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Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models in R
Familiarize yourself with probabilistic graphical models through real-world problems and illustrative code examples in R
David Bellot
Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models in R Copyright © 2016 Packt Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book. Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: April 2016
Production reference: 1270416
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd. Livery Place 35 Livery Street Birmingham B3 2PB, UK. ISBN 978-1-78439-205-5 www.packtpub.com
Credits Author
Project Coordinator
David Bellot
Kinjal Bari
Mzabalazo Z. Ngwenya
Safis Editing
Prabhanjan Tattar Indexer Mariammal Chettiyar
Acquisition Editor Divya Poojari
Graphics Content Development Editor
Abhinash Sahu
Trusha Shriyan Production Coordinator Technical Editor
Nilesh Mohite
Vivek Arora Cover Work Copy Editor
Nilesh Mohite
Stephen Copestake
About the Author David Bellot is a PhD graduate in computer science from INRIA, France, with a
focus on Bayesian machine learning. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, and worked for companies such as Intel, Orange, and Barclays Bank. He currently works in the financial industry, where he develops financial market prediction algorithms using machine learning. He is also a contributor to open source projects such as the Boost C++ library.
About the Reviewers Mzabalazo Z. Ngwenya holds a postgraduate degree in mathematical statistics
from the University of Cape Town. He has worked extensively in the field of statistical consulting and has considerable experience working with R. Areas of interest to him are primarily centered around statistical computing. Previously, he has been involved in reviewing the following Packt Publishing titles: Learning RStudio for R Statistical Computing, Mark P.J. van der Loo and Edwin de Jonge; R Statistical Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide, Prabhanjan Narayanachar Tattar; Machine Learning with R, Brett Lantz; R Graph Essentials, David Alexandra Lillis; R Object-oriented Programming, Kelly Black; Mastering Scientific Computing with R, Paul Gerrard and Radia Johnson; and Mastering Data Analysis with R, Gergely Darócz.
Prabhanjan Tattar is currently working as a senior data scientist at Fractal Analytics, Inc. He has 8 years of experience as a statistical analyst. Survival analysis and statistical inference are his main areas of research/interest. He has published several research papers in peer-reviewed journals and authored two books on R: R Statistical Application Development by Example, Packt Publishing; and A Course in Statistics with R, Wiley. The R packages gpk, RSADBE, and ACSWR are also maintained by him.
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Table of Contents Preface v Chapter 1: Probabilistic Reasoning 1 Machine learning Representing uncertainty with probabilities Beliefs and uncertainty as probabilities Conditional probability Probability calculus and random variables Sample space, events, and probability Random variables and probability calculus
Joint probability distributions Bayes' rule
Interpreting the Bayes' formula A first example of Bayes' rule A first example of Bayes' rule in R
4 5 6 7 7
7 8
10 11 13 13 16
Probabilistic graphical models 20 Probabilistic models 20 Graphs and conditional independence 21 Factorizing a distribution 23 Directed models 24 Undirected models 25 Examples and applications 26 Summary 31
Chapter 2: Exact Inference
Building graphical models Types of random variable Building graphs
Probabilistic expert system Basic structures in probabilistic graphical models
Variable elimination
35 36 37
37 40
Table of Contents
Sum-product and belief updates 47 The junction tree algorithm 51 Examples of probabilistic graphical models 62 The sprinkler example 62 The medical expert system 63 Models with more than two layers 64 Tree structure 66 Summary 68
Chapter 3: Learning Parameters
Chapter 4: Bayesian Modeling – Basic Models
Introduction 71 Learning by inference 75 Maximum likelihood 79 How are empirical and model distribution related? 79 The ML algorithm and its implementation in R 82 Application 86 Learning with hidden variables – the EM algorithm 88 Latent variables 89 Principles of the EM algorithm 90 Derivation of the EM algorithm 91 Applying EM to graphical models 93 Summary 94
The Naive Bayes model 98 Representation 100 Learning the Naive Bayes model 101 Bayesian Naive Bayes 104 Beta-Binomial 106 The prior distribution 111 The posterior distribution with the conjugacy property 112 Which values should we choose for the Beta parameters? 113 The Gaussian mixture model 115 Definition 116 Summary 122
Chapter 5: Approximate Inference Sampling from a distribution Basic sampling algorithms Standard distributions Rejection sampling An implementation in R
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125 126 129 129 133 135
Table of Contents
Importance sampling 142 An implementation in R 144 Markov Chain Monte-Carlo 152 General idea of the method 153 The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm 154 MCMC for probabilistic graphical models in R 162 Installing Stan and RStan 163 A simple example in RStan 164 Summary 165
Chapter 6: Bayesian Modeling – Linear Models
Chapter 7: Probabilistic Mixture Models
Linear regression 169 Estimating the parameters 170 Bayesian linear models 176 Over-fitting a model 176 Graphical model of a linear model 179 Posterior distribution 181 Implementation in R 184 A stable implementation 188 More packages in R 194 Summary 195 Mixture models 198 EM for mixture models 200 Mixture of Bernoulli 207 Mixture of experts 210 Latent Dirichlet Allocation 215 The LDA model 216 Variational inference 220 Examples 221 Summary 224
Appendix 227 References 227 Books on the Bayesian theory 227 Books on machine learning 228 Papers 228
Index 229
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Preface Probabilistic graphical models is one of the most advanced techniques in machine learning to represent data and models in the real world with probabilities. In many instances, it uses the Bayesian paradigm to describe algorithms that can draw conclusions from noisy and uncertain real-world data. The book covers topics such as inference (automated reasoning and learning), which is automatically building models from raw data. It explains how all the algorithms work step by step and presents readily usable solutions in R with many examples. After covering the basic principles of probabilities and the Bayes formula, it presents Probabilistic Graphical Models(PGMs) and several types of inference and learning algorithms. The reader will go from the design to the automatic fitting of the model. Then, the books focuses on useful models that have proven track records in solving many data science problems, such as Bayesian classifiers, Mixtures models, Bayesian Linear Regression, and also simpler models that are used as basic components to build more complex models.
What this book covers
Chapter 1, Probabilistic Reasoning, covers topics from the basic concepts of probabilities to PGMs as a generic framework to do tractable, efficient, and easy modeling with probabilistic models, through the presentation of the Bayes formula. Chapter 2, Exact Inference, shows you how to build PGMs by combining simple graphs and perform queries on the model using an exact inference algorithm called the junction tree algorithm. Chapter 3, Learning Parameters, includes fitting and learning the PGM models from data sets with the Maximum Likelihood approach.
Chapter 4, Bayesian Modeling – Basic Models, covers simple and powerful Bayesian models that can be used as building blocks for more advanced models and shows you how to fit and query them with adapted algorithms. Chapter 5, Approximate Inference, covers the second way to perform an inference in PGM using sampling algorithms and a presentation of the main sampling algorithms such as MCMC. Chapter 6, Bayesian Modeling – Linear Models, shows you a more Bayesian view of the standard linear regression algorithm and a solution to the problem of over-fitting. Chapter 7, Probabilistic Mixture Models, goes over more advanced probabilistic models in which the data comes from a mixture of several simple models. Appendix, References, includes all the books and articles which have been used to write this book.
What you need for this book
All the examples in this book can be used with R version 3 or above on any platform and operating system supporting R.
Who this book is for
This book is for anyone who has to deal with lots of data and draw conclusions from it, especially when the data is noisy or uncertain. Data scientists, machine learning enthusiasts, engineers, and those who are curious about the latest advances in machine learning will find PGM interesting.
In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning. Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: "We can also mention the arm package, which provides Bayesian versions of glm() and polr() and implements hierarchical models."
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Any command-line input or output is written as follows: pred_sigma