Fanya Inglés - The Empire Strikes Back

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Tongue-Tied Technician


DEXTERITY 2D+ 1 Dodge 3D, Running 3D+1 KNOWLEDGE 3D+ 1 Languages 4D+2, Planetary Systems 4D+1, Scholar : Subspace Radio 6D+2, Technology SD+1 MECHANICAL 3D+2 Beast Riding: Tauntaun 4D+1, Com-Scan 6D, Com-Scan: Frequency Encoding/Decoding 7D, Repulsorlift Operation 4D PERCEPTION 3D+2 Search SD+2, Search: Listen 6D+2, Sneak 4D+2 STRENGTH 2D TECHNICAL 3D Computer Programming/Repair 4D+1, ComScan Repair 4D FORCE SENSITIVE: No I FORCE POINTS: 1 DARK SIDE POINTS: 0 I CHARACTER POINTS: 7 MOVE: 10 ADVANTAGES&. DISADVANTAGES:

ACUTE HEARING: Fanya possesses a highly-developed sense of hearing. If she fails a skill check that is based upon her sense of hearing, Fanya may immediately make a second attempt to succeed . AWKWARD WALLFLOWER: Whenever she is called upon to verbally communicate ideas of even mild complexity, Fanya must first make a Willpower check vs. Difficult difficulty (16-20). If this check succeeds, her already stilted social skills suffer no further penalty . If this check fails however, then the difference between the target number and her failed roll is added to the difficulty number of any interaction-based skill checks she makes for the remainder of the round or scene. As with other interaction -based encounters, it is suggested that the effects of this character trait be roleplayed, rather than be determined strictly by die roll. EQUIPMENT: Comlink, Heavy Subspace Radio Headphones, Rebel Alliance Cold-Weather Padded Vest (Covers torso only, Provides +2 to Stamina to resist freezing temperatures).

Stats, Text & Layout by PIETRE VALBUENA.

CAPSULE: Sometimes mistaken for Chief Comm-Officer Toryn Farr, Fanya Ingles was Echo-Base's Subspace Radio specialist. While Chief-Controller Farr was charged with monitoring the space surrounding Hath for any anomalies and with issuing orders to Rebels ships and personnel, it was Fanya's duty to descramble any coded transmissions that were received - while ensuring that outgoing Alliance signals remained secure.

Perhaps because she spent most of her time in quiet concentration, Fanya was quite socially awkward. She fumbled for words even during polite small talk and eventually wound up keeping to herself - all of the time. Despite her accomplished skills and her cute tomboyish appearance, she became largely anonymous amongst her fellow Rebels and was able to move freely about Echo-Base, exploring it at her leisure and at odd hours. Although Fanya had become socially isolated, she was actually often physically present. She eavesdropped on conversations whose inside jokes she didn't understand and intently followed whatever technical demonstration or training there was to be had. Apart from allowing Fanya to indulge an interest in technology outside her field of expertise, her unobtrusiveness let her spend an inordinate amount of time with Echo-Base's Tauntauns, as the creatures strangely fascinated her. Fanya's frequent visits to the patrol mounts finally caught the attention of Tauntaun-tamer Corman Quien, and security chief Bren Derlin. Major Derlin had been known to bloviate about dubious factoids - if given the chance - and he took an instant liking to Fanya . Derlin perceived her quiet demeanor as appreciation for his long-winded stories and the two soon became friends. Derlin promised to take her to a lively cantina where everyone knew his name, after the war was over, all the while hoping that romantic feelings he secretly harbored were in fact mutual. One night that would have otherwise been spent listening to Derlin prattle on, Fanya volunteered for a double-shift at the Comm, taking the place of an ailing Controller. Early the next morning, Fanya briefly detected a faint but suspicious frequency. The signal disappeared quickly and she could find no further evidence of it. Rather than dismissing this as a minor hallucination brought on by fatigue, Fanya successfully - albeit almost incoherently - conveyed her misgivings to Chief-Controller Farr. In response, the Rebels widened the perimeter of their regular patrols . This soured her friendship with Derlin, who began to feel territorial about the operations under his command. He began to play everything by the book and advised locking down the base, even though Commander Skywalker had not returned from a routine patrol - one whose reach had been expanded at Fanya's suggestion. Fortunately for the Rebels, Fanya would later be proven correct. The anomalous signals had come from Imperial Probe Droids in search of the Rebel Base and her discovery aided the timing of the Alliance's evacuation. Nevertheless, she and Major Derlin never spoke to one another again. And although subsequent tours of duty would take her throughout the galaxy, Fanya Ingles would never wind up visiting a certain lively cantina in Mas Eisley.
Fanya Inglés - The Empire Strikes Back

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