FN-2199 - The Force Awakens

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FN-2199 aka "NINES" 1 Resolute Riot Control Trooper ALLEGIANCE: To the First Order


QUOTE: "Traitor!"



DEXTERITY 4D Blaster: blaster rifle SD, brawling parry SD, melee combat 6D, melee combat: tonfa weaponry 7D, melee parry 6D+1 KNOWLEDGE 2D Intimidation 4D, survival 3D+1, tactics 3D, tactics: riot control 4D, willpower 4D+1 MECHANICAL 2D PERCEPTION 3D Search 4D, search: treason SD STRENGTH 3D Brawling 40+2, stamina 4D+1 TECHNICAL 2D First aid 30+1, security 3D CHARACTER POINTS: 4 I MOVE: 10 CAPSULE: FN-2199 was a faithful servant of the First Order in the decades following the Galactic Civil War. A member of the FN Corps, alongside FN-2000 {"Zeroes"), FN-2003 ("Slip") and FN-2187, FN-2199 assumed the nickname " Nines" after taking a liking to the sound of it. Rigorously trained under Captain Phasma, Nines and his three brothers-in-arms spent their formative years immersed in combat simulations and live-fire exercises.

Of his comrades, Nines was the most dedicated. And although FN-2187 was considered the star cadet, Nines was generally acknowledged to be the superior close quarters combatant, with FN-2187 able to best him only after Nines had grown fatigued from defeating previous sparring partners. During their first deployment, FN Corps was called upon to suppress an uprising in the mining facility of the Pressy's Tumble asteroid field. Ordered to kill the workers that had gone on strike, Nines was reluctant, but carried out his duties nonetheless, once Slip and Zeroes opened fire. He has proven unwavering to the cause ever since. WEAPONS: Betaplast Ballistic Riot Shield: Melee Difficulty: Easy, Body Strength: 4D, Game Notes: If parry roll succeeds, shield blocks incoming attacks on one facing side, at 1/4 cover, Body Strength 4D. If used as melee weapon, shield causes STR+2 damage. Use of firing slit increases firing difficulties by one level, while providing 1/4 cover.

F-110 Blaster Rifle: Damage: 5D+1, Range : 3-40/120/300, Ammo: 200, Fire Rate: 1, Game Notes : Scope grants +1D bonus vs. targets at a distance greater than 50 meters, and negates low-light penalties. Z6 Riot Control Baton: Damage: STR+1D physical or SD stun, Base Melee Difficulty : Easy, Body Strength: 6D, Ammo: 100 charges, Game Notes: Resistant to damage from plasma-based weaponry. Deployment of stun charge conductor vanes counts as one non-roll action. Wielder may attempt to use baton's capability of being spun by its handle to his advantage. If maneuver is declared and melee roll exceeds Difficult difficulty, user gains a +1D bonus to attack or parry .

Nines was one of many First Order soldiers deployed to Takodana in pursuit of the astromech droid, BB-8. In the ensuing battle at the ruins of Maz Kanata's castle, Nines encountered FN-2187, by then known as "Finn" and as a deserter who was aiding the Resistance. Urged on by his feelings of absolute loyalty to the First Order and by anger at FN-2187's betrayal, Nines cast aside his shield and blaster, in order to engage his former friend in single combat. After a fierce fight, Nines gained the upper hand and would have struck a killing blow, were it not for the timely and true aim of Han Solo, who brought the duel to an end with a single shot from his co- pilot's bowcaster and spared FN - 2187 from final First Order justice. EQUIPMENT: First Order Stormtrooper Armor: +2D vs. physical, +1D vs . energy, no DEX penalties. Filtration system grants +1D bonus to Stamina vs. smoke, but not other airborne toxins. Positive grip boots grant +2 bonus to Running. Helmet is equipped with comlink, integrated HUD, nightvision (negates penalties for darkness, up to SOm), polarized lenses (prevent flash-blinding) and rangefinder (able to measure target distance up to 350m). REFERENCES: Vector artwork by MATT NEEDLER. Capsule adapted from Wookieepedia and starwars.com . Equipment and weapon stats by +OLIVER QUEEN . Character stats, text, layout and additional game mechanics for Z6 riot control baton by PIETRE VALBUENA.
FN-2199 - The Force Awakens

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