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Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold
Show Guide for Dubbing & Subtitling Translation/Adaptation Version 2 - Dated: 07/25/2017 Prepared by: Melody Stivers, Netflix Content Localization mstivers@netflix.com THIS DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND SHOULD NOT BE SHARED WITH ANYONE OUTSIDE OF NETFLIX, THE SUBTITLING COMPANIES AND DUBBING STUDIOS SECURED TO WORK ON THE SHOW.
Version 2
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Netflix Show Guide Table of Contents 1. General Information
2. Creative / Production
4 4
2.1 Creative Letter / Series Overview 2.2 Character information
2.3 Main Title
2.4 Main Title Usage in Dialogue
2.5 Episode Titles 3. Legal
3.1 Music & Song General Treatment
3.2 Music and Song Clearances
3.3 Additional Guidelines
4. Content Localization
4.1 Onscreen Text Treatment
4.2 Foreign Dialogue Treatment
4.3 Additional Notes/Annotations
5. Update Log
PURPOSE OF THIS DOCUMENT Netflix offers industry-leading streaming entertainment to all audiences across the globe. For a majority of our subscribers, the localized assets are the key means by which they engage with the program; therefore we have to ensure that these are also of the highest quality in order to provide an excellent customer experience. In our goal to give our viewers the best localized experience possible, we strive to uphold creative intent and artistic vision throughout the subtitles and dubbed audio extended to our foreign audience. This document serves as the primary guide for all information regarding the brand, creative elements, and consistency guidelines for localized asset creation. This document is intended for all parties—internal & external—involved in the creation of localized assets for Netflix Originals. Good localization is not an easy process and for this reason we create this document to aid in quality, consistency, alignment, artistic performance and protection of licensed content. Additional Materials available (please contact the Content Localization Specialist) KNP document link is here; N etflix Globalization fills out the transliterations to use. Localization vendor is responsible for filling out and/or following KNP translations for consistency between subtitles and dubs; additionally, these terms are accessed for on-site text. Version 2
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1. General Information Title: Movie ID: Content Type: First Release Year: Original Language(s): Country of Origin: Runtime: Genres:
Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold 80117454 Documentary standalone 2017 English US TBC Documentary, feature
Original Filmmaking Team Director/Producer: Griffin Dunne Producers: Annabelle Dunne, Mary Recine Editors: Gabriel Rhodes, Ann Collins Post Supervisor: Isabel Henderson
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2. Creative / Production 2.1 Creative Letter / Series Overview A moving portrait of one of the most admired authors of the 20th century.
2.2 Character information [See KNP] Casting note for these voiceover dubs: While the documentary covers various stages of Joan’s life, the dubbing studio should not cast different voices to represent different life stages/ages.
2.3 Main Title Original Language Title: Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold Context of title: “Joan Didion” is the name of the author. “The Center Will Not Hold” refers to a line in Didion’s essay “Slouching Towards Bethlehem” in which she writes, “The center was not holding.” Also: this line is a take from the W.B. Yeats’ poem “The Second Coming”: "Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold." Extra note: Didion refers to another line from this poem (“what rough beast slouches towards Bethlehem to be born”) to reference how she came up with the title “Slouching Towards Bethlehem”. Approved Japanese title: TBC
2.4 Main Title Usage in Dialogue Please reference and follow the approved title translations when the name “Joan Didion” and/or the phrase “The center will not hold” (different wording versions including “the center cannot hold”) are mentioned within the content - for consistency across subtitles, dubs and on-site metadata. Title translations TBC - will be provided and show within KNP when they are available
2.5 Episode Titles N/A
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3. Legal 3.1 Music & Song General Treatment
Important Notes: For any specific questions contact the Localization Specialist (email above). ● Songs should be translated and dubbed/subbed only if plot-pertinent and if the rights have been granted. ● There's NO need to add dub/sub for non-plot-pertinent songs playing in the background. ● For SDH, please adhere to the English SDH Style Guide for all audible songs regardless of plot-pertinence.
For Polish dubbing, please reference the Polish Lector Dubbing Style Guide for song treatment guidance.
3.2 Music and Song Clearances N/A
3.3 Additional Guidelines For books/essays mentioned in the content, please leave titles in English unless there is a well-known translation in territory.
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4. Content Localization 4.1 Onscreen Text Treatment Important Notes: For any specific questions contact the Localization Specialist (email above). ● Main Title Card on-screen text treatment - Do not translate, except for Japanese. ● Netflix Original Credits - Please use Netflix approved translations in Backlot Help Center located here1. ● Burnt-in text, on-screen text messages, quotes or forced narratives - please translate and subtitle for all languages. Please do not dub for these instances (exception: Polish lektor). ● Audio Description file should convey all plot-pertinent on-screen text and subtitles. ● Dubbing notes apply to lipsync dubbing only - for Polish lektor, please refer to Netflix Dubbed Audio - Lektor Dubbing Guide, see here2. ○ Reminder: for this doc content, VO (aka UN style) dubbing is required. ● Language Timed Text Style Guides can be found here3. ● Reminder: Dialogue is to take priority in subtitles wherever there is a conflict with on-screen text instances.
4.2 Foreign Dialogue Treatment General treatment guidelines: Hard-to-understand English (including accented, muffled and/or voice-changed English) - if applicable ● For EN FN only: There should be English subtitles as per original version - mirror the burned-in English subs that cover hard-to-understand (accented/etc.) English. ● For Dubbing and Subtitling of other languages: translate and cover in dubs/subs along with other English dialogue. No foreign dialogue in this title.
4.3 Additional Notes/Annotations General treatment guidelines: Archival footage - if applicable - i.e., anything filmed previously and/or separately from this documentary feature (e.g., taped interrogations, news/court footage): 1) For Dubbing: Please retain original audio; do not dub. Translate/include in forced subtitle file. 2) For Subtitling: Translate and subtitle. Examples in this title: TV/interview appearances 1 2 3
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oNJQBbfTCGBeziKjYftn-J5JU2KHFU7_CThZryQ_llg/edit#gid=0 https://backlothelp.netflix.com/hc/en-us/articles/220454368-Dubbed-Audio-Style-Guide-Lector-Dubbing https://backlothelp.netflix.com/hc/en-us/categories/202282037-SPECIFICATIONS-GUIDES
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CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION When passages are being read from Joan’s books/essays/etc., please translate and include within the subtitles and dubs.
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5. Update Log 07/12/2017 - VERSION #1 ●
Original version
07/25/2017 - VERSION #2 ● ● ●
General Information ○ Netflix Globalization will not be handling the transliterations in the KNP tool; localization vendor enters these along with other translations 2.2 Character Information ○ VO dub casting note added 4.3 Additional Notes/Annotations ○ Readings note added
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