon

6 I'm very cold and people eat me on a hot summer day. What am I?

L is te n in g T h in k What's inside a balloon? Listen. W hat happens to popcorn? © Q

Listen again and number the words in the order you hear them. ©



| □


| icicle


candle □

Unit 3


ice pop □

| kettle






popcorn □

Vocabulary: Nouns • Listening: Details



S p e a k in g o

Listen and repeat. Then practice with your partner. Use the words in the box to help. ©


chips P le a s e p a s s the ju ic e .

co o k ie

S u re . H ere you go

O K. O f co u rse .

Th an ks.


You’re w e lco m e . No problem .

Word S tu d y Nouns and Verbs Remember, some words can be nouns and verbs. Noun: Steam

Verb: She steam s

is a gas.

the c a rro ts.

Read the sentence. Write the word. 1 Look! The eagle chicks can



2 My friend and I ____________ video games together. 3 We

at the pond in the summer.

W r i t e Tell your partner about a thing that can change state. Write about it in your Workbook. Speaking: Accepting a Request • Words That Can Be Nouns and Verbs




How do th in g s ch an g e?

I th in k solids can become liquids.

I th in k liquids can become gas.

Unit 3



j m UNIT 1111 i t


Get Ready A

L W ords ©


Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. ©




plastic bags





Look at Q and write the words.

1 Food:


2 Things in a kitchen:


Complete the sentences. Write the words from © . 1 I

the milk into the mixture to make a milkshake.

2 When the door is 3 When the window is


Unit 4

Vocabulary: Foods and Mixtures

I can see outside. I feel hot.



B e fo re You Read


T h in k Do you like ice cream ? Do you have parties with


your friends?

a k e

Ic e

Cause and Effect


Remember, a cause is why something happens.

This story is a ploy.

The effect is what happens after the cause.

A play is acted on a stage by actors.

Read the causes. Write the effects.

Omar feels awful. He’s really cold. His mother heats som e water and makes him some lemon tea. Omar drinks the tea and feels warm. He takes a short nap and when he w a k e s up he’s hungry! His mother heats water in a pot, and puts in some chicken, carrots, and onions. Omar eats the soup and feels good again!

C ause

1 Om ar is really cold.

E ffe c t

His mother makes him tea.

2 Om ar drinks fhe fea. 3 He’s hungry. •4 Om ar eafs fhe soup.


In the story, students m ake something that is cold and sweet. W hat do you think it is?

Reading: Cause and Effect

Unit 4


m n


Cream! M s . W o o d s : T o d a y is ou r s c h o o l p a r t y . Let's g o to the c a f e t e r i a a n d g e t the ice c r e a m y o u b o u g h t M s. Woods

y e s t e r d a y . It's in the fre e z e r.

Grade 3 teacher S t u d e n t s : O h , no! It's liquid! L u is : Yuck! J u d y : T h at w a s o u r ice c r e a m !

rk W a s the f r e e z e r d o o r o p e n ? W hat is le c a u s e o f the ice cre a m m elting?

M s . W o o d s : Y es, it w a s . It w a s o p e n a l l night. N o w t h e r e 's no ice c r e a m for th e p a r t y .

o O '

M r. Je n k in s: W h a t 's w ro n g ? W h y ' s e v e r y o n e so s a d ?

T h in k W hat is the e ffe c t o f the ice cre a m m elting?

M s . W o o d s : It w a s o u r j o b to brin g th e ice c r e a m for M ark

th e p a r t y , but it m e lt e d . N o w w e c a n ' t h a v e ice c r e a m . M r . J e n k i n s : S u r e y o u c a n ! You c a n m a k e ice c r e a m . I can teach you! S tu d e n ts: Y ippee!


M r . J e n k i n s : O K , kids. G e t big a n d s m a l l p la s t ic b a g s , c r e a m , s u g a r , v a n i l l a , a n d sa lt. Then c o m e to m y c l a s s r o o m . S t u d e n t s : R e a d y , Mr. Jen kin s! Mr. Jenkins Science teach er

M r . J e n k i n s : M y f r e e z e r w a s c l o s e d a l l night, so I h a v e ice. N o w , let's m a k e ice c r e a m .

S t u d e n t s : Yes! Let's m a k e ice c r e a m ! M r . J e n k i n s : M i x the s u g a r a n d van illa an d cream . S t u d e n t s : M i x the s u g a r a n d van illa a n d cream . Done! M r . J e n k i n s : Pour the c r e a m , s u g a r , a n d v a n i l l a mixture into th e s m a l l b a g . S t u d e n t s : Pour th e c r e a m , s u g a r a n d v a n i l l a mixture into th e s m a l l b a g . D o n e ! M r . J e n k i n s : Put the s a l t a n d the ice c u b e s into th e b ig b a g . S t u d e n t s : Put the s a l t a n d th e ice c u b e s into th e b ig b a g . D o n e ! M r . J e n k i n s : N o w put the s m a ll b a g in th e b ig b a g . S t u d e n t s : Put the s m a l l b a g in th e b ig b a g . D o n e ! M r. Je n k in s : N o w shake, shake, shake! W h a t d o you h a v e? L u is : H e y ! Look!



W e h a v e ice c r e a m ! A n d w e d id n 't use a fr e e z e r ! S t u d e n t s : H o w is the ice c r e a m , Mr. Je n k in s ? M r . J e n k i n s : It's g r e a t ! C a n I h ave so m e m ore?

W hat is the e ffe c t o f sh akin g the m ixtu re ?

U n d e rsta n d C o m p re h e n sio n T h in k W hat do you like about the play? Check (%/). Why? Give one reason. ^

1 Mr. Jenkins helps the students. 2 The students make ice cream. 3


People eat the ice cream.

Ask and answ er


W hat’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt?

the question. LI


T h e stu d e n ts m ake ice c re a m . I like ice c re a m .

Read the causes. Write the effects. C ause


1 The fre e z e r door w a s open all night.

a The ice cream melted.

2 The students don’t have ice cream .


3 They make ice cream .


Read the sentences. Circle the correct answer. 1 The students need to bring fruit to the party.

T ru e

F a ls e

2 The students pour the mixture into a bag.

T ru e

F a ls e

3 The ice cream wasn't good.

T ru e

F a ls e

T h in k W hat do you think? o

1 Why did Mr. Jenkins help the students? 2 What was fun about this school party?


E ffe c t

Unit 4


W orkbook G ram m ar p ag es 032 -0 3 3

G ra m m a r in U se o

Listen and sing along. Making Ice C ream ©



W h e r e w ere you y e s t e rd a y ?

W h e r e w ere you y e s t e rd a y ?

W e w ere a t a p a rty .

W e w e re a t a p a rty .

It w a s fun to m a k e ice cream

It w a s fun to m a k e ice cream

W it h all our friends!

W it h all our friends!


W a s the ice cream in the freezer? No! It w a s quick to m a ke . W a s the ice cream in a bag? Yes! S h a k e , s h a k e , shake!


L e a r n G ra m m a r

Sim ple Past o f Verb To Be

Was fhe fr e e z e r d o o r open ? Yes, it w a s. Were the students happy? No, they w e ren ’t. Where w a s the ice cream ? I t w a s in the freezer. Ask your partner questions about the picture. Use the words in the box.

No, it w a s n ’t.

W as the w in d o w o p en ?

icecream ©





Think of a mixture. W hat things are in it? Ask your partner. Grammar: Simple Past o f Verb To Be with Wh- and Yes / No Questions

Unit 4


Com m unicate W ords


Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.27

coffee O






Think about the words in Q and add them to the chart. We w ash ...

We don’t w ash ...

1 salad






L is t e n in g _________________________________ T h i n k W hat foods do you like to mix? ^


Listen. W hat liquids and solids do we heat? © 1.28


Listen again and check (>/) the ingredients you hear. Then circle the correct food. © i-2q y

water oranges


cucumbers [!

) tomato


tomatoes carrots







f r u it /te a

s a la d / c o f f e e

v e g e t a b le s / p a sta


Unit 4

Vocabulary: Food • Listening: Specific Information

S p e a k in g ©

Take turns to ask your partner about the school party, yesterday. ©


W ritin g S t u d y _____________________________________________ Contractions Remember, contractions are two words joined together. We make contractions by taking aw ay a letter and adding an apostrophe (). is + not = isn ’t

w a s + not = w a s n ’t

a re + not = a r e n ’t

w e re + not = w e ren ’t

Read the sentence. Write the contraction. 1 The ice pops 2 Water 3 Coffee and tea

w e re n ’t a gas.

in the freezer,

(were not)

(is not) solids,

(are not)

4 The refrigerator _______________ on all night,

(was not)

W r i t e Tell your partner one of your favorite foods. Is it a mixture? Now write about it in your Workbook. Speaking: Describing Food and Ingredients • Writing: Contractions

Unit 4


3 and 4 o

Listen and read along. © 1.31

L e t ’s m a k e d in n e r. W e can h a v e

Billy and Dot start to make dinner. Gus puts the food away.

p a s t a , v e g e t a b le s , f r u it , a n d c re a m . P u t th e ice pops in th e fre e z e r, G u s . A n d h e a t th e w a t e r , p le a s e , D o t.

It’s s t e a m . It w a s L o o k a t the

a liq u id a n d n o w

W h e r e a re th e

T h e y ’re in th e

w a ter!

it’s a g a s! C o o l!

v e g e t a b le s ?

w a ter. N ow it’s so u p !

Dot looks for the cream but the cream was in the freezer. 1 1mWu L o o k ! Ice c re a m . It w a s a liq u id a n d n o w it’s a so lid ! C o o l!

The ice pops weren't in the freezer. U h-oh! T h e y w e re O h, no, G us!

s o lid s a n d n o w t h e y ’ re a liq u id ! S o r r y !

P r o je c t : Make a Mixture Book o

Write about three food mixtures. • Draw or find pictures. • Write sentences about the mixtures.


Display your Mixture Book. Tell the class about one of the mixtures in your book.

T h is is soup. I t ’s a m ixtu re o f so lid s and liquid.


W alk around the room. Look at

This is vc soup. it's a mi/fure. It's licjuid-

the books. Choose your favorite mixture. Say why it's your favorite.

1+ a lso has so lid f/r'n p s in i t

Ic e cre a m is a m ixtu re o f c re a m , fru it, and ice. I like it! V .


Watch the video. | 3

0 Think more about BIG Q U ESTIO N 0

How do things change?

A / — • e

Complete the

Big Question Chart.

/ V—



Project: M ixture Book • Big Question 2

In units

5 an d 6 you w ill:



a vid eo ab o u t things now an d long ag o .

a b o u t things now an d long ag o.


a story ab o u t a m an who cam e to New York


abo ut som ething people did long ago .

MAKE a report ab o u t a n interview .


How are things different now from long ago? O

Watch the video.


0 Look at the picture. W hat do you see? 1 How did people travel then? 2 Why were there so many people?


Think and answ er the questions. 1 Did your grandmother have a cell phone when she was young? 2

Are you the same now as you were three years ago?


Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h a t do you kn o w about how things now are different from long ago?

W ords o

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. ©








r t ^ j yt \ ------- — = J



text message




Read the sentences. Write the words. 1 We fly on this to go somewhere far away,

a irp la n e

2 We can send these to our friends. 3 We listen to this to hear songs or news. 4 This is something you do if you like to go to new places. 5 E-mail and text messages are examples of this. 6 This is something we use a lot to find information. 7 We can turn on the TV or listen to the radio to hear this. 48

Unit 5

Vocabulary: Travel, Communication, and News


B e fo re You Read T h in k How do you get to school? Can your grandparents use the Internet?


Main Id e a and Details M

The main idea is what a text is about. There is one main


This text is an

idea. Other sentences in the text tell us more about the

inform ational text.

main idea.These are called details.

It is on a website. Remember,

My neighborhood was very different long ago. There was a big farm, and it was quiet and safe. There weren't a lot of buildings or people. It's different now. f (T

There was a big farm.

—— “ My neighborhood was very different long ago. T There weren't a lot of

It w as quiet and safe.

Write the m ain idea and details.

Ali was different a long time ago. He was a naughty little boy. Now he's a good student. He was always late for school. Now he's always early.

Look at the title on page 50. W hat do you think the text is about. Reading: Main Idea and Details

tell us about our world.

Social Studies: History

buildings or people.


informational texts

Unit 5

B ead ®

T o d a y , c o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d t r a v e l a r e fast, a n d it's e a s y to g e t n e w s . But a lo n g tim e a g o

T h in k -------------

t h i n g s w e r e v e r y d if fe r e n t .

W hat’s the m ain id ea?

C o m m u n icatio n


Long a g o , p e o p le used letters to co m m u n icate. T hey m ailed letters to friends a n d families. Letters w e r e c a r r ie d b y


h o rse a n d cart, a n d later b y train o r boat. Today, communication is different a n d letters a r e c a rrie d b y a ir p la n e . W e c a n use e-m ail, text m e s s a g e s , o r p h o n e calls to c o m m u n ica te quickly with friends a n d fam ily all o v e r the w o r ld .


T h in k Find one detail o f the m ain idea

M y great-grandma mailed a letter to her friend in London. It took two months to get there

I send e-mails to ny friend in London She can read them right aw ay.

News Before newspapers, people talked to each other to get news. Then people printed the news on paper and newspapers started. Later they listened to the radio for news. Today we can get news any time we want.

They listened to news on the radio at 6 o’clock every day.


lo n g

d istan c es they w e n t b y I r a n o r ship.

Travel is fast a n d e a s y now.

They watch the news on TV and read it on the Internet anytime they want.

U n d e rsta n d C o m p re h e n sio n T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. od^ — ^ 1 Communication 2 News 3 Travel


Ask and answ er

W hat’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt?

the question. T ra ve l long ag o w a s slo w and d ifficu lt. I ’m glad w e have p la n e s now.


Write the main idea of the text and three details. f ----M ain I d e a V --------



C o m m u n icatio n

N ew s





Number the events in the correct order. 1 People listened to the radio for news.


People talked to other each other to get news.

( ) People watch TV or read the news on the Internet. £

j| Newspapers started,

T h in k W hat do you think? 0& "

^ 1 Long ago, people didn't usually go to places very far away. Why not? 2 How does a letter get from Australia to Egypt today?


__j j

Unit 5


W orkbook G ram m ar p ag es 042 -0 4 3

G ra m m a r in U se


Listen and sing along. G r e a t G ran d m a ©


G re a t G ra n d m a tra veled on a ship,

G re a t G ra n d m a listened to the new s,

T h e trip w a s long and slo w .

O n her old radio.

She moved here from a different land,

People didn’t w a tc h T V ,

M a n y y e a rs ago.

M a n y y e a rs ago.


G re a t G ra n d m a w a lk e d from place


to place, In sun or rain or sn o w . S h e d id n ’t use a ca r or bus, M a n y y e a rs ago.


L e a r n G ra m m a r

Simple Past Regular Verbs

People listened to the new s on the radio. They didn’t w atch the new s on TV. People traveled by horse and cart. They didn’t travel by airplane. W hat did you do last night? Write three things. Then tell your partner. w atch > watched

play > played

clean > cleaned

talk > talked

I did n’t cle a n my room . I talked to Me my frie n d . -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1


1 2 3


G Tell your partner something you didn't do last night. Gram m ar: Sim ple Past Regular Verbs

Unit 5


Com m unicate W ords O

Listen and point to the words. Listen again and say the words. © 1.35



cable car ©



Think about the words in © and add them to the chart. A lot o f p e o p le c a n tra v e l on t h e s e a t the s a m e time.



Only o n e o r tw o p e o p le c a n tra v e l on t h e s e a t the s a m e tim e.






L is te n in g T h i n k Are there cable cars in your town? ©

Listen. Who has a new motorcycle? © 1.36


Listen again and num ber the words in the order you hear them. © j (


| cable car | boat

Unit 5

C D k ys j^ JJ bicycle

(p |

truck j airplane

Vocabulary: Transport • Listening: Specific Information


horse and cart 0 0

S p e a k in g ©

Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Use the words in the box to help. © 1.38 W hat c o u n try do you co m e fro m ?

M exico K o re a

Would you re p e a t th a t, p le a s e ?

S a y that again

G o t it. T h a n k s.

Word S tu d y Words in Alphabetical Order Words in a dictionary are in alphabetical order. These three words all have the same first letter. Look at the second letters. They are in alphabetical order. If they're the same, too, we look at the third letter.

Number the words in alphabetical order.

bark boat bus

I ) apartm ent b□ | closed c I□ | steam 10 stop 1□ | amphibian i□ | cream i[ ) coyote J □ | statue 1 □ | animal

a [

W r it © Tell your partner about something people did long ago but they don't do now. Now write about it in your W orkbook. |®


Speaking: Asking for Som ething to Be Repeated • Words in Alphabetical Order


How a re things different now from long ago?

I think people didn’t travel as much long ago. th in k we can read news on the Internet now.

Unit 5


W ords o


Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © 1.39










Complete the sentences. Circle the two correct words. 1 The ... checks something,

ayd o c t o r ) b fclerl

a su g ar

c b a llo o n

c b ig

2 He wants to ... the zoo. a v is it

b ju m p

a happy

c go to

b s ic k

c poor

Unit 6

b c ro w d e d

5 I like to ... questions.

3 She's sad because she is ...


4 The ship is very ...

Vocabulary: Travel Nouns and Verbs

a ask

b w a lk

c an sw er

6 He arrives at school and ... his classroom. a e n te rs

b s e e s"■ c a s k sjw


B e fo re You Read


T ell M e a S to ry, G ran d p a

T h in k Are there children from other countries in your school? Do you som etimes visit other towns?

This story is

Sequ ence o f Events

h isto ric a l fictio n .

Sequence is the order of things,

Historical fiction

such as 1, 2, 3, H- or a, b, c, d.

is a story about something that

Stories often have a sequence.

happened long

Events in a story happen in


an order: 1 G ra c e mailed a letter from P a ris to her cousin in London.

* » *

2 The letter arrived in ten days. 3 Her cousin w a s happy to get the letter.

Put the events in the correct order. Write the numbers.

Lucia w a s sad to sa y goodbye.


) She visited her aunt in the city,

a ( □


Lucia lived in a village long ago. ) She and her aunt visited many fun places. She arrived in two days.

Long ago, a boy and his fam ily traveled to the United States from far aw ay. How do you think they traveled?

Reading: Sequence o f Events

Unit 6


"Tell me a story Grandpa!" "Okay," says Grandpa. "I'll tell you a story about my grandfather, Carlo. In 1910, Carlo was ten years old. He and his family lived in Italy. They were very poor, so they came to the United States for a better life. This was the first time that Carlo traveled to a place far away." "Really? I'm ten, too," says Henry, "And Mom, Dad, and I visit a different country every summer!" "Yes, Henry. Things are different now," says Grandpa. "How did they travel here?" asks Henry. "They traveled by ship," says Grandpa. "It wasn't an easy trip because the ship was crowded and dirty. There wasn't much food and many people got sick. Carlo was sick too. They arrived at Ellis Island in New York after ten days." "Wow! That's slow!" says Henry. "Now it only takes about nine hours in an airplane." "I know," says Grandpa. "It's very different today."

"What happened at Ellis Island?" asks Henry. "Doctors checked everyone, and Carlo was very scared," says Grandpa. "Why was he scared, Grandpa? Doctors help people," says Henry. "Yes. But people who weren't healthy couldn't enter New York," says Grandpa. "The clerks asked them many questions." "What questions, Grandpa?" asks Henry. "Where are you from? Are you healthy or are you sick?" says Grandpa. "Luckily, Carlo was feeling better so they let him in. And that's why we live here today and not in Italy." "That was a cool story, Grandpa!" says Henry. "I have an idea. Let's take a trip to Italy." "That's a good idea, Henry," says Grandpa. "Let's go next summer." "Awesome, Grandpa! But let's take an airplane, not a ship!"

U n d e rsta n d C o m p re h e n sio n T h in k W hat do you like about the story? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. oOv


cO cE| o o □ o □ o

The trip to the United States : Carlo and his fam ily at Ellis Island i Henry's idea of a trip to Italy


W hat’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt?

Ask and answ er the question.


Number the events in the correct order.

□ □ □ O

T h e trip on the ship. It w a s d a n g e ro u s.

C arlo and his family traveled to the United S tates on a ship. C arlo and his family arrived at Ellis Island. C arlo and his family entered New York.

C arlo and his family live in the United States.

□ □ Q

The clerks asked Carlo questions. C arlo and his family lived in Italy.

Complete the sentences. Write the words. 1 Carlo is G r a n d p a ' s _____________ 2 Henry is

years old.

3 Ellis island is in 4 Henry wants to go to Italy by

T h in k W hat do you think? 1 Is Henry happy that he lives now and not long ago? Why? 2 Was it easy going to a new country long ago? 60

Unit 6


W orkbook G ra m m a r p ag es 050-051

G ra m m a r in U se



Listen and sing along. W hat Did You Do Y e s t e r d a y ? © 1*41 W h a t did yo u do y e s te rd a y ?

W h a t did you do y e s te rd a y ?

Did you visit M a y ? Yes, I did.

Did you tra ve l fa r? No, I didn’t.

Did you w a lk there in the ra in ? Did you clim b up a tree?


Did you travel there by t ra in ?

Did you w a tc h sh o w s on T V ?

W h a t did yo u do y e s te rd a y ?

W h a t did you do y e s te rd a y ?

L e a r n G ra m m a r


Sim ple Past R egular Verbs

Did they travel by ship? Yes, they did. Did they arrive in two d a y s ? No, they didn’t. What did they d o? They lived with C a rlo ’s uncle. Where did they go? How did they travel there? Practice with a partner.

Grandma Helen W here did he tra v e l?

He tra ve le d to New York.


Did he tra v e l by sh ip ? Y e s, he did. Is i t . . . ?


‘ k j

Ask your partner a question about how he or she traveled to school today. Grammar: Simple Past Regular Verbs with Wh- and Yes / No Questions

Unit 6


Com m unicate W ords o

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. © i. 42 --------- -------•>

i y


* J


couch O






Read the sentences. Write the words from © . You can use the sam e word more than once.

What are three things we can sit in o r on?


What are two things we w ash in? What are three things we can see in a bedroom? What are two things we can see in a classro o m ?

L is te n in g T h in k W hat are som e old things in your home? ^ e

Listen. Why were some things sm all a long time ago? © Listen again and m atch. ©



f a bathtub )

& 62

Unit 6



Vocabulary: Furniture • Listening: Details

^ a sink ^ a lamp

a chair a couch

a clock


S p e a k in g _______________________________________________________ Q

Im agine you traveled between two cities in your country a long time ago. Practice with your partner. Use the words in the boxes to help. ©


W ritin g S tu d y Adding -ed to Some Verbs When we talk about things in the past, we add -ed to some verbs. I visited my grandmother.

If the verb ends in e, we just add d. He arrived in New York yesterday.

Complete the sentences. Write the past tense verbs. 1 My grandfather

tra v e le d

to New York in 1910. (travel)

2 Lisa ____________________ late for school, (arrive) 3 My brother 4 We

ball in the park, (play) the building together, (enter)

W r i t e Tell your partner about traveling to a place 100 years ago and traveling there today. Write about it in your Workbook.

Speaking: Describing Travel and Transport • Writing: Adding -ed to Some Verbs

Unit 6


5 an d 6 o


Listen and read along. © 1.46


P r o je c t : I n t e r v ie w a n A d u lt o

Interview an adult. In t e r v ie w • Ask him or her questions about In B . ■ H ow d 'd you cjo to s c h o o l^ r a n d met ?

life now and long ago.


• Write a report of the interview.

Gran dry)a

• Draw or find pictures.


Put your interview on the w all.

Grandma: No, but m traveled to the c ity by bus. Many people d id n 't

Tell the class one interesting

i/Ve w alked.

V 'd y o u travel to p la ces ^Jlery fa r a way l_

Itove ca rs

thing from the interview.

Ml ■ D id you watch TV ?

My g ra n d m o th e r liste n e d to the rad io a long tim e ago. She w a tc h e s T V e very night now.



Grandma ■No, We didn't. iNe Id le meet to the radio. Me I

W alk around the room. Look

Thank y0u) Grandm a.

T in a ’s g ra n d fa th e r lived in New Yo rk a long tim e ago. He lives in B o sto n now.

at all the interviews. Say one thing about each interview.

W h a t did you

Watch the video. a

learn about how things are different


How a re things d iffe re n t now from long ago?


Think more about


Complete the

from long ago?

the Big Question.

Big Question Chart. Project: Interview on Adult • Big Question 3

In units

7 an d 8 you w ill:




a vid eo ab o ut su b tractio n .

abo ut su b tractio n .

ab o u t a g reed y m onkey.


Watch the video.


0 Look at the picture. W hat do you see? 1 What does the boy have? 2 What is he doing? G

Think and answ er the questions. 1 When do we use numbers? 2 How much money did you have two days ago? How much do you have now?


Fill out the Big Question Chart. W h a t do you know about subtraction?

PPr - . - mm i" U N IT

W IS ■ I

7 M


Get Ready .

W ords o


Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. ©



minus sign




test score


take away


■ row


single-digit number

double-digit number


Circle the correct answer. 1 There are 43 apples. I take away 5 apples. There are 2 apples left.

T ru e

(F a ls e )

2 These are single-digit numbers: 1, 4, and 9.

T ru e

F a ls e

3 When your test score is bad, your teacher isn't happy.

T ru e

F a ls e

4 These things are in a column.

T ru e

F a ls e

5 This is a subtraction math problem.

T ru e

F a ls e

6 This is a minus sign.

T ru e 68

Unit 7

F a ls e

Vocabulary: Math



B e fo re You Read T h in k Do you like m ath? What's your favorite number?

In this text, we


learn about


subtraction. This text is an

To reread means to read a text again. You can reread something for many different reasons, such as when you don't understand something. When you reread, read

inform ational text. Remember,


slowly and think about what you're reading.

texts tell us about our world.

Read the text once. Answer the questions.

Math W e use m a th every d a y . People use a d d itio n a n d s u b tra ctio n w h e n th e y buy a n d sell th in g s. Y o ur p are n ts use m a th w h e n th e y buy food a n d clothes for yo u , so th e y k n o w h o w m u ch m on ey th e y need. You use m a th to keep score w h e n yo u p la y a gam e w it h yo u r frien ds.

1 When do people use subtraction? 2 When do you use math? Now reread the text. Answer the question. 1 Why do parents use math?


The text on pages 70 -71 is about subtraction. W hat are the three words you think are in the text?

Reading: Reread

Unit 7


Read What is subtraction? When we add things, we join them together. When we subtract things, we take them aw ay from other things. Then we can see how many things are left.

There are 3 apples left.

Subtracting in Groups



-T h in k s

When we count backward, we're subtracting 1 each time. Count backward from 50 to 1. Now count backward by fives, subtracting 5 each time. Now count backward by tens. How much are you subtracting each time now? OO



f id

w d

ubtraction Math Problems All subtraction math problems have a minus si

n d

lt d

i . ^

Reread this part.

i d

Subtraction Math Problems in R o u j s and Columns

5 j= > a = ) i

We usually write subtraction math problems for single-digit numbers in a row and we usually write subtraction problems for double-digit numbers in a column, q

° ~ T h in k -------

50 20 30

R eread this p a ri.

Subtraction Word Problems Let's use subtraction to solve these problems.

Alma bought five cookies. Her friends ate three. How many cookies were left?


%4 9 fc


Olivia had thirty-five grapes. She gave twenty grapes to her little sister. How many grapes were left?


^ r » YZ * 4

Now think of some things that people subtract every day.

My te a c h e r s u b tra c ts n u m b ers fro m 100 fo r m y te s t s c o re !


C o m p re h e n sio n


T h in k W hat do you like about the text? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. ^ 1 Counting backwards in fives and tens


2 Subtraction math problems in rows and columns 3 Subtraction word problems


Ask and answ er

■tl . -

W hat’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt?

the question. C o u nting b a c k w a rd s in te n s. I t ’s fa s t.


Answer the questions. 1 When we count backward in twenties, how many do we subtract each time?

2 What sign do all subtraction math problems have?


Use these numbers to write subtraction math problems in your notebook. Use rows and columns.

CD ©





T h in k W hat do you think? 1 When do we count backwards? 2 Why can we write single-digit subtraction problems in rows?


Unit 7




W orkbook G ram m ar p ages 060-061

G ra m m a r in U se


Listen and sing along. Cookies! ©





Y e ste rd a y , B illy bought cookies at the store. He b oug ht sixteen co o kie s, but his siste r ate four. His m o th er ate three, an d his brother had eight. H o w m a n y cookies w ere left on B illy ’s p late? T o d a y , B illy didn’t buy cookies a t the store. B u t his m o th er bought three and his sister bought four. His b rother bought sixteen but he on ly had eight. H o w m a n y cookies w ere left on B illy ’s p late?


L e a r n G ra m m a r

Simple Past Irregular Verbs

Alma bought five coo kies. Sh e didn’t buy four. Olivia g ave her s is t e r twenty stickers. She didn’t give her tw enty-six.

eat > ate

see > s a w

buy > bought

W hat did they do? Practice with a partner. M ay a te th ree c a rro ts .


Ma y



se e



S h e did n’t e a t s ix c a rro ts .

Tell your partner something you did and didn't eat or drink yesterday. Grammar: Simple Past Irregular Verbs in Negative Statements

Unit 7


Com m unicate W ords ©

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. ©

clean O







Match the words to the sentences.



a I ate ten cookies!

2 dirty

b I want some water, please,

3 tired

c I want chicken and rice, please,

4 hungry

d I have a new, white dress,

5 thirsty

e I want to sleep,


f I am washing my clothes.


L is te n in g T h in k How do you feel now? O

Listen. What do the kittens drink? ©


Listen again and circle the correct subtraction problem Then write the answer. ©

Unit 7


60 -13

40 -13

14 13

16 15

60 50


18 -15

80 50








Vocabulary: Adjectives • Listening: Number Details


Listen and repeat. Then practice with a partner. Use the words in the box to help. ©


No, th a n k you. , |

Would you like so m e fru it?

p a sta sa la d soup I ’m not hungry.

H ow ab o u t so m e w a te r?

Y es, p lease, I ’m thirs+y.

I d o n ’t like it. I ju s t a te som e, te a ju ic e so d a


Word S tu d y Syllables A word can have more than one part. These parts are called syllab les. Each syllable is a separate sound. O ne-syllable w o rd s: ate, te st, salt Two-syllable w o rd s: dou / ble, bath / tub Three-syllable w ords: an / i / mal, sub / trac / tion

M ark the syllables. Write the number. 1 fe a /th e r


3 instrument

5 liquid



4 message

6 vacation


W rite Think of an interesting subtraction problem with your partner. Now write about it in your Workbook. Speaking: Offering • Syllables



W hen do we u se s u b t r a c t io n ?

Unit 7

I th in k people use subtraction every d ay. I th in k people use subtraction to buy things.



G et Ready

W ords O

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. ©



dig up


bored O



Look at 2 and write the words. 1 People who work in a kitchen:


2 Things we can do: G

Complete the sentences. Write the words from Q . 1 When it rains, I feel

and don't know what to do.

2 He puts money in a _____________________ every day so he can buy a bike. 3 Yesterday, Joe was _____________________ and ate too many cakes. 76

Unit 8

Vocabulary: People Nouns and Verbs


B e fo re You Read T h in k W hat kind of candy do you like? What animals can dig things up? Beginning, Middle, and End of a Story

Bandar, Greedy Monkey


This story is a fable. A fable is a story

Stories have three parts.

that teaches us

• a beginning: Mary baked ten cookies for her friends.

a lesson. Bandar

• a middle: Her brothers were hungry and ate eight cookies.

means monkey, in Hindi. Some people in India

• an end: Mary only had two cookies left for her friends.

speak Hindi.

Read the sentences. Number them in the correct order. Then write B (beginning) for two sentences, IV! (middle) for three sentences, and E (end) for two sentences.

o o o

His test grade is good. She takes aw ay ten points, He takes the test and writes the answers, Aaron has a subtraction test today.


He likes math now. _________

o ©

Ms. Jackson grades Aaron's test. His score is 90.

Look at the pictures on pages 7 8 -7 9 . W hat places do you think are in the story?

Reading: Beginning, Middle, and End o f o Story

Unit 8


Read K a n a a r

K tK elG r e e d y 0 /1 on key 1 / A monkey called Bandar lived in the woods near a small town. One day, Bandar was bored and decided to go into the town. Bandar went to a bakery and saw thirty beautiful cookies. He stole a cookie and ate it. It was good! He ate more and more cookies! The baker saw Bandar and chased him. "You greedy little monkey!" he cried. "Now there are only fifteen cookies!" Bandar ran up a tree and hid in the leaves. When he looked down, he saw sixty small carrots in a garden. When the gardener w asn't looking, Bandar ran down the tree, dug up a carrot, and ate it. It was good! He ate more and more carrots! The gardener saw Bandar and chased him. "You greedy little monkey! Now there are only forty-four carrots!" Bandar went to a restaurant and saw forty-two sausages. He stole a sausage and ate it. It was good! He ate more and more sausages!


The cook saw Bandar and chased him. "You greedy little monkey! Now there are only thirty sausages!" Bandar stole food all over the town. Everyone was angry. They tried to catch Bandar, but he was too fast. Then the candy m aker had an idea. The next day, Bandar went to the candy store. He saw two big jars of candy in every color, and it all looked good! Bandar put his hands in the jars and grabbed twenty pieces of candy. But he couldn't get the candy out of the jars. The candy maker ran in. "You greedy little monkey! Let go of the candy and you can run aw ay!" Did Bandar let go of the candy? No, he didn't, and the candy maker caught him. He took him back to the woods and told him never to come to town again.

C o m p re h e n sio n T h in k W hat do you like about the story? Check (>/). Why? Give one reason. oO^-"— ^ 1 Bandar at the bakery 2 Bandar in the garden 3 Bandar in the candy store


Ask and answ er

W hat’s y o u r fa v o rite p a rt? ________

the question.

G re e d y B a n d a r didn’t let go o f the candy. I t ’s funny.


Look at the pictures. Number them in the correct order. Then write B (beginning), M (middle), and E (end).

0 Read the subtraction word problems. Answer the questions. 1 The baker had thirty cookies. Now he has fifteen. How many cookies did Bandar steal?

c o o k ie s

2 The gardener had sixty carrots. Now he has forty-four. How many carrots did Bandar dig up?

T h in k W hat do you think? 1 Was Bandar a smart monkey? 2 What is the lesson of the story? Give one idea. 80

Unit 8


carro ts

W orkbook G ram m ar I

p ages 068 -0 6 9

G ra m m a r in U se


Listen and sing along. My B ro th e r ©


2 04



W h e re ’s m y kite, an d w h e re ’s m y ball?

Here’s m y kite, and here’s m y ball!

Did I leave them in the hall?

I d id n ’t loose them after all!

W h a t did I do w ith m y to y tra in ?

M om put all m y to y s a w a y !

Did I leave it out a g a in ?

Here th e y are! It’s tim e to play!


W h e re ’s m y rob ot? W h e re ’s m y ca r?


I don’t k n o w w h ere m y to y s are. Did I have them y e s te rd a y ? Did I put them all a w a y ?


L e a r n G ra m m a r

Simple Past Irregular Verbs

Did B a n d ar go to a can dy s t o r e ? Yes, he did. Did he let go o f the can dy? No, he didn’t. What did B an d ar do with the c o o k ie s? He a te them. Follow the lines. Ask your partner the questions. make > made

buy > bought

take > took

sell > sold

H ow m any b allo o n s did he s e ll?

Grammar: Simple Past Irregular Verbs with Wh- and Yes / No Questions

Unit 8


Com m unicate W ords O

Listen and point to the words. Listen ag ain and say the words. ©


( nose



Read the sentences. Write the words from Q . 1 Most anim als don't have these but orangutans have very long ones. 2 People and anim als use it to smell. 3 People use these to clap. We should keep them clean to stay healthy. 4 Your eyes, nose, and mouth are on this body part. 5 We put sneakers on these. 6 This is in the middle of your leg.

L is te n in g T h in k

How m any noses can you see in your classroom ?


Listen. What an im als do you hear about? © 2*06


Listen again and complete the subtraction problem. Write the answer. © 2.07 1

235 -2 0


Unit 8



4 -15

Vocabulary: Body • Listening: Number Details

70 -


6 -1 0

a rm s

S p e a k in g

0 Make a crazy subtraction problem poem by replacing the colored words with your own. Tell your partner. Use the words in the boxes to help. © 2-os T w en ty c o w s s a t in so m e tre e s . Five fell dow n and hurt th e ir kn e e s. H ow m any c o w s w e re le ft in the t r e e s ?

Aa 0b Cc Dd Ee F f Gg Hh Ii JJ Kk U Mm

T h irty e a g le s ...

W ritin g S tu d y Contractions Remember, contractions are two words joined together. We make contractions by taking aw ay a letter and adding an apostrophe ('). do + not = don’t

d o e s + not = d o e s n ’t

can + not = c a n ’t

did + not = didn’t

should + not = shouldn’t

Write the contractions. 1 Karen

d o e s n ’t

2 Bandar

like fruit salad, (does not) dig up carrots in the garden, (should not)

3 Kamil

play a musical instrument, (can not)

4 Bandar

_ let go of the candy, (did not)

5 Mammals W r it e

have wings or gills, (do not)

Tell your partner three things you did last night. Now write about them in your Workbook. Speaking: Describing a Math Problem • Writing: Contractions

Unit 8



7 an d 8 o

W rap Up

Listen and read along. ©




The students'subtraction test scores were very good!

The class played a game. Two students let go. How many students were left?

G o o d jo b , e v e ry o n e ! L e t ’s h a v e a picn ic!


The class sang and danced. Three students hid in the bushes. How many were left?

They had thirteen sandwiches. The birds stole eight. How many were left?

There were twenty-four cookies. Gus ate ten. How many cookies were left?

Ms. Smart took a picture of the class. They were tired, hungry, and thirsty, but they were happy.


P r o je c t : Make a Subtraction Board Game


Make a subtraction board gam e. to

• Draw the squares.

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• Think of the subtraction problems. • Write the problems in the squares.





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