Military Modelling Vol.45 Issue 08

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“Home on the Range”

Tank target provides a haven for wildlife!

Sun King Somua

Masonry Anchors

Breaker Morant

Tamiya’s French S35 proves an easy assembly project

Small details that bring miniature buildings to life

A 1:9 scale bust of the infamous Australian Light Horseman 24th July 2015



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contents Vol.45 No.8 2015

Published by MyTimeMedia Ltd Enterprise House, Enterprise Way, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6HF Phone: 0844 412 2262 From outside UK: +44 (0) 1689 869 840


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Mac McConnell begins a two-part feature on the construction of an atmospheric 1:35 scale diorama that mixes a Cromwell tank range target with wildlife!


Steve Zaloga finds that Tamiya’s new 1:35 scale Somua S35 kit is a “very easy assembly project”.


Emmanuel Nouaillier describes how to model wall anchor plates and ties, features commonly found on old buildings.




Tomasz Basarabowicz charts the camouflage and markings of the Division’s vehicles during the period of 1944-45 in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany.

52 BREAKER MORANT Christopher McGrane turns an Australian Light Horseman bust into “Scapegoat of the Empire” Lieutenant Harry Morant.


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News for military modellers.

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What’s going on at Military Modelling magazine’s website?


Robin Buckland rounds-up the latest news and releases for armour fans.


Paul Gandy describes a visit to the REME Historic Vehicle Collection at Bordon in Hampshire.


Recommended books for military modellers.


Products’ review section.


What’s coming up in your favourite modelling magazine!



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Notice Board Information and diary dates The Editor welcomes copy for publication in ‘Notice Board’. This service is free of charge. Obvious ‘for sale’ notices, either private or trade will not be accepted. These restrictions do not apply to bona-fide museums and collections or traders wishing to pass on information about the availability of products to readers. Would secretaries of clubs and societies please allow a three-month lead time for time-sensitive notices. Please note: under no circumstances will copy be accepted by telephone. All notices must be in writing, by letter or e-mail. Please send all copy for ‘Notice Board’ direct to the Editor at the address listed under ‘Editorial’ on the contents page.

Anniversary Euro Militaire As the show is now fast approaching it’s time to remind readers that it will be held over the weekend of the 19th and 20th September in its traditional venue of the Leas Cliff Hall in Folkestone, Kent. This is the 30th year of the show and appropriately for this 200th anniversary year of the Battle of Waterloo, the prizes for the competition this year will be presented by actor Jason Salky, who played Rifleman Harris in the popular TV series, Sharp. In addition to the competitions taking place in the lower hall, The Channel Suite, you will also find a good variety of Trade Stands in the foyer and in the main hall, along with a number of club displays. Lots to tempt

Western Approaches! The missing piece has finally been inserted into the South Western IPMS jigsaw. The start-up of the South Somerset (So-So) Model Club, covering the entire southern half of Somerset and East Devon, will result in IPMS modellers from Bristol to Lands End, and


you into buying that figure, AFV, paints, reference book or new tools which you have been considering over time. There is plenty to eat and drink within the Leas Cliff Hall facilities, as well as it being just a short walk into the centre of Folkestone to the hotels, pubs and restaurants at the end of the day. Being held over a weekend means there is lots of opportunity to meet up with friends and catch up over something to eat and drink. One other new thing for this year is that we have a selection of prizes, including books and kits, which will be won according to your ticket number. These will be drawn at random, so be sure to listen out for the ticket numbers being called out across both days of the show. Our thanks go to sponsors such as Pen & Sword, Casemate Books, Hobby Link Japan, CGS and Ammo of Mig Jiminez who are among those who have kindly donated the prizes for this. So, make sure you have bought your tickets for Euro Militaire 2015! For more information on the show visit:

Barnstaple to Yeovil, being able to access an IPMS club rarely more than 1-hour’s travel away! This development marks the beginning of a regional-wide IPMS presence, in which IPMS clubs throughout the South West will be co-operating to attract more young people; seeking to bring

Forty not out! While putting the finishing touches to this issue I have just realised that it’s exactly 40-years since I began my working life in hobby publishing! Way back in July 1975 I joined the staff of Military Modelling and Battle magazines as an Editorial Assistant and for the next eight years had a most wonderful time. Promotion to editor of sister magazine Scale Models in 1983 saw me stay with this title for an amazing 17-years before joining Model Engineer for a 10-year stint. Finally, when MM’s

more adult ‘returners’ back into modelling and conducting joint regional publicity activities. The club has now established links with the Cadet (RAF, Army and Navy) movement, Youth Clubs, RAFA, RBL and RNVR throughout the county. Responding to a request from the world-famous Fleet Air Arm Museum at Yeovilton, the club will be putting on a unique model display for the Museum’s ‘Search and Rescue Day’ to be held on Sunday 2nd August. The Fleet Air Arm Museum has also accepted the club’s offer of help with their twice-yearly model shows (the biggest in the South West) by running the model competitions for them. The club will also be exhibiting at the following model shows this year: Avon IPMS, 9th August; West Cornwall IPMS, 12th September; Fleet Air Arm Museum Autumn Show, 24th October. They will then round off the year by taking a party to the IPMS Nationals at Telford in November. New members (young or old, beginner or expert) are much needed to help make these events successful. The first meeting of the South Somerset Model Club will be at 7pm on Friday 14th August at Donyatt Bowling Club, near Ilminster, Somerset TA19 0RG. Future meetings will be on the 2nd Friday of every month. For more detailed information you can call the Club Secretary Brian on 07932 275 770; E-mail or visit the website at http://

previous editor Ken Jones retired in 2010 after his long tenure of over 30-years, I was handed the reins as new editor – seems that my ‘modelling career wheel’ had come full circle! I would now just like to take this opportunity to thank everybody I have met along the way, whether readers, contributors or fellow staff members, for all their help and advice on matters relating to modelling and magazine production – the enthusiasm and friendly nature of the people involved in this wonderful community ‘of ours’ never ceases to amaze me. So, I await my Carriage Clock with baited breath (lol!) and look forward to producing many more issues of MM for your interest and enjoyment. Kelvin

New exhibition for Chatham The latest exhibition showing at No.1 Smithery: The Gallery at The Historic Dockyard Chatham, Kent, is the nostalgic and thoughtprovoking highly acclaimed touring exhibition from the V&A Museum of Childhood in London entitled ‘War Games’. The exhibition, which is for adults and children alike, features a vast and diverse collection of classic and retro toys and games spanning over 200-years; tin ships and toy soldiers, action figures including Action Man, GI Joe and Iron Man; toy weapons and ‘anti-war’ toys; strategy board games including Risk and computer games including Call of Duty, as well as examples of fascinating science fiction and space adventure like Star Wars and Dr Who. ‘War Games’ explores the intriguing relationship between conflict and children’s play, providing a fascinating insight into the ways toys and games have been influenced by warfare over the last 200-years through four different sections – Playing at War, On the Battlefield, Reality to Fantasy and Secret Weapons. One of the centrepieces of the exhibition is a 3-dimensional vibrant action scene, featuring familiar space fantasy toys, iconic green toy soldiers and action figures, as well as many other recognisable characters. ‘War Games’ runs from 27th June until 20th September in No.1 Smithery: The Gallery and is included in the normal dockyard admission price.

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015










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LEFT: Ken Bellringer and the kits that started a new modelling club at Headley Court. ABOVE & RIGHT: More members of the new modelling club at Headley Court are making good use of our donations. BELOW: The completed build of Gary’s 1:35 scale Canadian Cougar has been a recent photo feature on our website. News from the Military Modelling website and forum If you would like to submit an item for the website email Robin Buckland at or come and join our online presence at the world of military modelling at your fingertips


ver recent months we have seen a very worthwhile appeal made by one of our regular website members, Simon Robinson (‘Simmer’) regarding help for the rehabilitation centre of British servicemen and women at Headley Court in Surrey.

Member Michael Shillabeer built this 1:35 scale 2S19 as part of our Group build project.


Following a request from Simon a significant number of kits and associated modelling materials have been donated for use by patients at Headley Court, to help with rehabilitation. In addition to the response from our forum members, MyTimeMedia Ltd has provided a free subscription for the unit, including both web and paper copies of Military Modelling, along with some tools and kits I was able to drop into them. Another selection of kits was even sent over direct by Dragon Models who kindly helped out. This has been a heartening story to see unfold on our forum, and for the support it has received. Just to give you an idea, here are some comments from Ken Bellringer*, one of the patients at Headley Court about what this has done for them… “Approximately 60 model kits have been received (a number still rising) across the full spectrum (armour, figures,

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


LEFT: Even Robin managed to finish this beer-carrying Spitfire in a build of the 1:48 scale Italeri kit. BELOW: Gary Radford built this 1:48 scale Airfix Lightning in honour of Tim.

cars, aircraft etc.) and differing scales. We have also received loads of kit, knives, snips, cutting mats etc. We have a location for everything, but it’s quite full now and I believe Clare has put a stop on things for the time being. So thanks to everyone who has donated, especially to Simmer who really got things going. About a dozen lads have grabbed a kit and are cracking on with it, some have said it helps them relax and others that it helps distract/deal with pain. Here’s a top tip though, never try constructing a model at the same table as a Gurkha, you’ll spend more time helping him than getting on with your own! I’ve selected a Sexton II 25pdr SP gun in 1:35 scale from Dragon. The challenge for me is dexterity, I have no thumbs, the four fingers on my right hand have limited movement and my left hand is missing a little finger and various parts of the remaining fingers, which themselves are very limited. That said the snips received are sprung and work excellently, filing isn’t a problem and I’ve had a crocodile clip mounted on a screwdriver to hold the small pieces. My main difficulty is cementing the pieces as at the moment I’m just trying to use a standard tube. I’ve seen different types of applicators available, so perhaps someone could let me know what these are like to use, including any top tips for cementing/gluing”. *Ken Bellringer was serving with 11 Explosive Ordnance Disposal Regiment, Royal Logistics Corps in Afghanistan in 2009 when he was given only a 10 per cent chance of surviving after suffering horrific injuries, including the loss of both legs in an IED blast. Our Group Build in memory of Johnny and Tim, two members who passed away last year, has been amazing and certainly the

most models built within one of our group build projects to date. Thank you to everyone who joined in. A recent photo feature has displayed the end result of a build of Trumpeter’s kit of the 1:35 scale Canadian Cougar 6-wheel armoured car as completed by regular contributor to both our website and the magazine, Gary Radford.

ABOVE: Ross Moore went for a Mig 21 as his project.

BELOW: Richard Foenander did some great work detailing the engine on his Spitfire.


AFV The author’s completed model in its target range diorama setting.

Range Haven Mac McConnell begins a two-part feature on the construction of an atmospheric 1:35 scale diorama that mixes a Cromwell tank range target with wildlife!


t was one of those projects that had been on the back burner for a while, where I had originally wanted to build the Comet as an in-service vehicle after seeing Accurate Armour’s opened up engine bay for it at Euro Militaire some years ago. Well as they do, one thing and another soon found the Comet back in the box and forgotten… I had seen a number of ‘rust projects’ on the go and liked what I saw so, remembering I had an old Cromwell kit, I went to my kit stash and fished it out. Luckily, on checking through the box everything was all present and correct. Before proceeding I must apologise for the quality of the first few photos as they were taken quite some time ago!

Test-fitting the engine.


Vehicle build I already had in stock an etched detail set from Aber, some Fruilmodel cast white metal tracks and an engine bay from Accurate Armour. To begin the project I first completed the Accurate Armour engine and this proved pretty straightforward. As I planned to leave the turret attached there was no need for internals, most of which would have been destroyed anyway as this vehicle had already received a few direct hits. I wanted the vehicle to be recognisable, yet damaged, so decided to fit etched fenders for scale thickness, which I ‘set about’ with some flat, long nosed pliers to bend them up a bit. I also used a burr to thin out parts to make holes, but no side bins were fitted. This was one of my first soldering attempts and it all went together without any major problems. Next, I set about adding some texture to the armoured plates with a Dremel drill with a burr fitted and set on slow speed. Just let the burr bounce off the plastic at slow speed using different burrs and pressures; this takes some time and I also drilled a few holes to show penetration shots. Finally, I used a soldering iron on reduced heat to add a few choice gouges and shot scars. Once done, the vehicle was given a rub down before covering it with liquid glue to remove any remaining burrs and left to set. The running gear was given the normal rubber chipping to the tyres, etc., but wasn’t attached yet because the swing arm locking tabs had been removed so the suspension for the middle three roadwheels on each side would be movable. This is a good, solid Tamiya kit and the vehicle itself is very refined. The engine deck was probably the most difficult part of the build as it required a lot of test fittings for the frame and all the hatches (there are a lot of them) and different layouts for various marks, but I got there in the end and finished it off by making quite a few handles out of cooper wire. I added

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


LEFT: The Friulmodel white metal tracks added. BELOW: The full movement of the middle three roadwheels. Note that I have got the track direction wrong – the vee-shaped cleats should point towards the tank’s front. (I blame the guys in the workshop who prepared this particular vehicle for the range!)

the etched fenders and made some further range damage. I’m not going to dwell too much more on the vehicle build, as I didn’t save a lot of the original photos taken of it.

Painting This, for me, is always the fun part adding life to plastic. The roadwheels and turret were left unattached before all parts were given an undercoat of Halfords’ Red Oxide. I then dabbed on several rust colours with a sponge using Vallejo Dark and Light Rust, before several layers of hairspray were applied pausing for about 15-minutes between coats. A topcoat of Mr. Hobby Dark Green was applied then left to dry for around 10-minutes before placing it under the running hot water tap in the kitchen to remove the hairspray and green paint to reveal the rust and burnt areas beneath. This took about 2-hours working on a small area at a time with the brush – or a toothpick! I use Mr. Hobby paint as I find that it works well with the hairspray method. I have used other paints but I tend to get the best results with Mr. Hobby’s. At this point I needed to add some more colour to brighten things up. Many range targets have

Green paint was rubbed away to reveal the rust basecoat.



I needed to use the hairspray again on the turret, sprayed on three layers and once dry applied some white paint via the airbrush to some square areas I’d previously marked out with Tamiya tape. After waiting 10-minutes I went back to the kitchen sink and did some more damage to the white paintwork again with warm water and a brush and left everything to dry for 24-hours, after which I sealed it with a gloss varnish. I added some letters which, once dry, were damaged with a scalpel and then resealed with varnish before adding the first few filters to tone things down somewhat. At this point I also began painting the engine bay so I had two areas to work on… as one area was drying I could work on the other.

Engine bay

ABOVE: White was added to the turret giving another dimension to the colours.

BELOW: Main components ready for a more detailed paint application.


black numbers or letters and these are painted on a large white square. This is a Target identifier used for target acquisition where, basically, range control will ask you to engage a target identified by its number/ letter – and then you fire at it!

In addition to the exterior of the vehicle I now had this fantastic engine bay to paint. Once again the same procedure used on the exterior was followed, but instead of a green topcoat silver was used and I proceeded to work it away with a brush and hot water. I first used the hull floor as a test-bed to check the sequence, as later this would be covered by the engine bay insert. Once the paint had dried I again dabbed on some dark rust with a sponge and put on a few light oil washes of Burnt Sienna and painted in a few details. The engine bay set lends itself to a modular build, which was very handy. Items like the gearbox and engine received the same treatment – I painted the gearbox green and the engine a Duck Egg Blue colour, as this was a later model Cromwell.

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ABOVE LEFT: I chose a letter ‘C’ for target identification. ABOVE RIGHT: At this stage the basic engine bay is much easier to detail paint out of the hull. LEFT: The hull floor was used as a test-bed.

I did not want to do too much damage to the model and didn’t want to wreck the engine bay too much. The painting looked quite rough to begin with, but filters always soften the edges. I worked on all areas with washes and filters to tone down the bright colours, always using wellthinned filters as it’s better to build up filters with many light coats. I normally apply three to four filters a day as when they dry they will look very different. You could mix enamels with oils to get

ABOVE LEFT: The fuel cell. ABOVE RIGHT: The rear of the fan hub was painted black to make the blades stand out. LEFT: Engine fans and header tank. BELOW LEFT: Basic paintwork… BELOW: …followed by some washes and filters.



ABOVE LEFT: Test-fitting the fans, gearbox and engine. ABOVE RIGHT: Engine deck.

ABOVE LEFT: Making sure that everything goes in with yet another test fit. ABOVE RIGHT: Washes and filters begin to bring out the detail. LEFT: Dents, holes and scratches are all part of being a ‘hard target’. BELOW: A Panzer Grey wash to the tyres makes for a good contrast.


Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


‘‘ ” Like all builds test-fitting is a must and not only for fit, but also for colour co-ordination if you want things to be easy on the eye.

LEFT: A few open hatches to show detail. BELOW LEFT: Dust and grit added to the insides. BELOW RIGHT: Continuing to add layers of paints and filters.

different shades, but ensure any pre-made filters should always be thinned even further. Like all builds test-fitting is a must and not only for fit, but also for colour co-ordination if you want things to be easy on the eye. The engine colours once toned down fitted in well together and these would be visible because I wanted a few hatches opened up or missing to show off the engine. While the engine bay area dried I reverted to other external areas and continued to add more filters. For the green I mixed a little Humbrol Matt Green 120 with Mig’s Olive Green 502, around five parts oil to one part enamel, and then heavily thinned the mix with white spirit. Be very careful to add only green to the green areas! To darken rusty areas I used Raw Umber mixed with Humbrol Matt Red Brown 160. To both rust and green mixes I added a little Humbrol White 34. After about three or four filters the detail work on the armour plate will begin to show up rather like painting a figure with highlights and lowlights. These effects can be enhanced – a little dark wash round bolt heads, topped off with a light dab of green

Exhaust pipes and air filters added.



ABOVE: Friulmodel tracks added to see how they blended in.

brings out the detail again, however, this detail work needs time to dry. Sometimes I use Vallejo paint for the smaller details as it dries fast and allows me to quickly move onto the next stage. I carried on applying as many filters as I could to achieve depth, whereas some areas like the upper flat surfaces were made lighter, and lower areas were made a bit darker, just like the much talked about modulation technique. All rubber was given a wash of Mig’s Panzer Grey filter with a little white added. Pin washes were made as I went along and all the time the green became a little lighter and the rust darker. I have since found a great colour for standard rust in the Halfords’ combat range – a dark brown, which is a splendid colour. I made up some rubble and scrap to throw inside just to give the effect of a ruined fighting compartment. These hard targets are often filled with concrete and ash; the concrete to help them last longer and the ash to produce a dust cloud when hit. Hatches are left open. The effect I was aiming for was a vehicle that had seen a few engagements and was still in good shape. However, due to the presence of some wildlife the target was now out of bounds. As I progressed all the colours began to blend. With the main engine assembly finished it was time to add the pipework for the air filters, exhausts and oil bath. I also added a set of Friulmodel cast white metal tracks. These had previously been put into burnishing fluid from AK Interactive and then given a coat of Mig Industrial Rubble Pigment that had been thinned in Tamiya thinners. I normally keep this mix as a pre-made solution. Due to the little damage sustained I was able to keep the engine decks in good shape and just

ABOVE: Engine detail seen through the open hatches. BELOW: The model fully completed before moving onto the diorama.


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ABOVE LEFT: A few drops of off white to simulate bird droppings! ABOVE RIGHT: Ground-in dirt on the tracks was achieved with discoloured, watered-down plaster.

removed a few hatches to reveal the engine detail. The model was now almost built, but painting and filters would carry on. A new phrase often used is “micro weathering” and this is basically superdetailing with a brush. You can never add enough detail and painting can so improve that detail. With this phase finished apart from some work to blend it with the diorama base it was time to look at building a diorama. As this was always going to be a range target I had some ideas and experience of the real subject. In part two I will set the scene and build the diorama.

Parts used Tamiya Cromwell (item 35221). Accurate Armour Cromwell Engine bay. Aber etched-metal set for Cromwell. Friulmodel cast white metal tracks. To be continued.

LEFT: A rear three-quarter view shows the various areas of twisted metal.



Sun King Somua ABOVE: The Tamiya model transported back in time to Belgium 1940 using Adobe Photoshop. The background of this montage is a photo of the actual battleground near Hannut photographed a few years while on book research.

BELOW: My first Somua S35 was this 1:76 scale Raretanks vacu-form built back in the early 1970s.


Steve Zaloga finds that Tamiya’s new 1:35 scale Somua S35 kit is a “very easy assembly project”.


he Somua S35 has long been one of my favourite French tanks of the 1940 period, and over the years I have built the Raretanks vacuform Somua in 1:76 scale, and the old Heller kit in 1:35 scale. I described all the effort needed to correct the Heller Somua in Military Modelling (Vol.29, No.12, December 1999), so I was very pleased to

hear that Tamiya would be releasing a new state-ofthe-art kit. It is a very nice kit, combining an excellent level of detail and simplicity of assembly.

Historical background I have written about the Somua extensively in recent years, including the Osprey New Vanguard 213 French Tanks of World War II (2) about its development and production and Osprey Duel No.63 Panzer III vs Somua S35 about its combat history. So here, I will try to concentrate on some issues more directly connected with modelling the Somua. The Somua made extensive use of casting, and this was first concentrated at two facilities for the hull castings, Cail in Denain and Schneider-Le Creusot. Careful inspection of photos will often reveal the casting markings on the parts. The Cail foundry used a simply ‘CAIL’ stamp, while Schneider used an ‘S’ superimposed on crossed cannon barrels. Tanks often had casting parts from both plants. So for example, the Somua that was at Aberdeen Proving Ground had the front upper hull casting from Cail, and the rear casting from Schneider. There was also some variation in the castings through time. The Somua was produced in contract tranches, each with a different series of matricules (registration numbers). The first contract for 50 tanks completed in the second quarter of 1937 had the matricules 67225 to 67274.

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These tanks are difficult to model since they used a narrow pitch 75mm track. The Tamiya kit provides that standard track with 105mm pitch that was adopted starting with the second contract tranche of 50 tanks numbered 22332 to 22381 and delivered through April 1938. The third tranche of 100 tanks was numbered M*819 to M*918. The fourth batch was 125 tanks numbered M*10634 to M*10758 and delivered through January 1940. The fifth tranche of 125 tanks was delivered up to the time of the June armistice and was numbered M*50210 to M*50334. There were two further contracts but they were not completed prior to the end of the war. However, some of these may have been completed for the Germans after afterwards. The first production tranche was delivered to the 1re Division Legere Mechanique (DLM) including the 4e Cuirassiers and 18e Dragons. The second tranche went to the 2e DLM and its two tank regiments, the 13e Dragons and 29e Dragons. The third tranche went to fill out these four regiments. The fourth tranche went the 3e DLM and its 1er Cuirassiers and 2e Cuirassiers. The later batches went to DeGaulle’s partially formed 4e DLM, and to reconstitute the other DLMs in June 1940 to make up for combat losses. So, it you have the Somua’s matricule, you have a good chance of determining its unit attachment, camouflage and other features. For anyone wishing to choose a particular unit or production tranche, the French internet site ‘Char Francais’ ( is an invaluable resource containing hundreds of photos of the Somua by their matricule. The well-known museum examples are from a variety of production batches. The Somua that was at Aberdeen Proving Ground is the oldest, M*904, from the 3rd tranche and the 186th tank built. It has a curious history. It served with the 29e Dragons of the 2e DLM in 1940, was captured in damaged condition by the Germans, and turned over to the Italians as part of an allotment of war-booty. It was captured by the US Army in 1944 near Rome at an Italian armoured vehicle test facility, and shipped back to the US. It is the only example to retain an original French commander’s cupola without the later German modifications. The Bovington Tank Museum Somua is painted with matricule 67227 that

would indicated first production tranche, second production tank. However, it lacks the distinctive features of the first production batch and has a German modified cupola. I suspect it is from a much later production batch. The example at Saumur also has the German modified cupola and carried the matricule M*50289 which is a late example from the fifth production batch. The Somua had no fewer than six distinct camouflage schemes during its production run. These are detailed in Pascal Danjou’s Trackstory No.11 Somua S35. The Tamiya kit comes with three sets of markings. Two of these, M*885 #56 from the 18e Dragons, and M*843 from the 4e Cuirassiers, use the third camouflage pattern and this is well covered in the excellent kit instructions. The third scheme, M*22374 from the 13e Dragons is a late example in the fifth style and there is some dispute regarding the turret and upper hull colours with Tamiya showing grey and Danjou showing green as the base colour.

Starting the model The Tamiya kit comes in their characteristic tan colour plastic with a bag of snap-together link-bylink tracks. After the release of the kit, there was a lively discussion on the website about small detail discrepancies on the kit, and I will deal with them later in more detail. These are mostly minor and can be addressed with small improvements. The only major detail issue that I

Box art for Tamiya’s Somua S35 kit.

‘‘” The Somua had no fewer than six distinct camouflage schemes during its production run.

BELOW LEFT: The viewport on the right side of the driver’s bulge can use a little detail work. BELOW RIGHT: The left side driver’s viewport can use a bit of attention, and the bulge was extended behind it using Apoxie epoxy putty.



Views of the Somua S35, matricule M 904, that was displayed for many years at the Ordnance Museum at Aberdeen Proving Ground. More photos of this tank appeared in Dick Taylor’s S35 Walkaround in MM Vol.43 No.11.

ignored was that some of the front hull castings had a small depression running around the turret ring. I started with the kit suspension. This went together quite easily but most of the nice detail is covered up by the skirts. I did, however, make two improvements. The side steps (A35) are a bit thick, so I thinned them down. Also, there should be a mud scraper on the rear in front of the drive sprocket so I added one. A photo reproduced here shows what it looks like. The track goes together well, but the recommended 102 links may be a bit tight and I found that 103 links worked better. The tracks have a single dimple on the front face. I waited until I had the track in place, and then filled in the dimple only on those links that are visible. The upper hull casting has a number of small simplifications. There is a small driver’s visor on the right side of the driver’s bulge that is just a soft blob on the kit. I reshaped this area and added some detail. There are two machined areas for the axle for the armoured driver’s visor, and I carved these out using a Dremel motor tool. I added some small bolt detail from some photo-etched sheets. The area above the driver’s armour visor (C23) should have a more pronounced lip. I added this from sheet plastic and faired it in with putty. The shape of

RIGHT: The mud scraper in front of the drive sprocket on the Somua. BELOW: A detail view of the detail around the driver’s hatch missing on the Tamiya kit.

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ABOVE LEFT: The Somua turret has a circular indentation below it that is not depicted on the kit. This would be difficult to replicate, and I avoided the issue. ABOVE RIGHT: Fastidious modellers may wish to hollow out the area under the night driving light. BELOW LEFT: A detail view from the manual showing the stowage rack on the rear for the tank tarpaulin, along with tow shackle details. BELOW RIGHT: A close-up of the rear of the APG Somua showing the partly incomplete tow shackle assembly.



ABOVE: The lip above the driver’s hatch should be a bit more pronounced, and this was done using sheet plastic and Tamiya grey putty.

the casting behind the left side driver’s visor is a bit narrow, and I extended it back further using Apoxie epoxy putty. In terms of detail, I was not keen on the depiction of the many small rectangular grab-handles on the engine doors. Tamiya moulds these directly to the hatches but they are rather faint. I suspect that sooner or later there will be an after-market photoetched set with these. In the meantime, I made my own. I made a rectangular ‘tube’ from strips of .010 thou. plastic the proper side of the rectangle. Once dry, I ‘salami-sliced’ the tube, producing small, hollow rectangles. To prevent the tube from collapsing while slicing it, I packed it with some soft balsawood. I added the vertical bit above the rectangle from the .010 Plastruct rod, and made the circular bits at the top by stretching some Plastruct plastic tubing over a candle flame, and then salami-slicing it into tiny circles. I suspect that very few modellers will want to go to this much trouble, but this technique is useful for making multiples of some simple shapes. The kit attaches the side stowage bins to the hull side without including the small inverted ‘J’ hooks that attach over the top rails (A22, A23). I depicted these by bending some small bits from spare photo-etched LEFT: The engine hatch grab handles were made by creating a rectangular tube from sheet plastic strips, then salami slicing off thin cross-sections. Some balsawood was stuffed in the tube to prevent the rectangle being crushed during the cutting process.

The cupola should rest on a rim that is level with the signal flag hatch extension. This was done by gluing a disc in place, then fairing it in with putty.

ABOVE: The commander’s cupola can use some careful detail work to depict the early casting style. BELOW: A view of the right side of the commander’s cupola after detail work.

LEFT: The first step in hollowing out the exhaust stubs is by removing some of the material by careful drilling. ABOVE: The drilling is then followed by reaming out the material using a cutting bit on the power tool. This must be done at low speed to avoid melting the plastic.


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The finished improvements on the right side of the cupola.

ABOVE: The rim around the commander’s cupola was opened once dry. The casting marks on the turret were made using Archer texture decals. The small recessed boltholes were drilled into the turret and small brass bolt heads inserted.

frets. The kit has the leather straps for the stowage bins model on. This leaves a gap where the lid top (A18, D8) meets the sides of the bins. An easier solution to finishing these straps is to attach them in paper which solves the joint issue and is easier than painting. I scraped off the buckle detail in preparation for this, but otherwise left the straps in place. The more fastidious modellers might want to scrape off the plastic straps, but I think this would be a great deal of work for very little gain. The cover over the front headlight (C34) needs a screen on the front, and I adapted a photo-etched circular grille cover from a Part (Poland) 1:72 scale King Tiger set for this. The rear tow shackle assembly (C11 to C14) can use a bit of detail work and I mostly added small bolt detail using Grandt line plastic bolts. I did a substantial amount of small detail work on the turret, and especially the cupola. The turret roof has some small recessed boltholes that I drilled out. Tamiya’s depiction of the cupola seems to represent one of the later styles, and I reshaped it to resemble the example at Aberdeen which is closer in the production series to my chosen tank. On this style, the base is faired in, and lacks the distinctive step on the Tamiya kit. Also, Tamiya shows the cupola fitting into a recessed depression in the turret when in fact it sat on top of a slightly raised portion that should be level with the signal flag port extension on the kit. These detail changes are quite modest but take a lot of time so I suspect that most modellers will simply skip these.

The finished improvements on the left side of the cupola.

The finished cupola from the rear.

ABOVE LEFT: The stowage bins were held in place with inverted ‘J’ shaped hooks that attached to the rails. These were duplicated using thin strips of photo-etch. ABOVE RIGHT: The rear tow shackle assembly can use some small bolt detail.



Painting and markings

Views of the finished model prior to painting.


When I wrote the Osprey Duel book on the Somua, I chose the Battle of Hannut-Merdorp as the centrepiece of the combat chapter. This was the world’s first large tank-vs-tank battle pitting two French light mechanized divisions (2e and 3e DLM) against the 3. and 4.Panzer-Divisions. I visited the battlefield while working on the book, and I had my heart set on depicting one of the tanks that took part in the battle from the 2e Regiments de Dragons. These have an attractive camouflage scheme of the fourth type, and there are surviving colour photos of this scheme to provide some hints about the colours. The main challenge was the regimental marking, a stylized yellow sun of the ‘Sun King’, Louis XIV. It took me a while to figure out a way to depict this insignia, since it is quite delicate. I finally recalled that some of the 1:72 scale German aircraft kits had a small photo-etched fret which included the upper fuselage navigation antenna that is a close match for the size and pattern of this insignia. So I painted the appropriate areas of the hull first in white, and then in yellow. The white basecoat helps make the yellow more vivid. I then attached the Dragon photo-

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The Sun emblem of the 2e Cuirassiers was painted by using a photo-etched German navigation antenna as a mask. It was attached in place using a dab of gum arabic, and then removed once the brown paint was dry, revealing the yellow insignia underneath.

etched antenna as a mask after painting it with some gum arabic, and then carefully airbrushing over it with the appropriate camouflage colour. Aside from the challenge of the regimental insignia, the rest of the painting followed the usual procedure for French 1940 tanks. I began by airbrushing the centre bands on the hull in dark brown; I used Tamiya NATO Brown XF-68. I then used Silly Putty for the masking since it conforms to the complex hull contours better than conventional tape masks. I mixed the dark green using Tamiya RAF Dark Green XF-81, brightened with some Light Green X-15 and Yellow Green XF-4. I did this by eye, but I would guess that the proportions were roughly 2:1:1. For the blue-grey on the upper turret, I used Tamiya Flat White XF-2 and RAF Ocean Grey XF-82 in a roughly 4:1 ratio. Once the colours were applied, I added the black boundary lines with a Faber-Castell PITT artist pen that uses indelible India ink. I didn’t think that this was distinct enough, so I went over the lines with Vallejo Black Game ink, using a Windsor & Newton Series 7 ‘0’ brush. The secret to painting thin lines is not to use a tiny ‘000’ brush since it is too small to hold enough paint and to stay moist long enough. A larger, high

quality brush with a fine tip keeps a larger reserve of ink and stays moist longer. The Series 7 brushes are quite expensive, but they last quite a while if carefully cleaned. Aside from the painted regimental insignia, the French roundels came from the kit decals and the turret numbers came from the spares box. The matricule on the front and rear came from the kit decal, but with the original numbers painted out in black, and new numbers added from Microscale decal sheets.

‘‘” It took me a while to figure out a way to depict this insignia, since it is quite delicate.

ABOVE: After the first camouflage colour of brown was airbrushed on, Silly Putty was used as a mask. LEFT: The leather straps on the side bins were duplicated using dark brown wax paper from a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.



ABOVE RIGHT: The kit comes with a nice tarpaulin, and the straps were depicted using the same dark brown wax paper, attached using PVA wood glue.

ABOVE: The screen over the front headlight was depicted using a leftover photo-etched 1:72 scale King Tiger grille cover, cut in half. Views of the finished model after painting.

Finishing To mimic the casting markings on the hull side, I made some decals in Adobe Photoshop. These were basically a ‘drop shadow’ of the actual casting, printed out on a laser printer on clear decal sheet. Once applied to the model, I went over them with a fine brush and a light brown colour paint to simulate highlights. Another approach would be to make these using the Archer texture decals, but my approach was somewhat simpler. To give the suspension a little dirt texture, a mixed some Elmer’s Golden Oak wood putty with water and applied some prior to airbrushing the suspension and lower bits of the tank in a variety of earth tones. Once this was dry, I applied my usual dark sepia weathering glaze, consisting of Holbein sepia oil paint in a glaze consisting of Windsor & Newton Liquin Original thinned with mineral spirits (white spirits). After painting was complete, I added some more dirt effects using the Elmer’s Wood Putty. To replicate the brown leather straps on the side bins and the rear tarpaulin. I cut some thin strips of brown paper. My favourite is the brown wax paper that is used with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, a common confection in the US. I am not sure if there is a comparable sweet in Britain, but other dark

The kit comes with an extensive tool array. The metal bits were painted with Humbrol Metalcote Steel.


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A close-up of the turret area with the MiniArt crewman in place. The decal was made to conform to the round cupola roof using Microsol decal setting agent.

brown paper would work. I apply this to the tank using PVA wood glue. I then added some buckles using photo-etched parts. I assembled the Tamiya crew figure, but I did not like the pose. I had recently purchased the MiniArt French Tank Crew (item 35105) and I used the seated figure for this model. I replaced the kit head with a Hornet head. I also adapted the arms closer to the torso, and reoriented the hands so that they clasped the edge of the hatch.

Conclusion Overall, this was a very easy assembly project due to Tamiya’s usual fine engineering and clear instructions. I would not be surprised to see some after-market photo-etched parts to address a few of the detail issues. I would also not be surprised to see Tamiya reissue this kit as a German Beutepanzer that would provide another set of markings options.

ABOVE: Some of the references used on this project.


Diorama 1



Masonry Anchors 4



Emmanuel Nouaillier describes how to model wall anchor plates and ties, features commonly found on old buildings.


here are some very small and not too obvious fittings found on older buildings that can add much more realism to you miniatures façades and common amongst these are masonry ‘anchors’ and ‘ties’. Some of these metal components may, indeed, be small, but they are visible and will bring an undeniable touch of realism, and rust, to an urban gable end or a larger industrial façade (Photo 1). Wall anchor plates are among those accessories that should not be neglected in any scale on old buildings. They come in many sizes, shapes and styles and can add further character and realism to old structures. As I did previously for window

shutters, I’ll deal with commercial products in various scales, as well as some scratchbuilt ones inspired by original situations. For the first time, I worked in 1:35 and 1:48 scales on this particular theme using references from Addonparts and Grandt-Line. To my knowledge, these are the only manufacturers to offer this kind of detail (with such finesse) and they’re really welcome! I will also show the ‘rusty aspect’, weathering especially with AK Interactive products to bring them to life. Also, some others that I scratchbuilt for smaller scale buildings will complete this overview. Photo 2. Different types of 1:35 scale masonry anchors available from Addonparts (item 350108). A variety of types and sizes, they are finely moulded resin parts for fitting onto simple façades, walls or even factories and other industrial structures. The larger anchor was inspired from an original seen on an old brickworks factory. Photo 3. The parts may need to be sanded on a fine abrasive grade paper to remove the excess of thin resin layer. This is done by carefully rubbing the anchor in a circular motion on the abrasive paper. Photos 4 & 5. Once the selected anchors were prepared, I mounted them on pieces of plastic rod to facilitate a better grip for painting and ageing. I did the same with the 1:48 scale Grandt-Line parts, which are also finely reproduced, but in grey injection-moulded plastic, as is usual from this manufacturer.

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015

Diorama 6






Photo 6. Instead of beginning with water-based paints, I went for enamel paints, in this case Humbrol 70 and 98, applied with an old No.6 brush with its bristles cut down to half way.

Photo 9. Once textured with enamels, Rusty Tracks acrylic was applied. This basic coat was useful for the next step. I used a flat AK No.2 brush, which produces a subtle effect upon this small item.

Photo 7. Without shaking or stirring the paint, I extracted the granular pigment with a stick to mix on a pallet to obtain a thick, basic ‘rusty’ shade. Dipping the old brush into this mixture, I dabbed the anchor to ‘work’ the paint while it was drying and once it’s dried it assumes a subtle grainy effect, clearly visible in the inset photo.

Photo 10. After about half-an-hour, apply a wash of Rust Streaks overall using the same brush.

Photo 8. I left the parts for two days to completely dry and went back to continue the work with some special paints from AK – Rusty Tracks paint AK 721; Rust Streaks AK 013 and the usual dark, medium and light rust. I also used some Dark Steel AK 086 to perfect the metallic appearance.

Photo 11. While the surface was still wet it was immediately dabbed with AK Medium Rust, Dark Rust and Track Rust in no particular order, using two old, fine brushes. The liquid caught the several shades of rust to represent the many contrasting shades of corrosion. Later, it was still possible to improve the effect with some more Light Rust pigments or Red Rust to mimic the micro chips of more recent corrosion. The powders were mixed with mineral spirit or thinner and applied with a fine No.0 brush (micro painting) or a small piece of synthetic sponge.


Diorama 13



Photo 12. Finally, the metallic appearance of the anchor was by subtly highlighting it with some AK Dark Steel pigment on the fingertip. Due to the light grainy effect on the anchor putting the powder on a finger tip and rolling the anchor over it gives more control than dabbing it with a stump or sponge. Photo 13. Once the anchor was in place on the façade, some water streaks emanating from the rusty metal were painted on. In this case, I used some enamel washes from Wilder’s Nitroline range (Dark Rust Effect or Old Rust Effect) in the usual way, applied with a fine No.2 brush thinned with mineral spirit. When dry, the streaks were lightly re-worked with some Aged Rust pigments brushed on dry to bring out more contrast. Photos 14 & 15. These images perfectly demonstrate how the anchors can add more character to otherwise plain façades and add a rather decayed appearance to old structures. They also add more contrast and welcome notes of corrosion.


Photo 16. A ‘textured’ basic coat of enamel being applied to a scratchbuilt anchor made with Evergreen strips and Grandt-Line bolts. Once again the anchor plate has been mounted on a round plastic rod that provides a better grip during painting.



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‘‘” They also add more contrast and welcome notes of corrosion.

Photo 17. Contrary to previous methods used, I tested this set of Crusted Rust Deposits from AK (item 4110). There are three jars of enamel liquids from Light Rust 4111, to Medium Rust 4112 and Dark Rust 4113. Made for AFVs, they are also perfect for this kind of use on heavily corroded metal items on structures.

Photo 18. Very simple to use, the shades are applied and blended on the anchor over a coat of acrylic Rusty Tracks or Old Rust from the same manufacturer. The liquid was worked with a very fine No.1 brush to render several shades and contrasts. Lightly re-work with some rusty powders and the Dark Steel pigments for a metallic effect on all extremities.






20 Photo 19. The anchor fitted on a façade with an old painted advertisement. The effect provides a link between the bricks and the derelict stucco. Photo 20. Without going too far with scratchbuilding, here’s a perfect example of what reality offers – a simple round plate with fixing nuts. Note the ‘grainy’ surfaces where rust is pushed to the extreme. Photo 21. Original to miniature! Here I used a simple 2.5mm diameter brass disc augmented with a Grandt-Line nut to represent an anchor in 1:48 scale. As usual, I worked the rusty effect on it. Photo 22. A good example of an ‘S’ shaped anchor with a vertical reinforcing bar photographed on a warehouse, which can be made in miniature from several pieces.


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Diorama 23


Photo 23. I used scrap brass strip recovered from the edge of a photo-etched brass fret for a pair of small-scale ‘S’ anchors. Once shaped, the various parts were simply assembled with super glue on a flat surface, having first been rubbed with fine abrasive paper, which also gives the surface a key to take the paint. Grandt-Line nuts were substituted for washers in the centres of etched, flat nuts from Aber sheet 35015, glued to each end of the reinforcing bar.



Photo 24. After painting and weathering as described, the anchors were put into place on the frontage of an old industrial building I’d made from foamboard. Photos 25 & 26. This is a massive anchor but easy to make in the smaller scales using plastic card and Grandt-Line nuts and bolts. This one was intended for a 1:72 scale brick façade.



The Polish 1st Armoured Division

Tomasz Basarabowicz charts the camouflage and markings of the Division’s vehicles during the period of 1944-45 in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. ABOVE: A Cromwell of the Divisional HQ at 1st Armoured Division’s last parade in Meppen, Germany, May 3rd, 1946. On the left is G.O.C., Maj. Gen. Klemens Rudnicki. The tank was painted SCC No.15 and has the divisional HQ AoS “40” in white on a black background, a bridge classification number and the Division’s formation “squirrel” badge. The single white star painted on a red rectangle denotes a “one-star” general. Sherman track lengths have been welded onto the turret. BELOW: A 25pdr Mk.II gun named Urszula. The white triangles painted on the lower corners of the shield were supposed to facilitate travelling in convoy after dark. An Austin 8hp can be seen in the background. The gun is painted SCC No.2 overall with additional camouflage of SCC No.1A.



he Polish 1st Armoured Division’s vehicles that landed on the Normandy beaches in early August 1944 were camouflaged according to the same regulations for all British and Canadian formations under 21st Army Group. These regulations were stated in MTPs (Military Training Pamphlets) and ACI (Army Council Instruction). ACI 533 of April 1944 introduced Standard Camouflage Colour (SCC) No.15 in place of the SCC No.2 shade as the basic camouflage colour for all Britishoperated vehicles in the European theatre. The large numbers of American-produced vehicles from Lend-Lease deliveries, which were used within British and Allied formations, was the reason for this change of basic camouflage colour. American vehicles were delivered painted in overall No.9

Olive Drab camouflage. The SCC No.15 colour was similar to American Olive Drab and it was hoped that the change to the basic British camouflage colour would achieve a kind of camouflage uniformity for all vehicles operated by the Allies. Also, there was no need to repaint US-produced vehicles before they were accepted into British units, although there is no reliable information as to how many US-produced vehicles had been repainted. We can assume that units of the Polish 1st Armoured Division operated vehicles which bore camouflage schemes created with two different paints: SCC No.15 and No.9 Olive Drab. The question is, if and how can the two colours be recognised and identified? SCC No.15 was the darker shade and contained more brown pigment than the American colour. No.9 Olive Drab was grey-olive in colour and in black and white photos it appears as a lighter tone than the British shade. However, the influence of the environment, above all dust and dirt from soft tracks in Normandy, should be considered in any attempt at determining a vehicle’s

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ABOVE: Cromwell tank of the 1st Squadron Commander, 10. Pułk Strzelców Konnych (10th Mounted Rifles), Meppen, May, 1946. The tank is painted SCC No.15 and the AoS sign of a white “45” on green-blue background identifies it to an armoured division’s reconnaissance regiment. The AoS and divisional signs painted alongside each other were peculiar to this Regiment. A black pennant with a white triangle can be seen flown from an aerial. The tank’s W.D. number is T188057. LEFT: These two field kitchen trailers – Marcinowa and Michałowa – will soon be serving delicious split pea soup to the troops. Both are painted SCC No.15 overall.

camouflage from black and white photos. This can result in a vehicle painted in the SCC No.15 colour seeming to be lighter than one in the No.9 Olive Drab shade, which seems quite dark. The fact that only US-built vehicles would bear the No.9 Olive Drab camouflage, i.e. Shermans, Stuarts, Half-tracks, M3 Scout Cars, Jeeps and the small number of US-built lorries in the 1st Armoured Division, makes the process of colour identification easier. However, when the British had modified a USproduced vehicle, for example a Sherman VC or a turretless Stuart Recce, it was given a coat of the SCC No.15 paint. On the other hand, new British and Canadian produced vehicles bore the standard SCC No.15 camouflage. After hostilities had ceased every vehicle in the 1st Armoured Division was painted in the SCC No.15 shade. As time passed all the aforementioned colours changed their shade in different ways. SCC No.15 paint became lighter, and under weather and battlefield conditions its green shade became more noticeable. No.9 Olive Drab also became lighter, but its grey component predominated. According to ACI 1100 of August 1944 the tarpaulins of transport vehicles, even those painted in SCC No.2 colour (see next section), should have been painted with the SCC No.15 colour. Preparing the captions for the photos in this publication I introduced a rule that in any doubtful case I would identify the colour of a vehicle as SCC No.15, even if I were not sure if it really was!

Camouflage There were two main schemes for vehicle camouflage used in 1st Armoured Division. According to MTP 46, vehicles which had been painted with two-colour camouflage using the SCC No.2 colour with SCC No.1A dark brown added as the basic scheme before April 1944 were to keep it and to use SCC No.15 as the second camouflage colour. Some of the 1st Armoured Division’s Universal Carriers carried this camouflage scheme.

ABOVE: Universal Carrier of the HQ, 3rd Rifle Brigade with an AoS of a white “60” on a green background. The can mounted on the front plate carries the legend “Water”. Colour is SCC No.15.



ABOVE: Sherman IIa or M4A1 76mm (W) flying the colours of 2. Pułk Pancerny (2nd Armoured Regiment), Meppen, May 3rd, 1946. A steel plate with the AoS sign, a white “52” on red background is carried on the tracks over the left side of the transmission housing. The divisional badge and bridge classification number are on a plate opposite. The tank is SCC No.15 overall, except for the front part of the gun barrel where the colour on top is green applied with a wavy edge with white on the lower part. This was supposed to make the barrel seem, at a distance, shorter than it actually was. Spare roadwheels are carried on the front trackguards.

RIGHT: M3 White Scout Car, 2. Pułk Pancerny (2nd Armoured Regt.), Meppen, May, 1946. AoS white “52” on red background, divisional sign on the right. W.D. Number: Z5515786 with the “PL” national ID oval painted over it. The W.D. number is also repeated on both sides of the bonnet. The vehicle is painted SCC No.15 overall. The officers on parade are Maj. Gen. Klemens Rudnicki, Divisional G.O.C. (on the left) and Regimental O.C. Maj. Michał Gutowski.


“Mickey Mouse” camouflage was the other common camouflage scheme. The source of the scheme’s nickname was the shape of the SCC No.14 (black) camouflage patches, which were put onto the basic SCC No.2 colour and resembled the ears of the popular Disney cartoon character. In applying this camouflage scheme it was important to cover all horizontal surfaces of the vehicle with SCC No.14, i.e. bonnet, cab roof, upper parts of mudguards and tarpaulin. On the sides the “Mickey Mouse” camouflage took the form of SCC No.14 patches “dropping” from the top of the vehicle on the base SCC No.2 shade. “Mickey Mouse” camouflage was applied mainly on “B” class vehicles, i.e. non-combat vehicles, and on some “A” (fighting) class vehicles like half-tracks and wheeled or half-tracked anti-aircraft gun carriages. The photographic material presented in this article shows that some of the 1st Armoured Division’s Shermans carried a camouflage pattern created using different shades. Because it was clearly contrary to regulations, this can be explained only as being a result of tank crews’ inventiveness. Today it is impossible to determine the type and colour as well as the origin of paints used. One tank shown on one of the photos seems to have been camouflaged with German Dunkelgelb (dark yellow), a tin of which may have dropped into the hands of the tank’s crew!

Winter camouflage Neither the vehicles of 1st Armoured Division’s nor those of other 21st Army Group formation had more than a single opportunity to appear in winter camouflage. Moreover, in this case the Poles seem to have followed British instructions more closely than the British themselves. In January 1945 a booklet was published for 21st Army Group’s troops on how to camouflage vehicles in wintertime. One of its sections read: “In Western Germany and the Low Countries snow conditions are seldom constant. Rapid thaws may be expected, and snow cover will not necessarily be continuous over a wide area. Moreover, even in deep snow, buildings, woods and other features still provide dark backgrounds. White paint or other whitening agents should not, therefore, be used directly on vehicles and weapons, but only as a means of whitening materials to be put on them”.

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ABOVE: This Staghound Armoured Car was the mount of Col. Władysław Dec, O.C. of the 3rd Rifle Brigade, Meppen, May 1946. The AoS of a white “60” painted on a green background denotes the Brigade’s HQ. The divisional sign can be seen over it. Its bridge classification is “14” and the W.D. Number: F223444. A small white star was the unofficial sign of a Brigadier. Overall colour is SCC No.15. LEFT: Cromwell tank of Maj. Jerzy Wasilewski, O.C. of 10. Pułk Strzelców Konnych (10th Mounted Rifles), Meppen, May 3rd, 1946. Placing the AoS and divisional sign close together is peculiar to this regiment. W.D. Number: T187427. Colour SCC No.15 overall.



with a uniform coat of white paint or whitewash, 1st Armoured Division’s troops closely observed the regulations and covered their “A” and “B” vehicles with irregular white patches. The reason for this situation might have come from the fact that in the winter months the divisions of the British 2nd Army operated offensively in the area of Dietern, Sittard, Nijmegen and Tuddern, whereas the formations of the Canadian 1st Army, including 1st Armoured Division, stayed in defensive positions. In such circumstances the camouflage scheme used in 1st Armoured Division can be described as probably the most suitable for defensive roles. It should be noted that every front line unit of 21st Army Group was supplied with rolls of white camouflage materials of a different kind. These rolls were 3in. wide and 100-yards long and could be used with good effect for winter camouflaging of gun barrels, for example.

Interior colours

ABOVE: A Sherman IIa or M4A1 76mm(W), HQ, 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade, Meppen, May 3rd 1946. The Brigade’s O.C., Col. Franciszek Skibinski can be seen on the right. All markings are painted onto metal plates and there is an untypical white outline to the AoS plate. The bridge classification number is also square instead of the usual circle. Tiger tank track links have been welded onto the turret.

BELOW: CMP FGT FAT-4 artillery tractor towing a 25pdr gun howitzer, Meppen, May 3rd, 1946. Both painted SCC No.15 overall.


So, it was recommended to paint one surface of the canvas sheets used to cover vehicles when at rest in white in order that they could be turned white side out according to need. One of the techniques suggested by the 1945 regulation was to plunge a camouflage net into snow and then cover a vehicle with it. Anyway, it was strongly advised not to paint a whole vehicle with white paint or whitewash, in favour of irregular white patches to be put onto the vehicle. To create a whitewash mixture of suitable durability it was advised to thin lime with water containing salt or glue instead of water only. Whereas British units seldom followed the above instructions and too often covered their vehicles

Until 1942 or 1943 every British-produced tank had the interior painted with aluminium coloured paint although later, as in US produced tanks, white was used as standard. It is likely that few of the Britishproduced tanks of the 1st Armoured Division had their interiors finished in the aluminium shade. The interiors of other vehicles were painted with the base colours, i.e. SCC No.15 and No.9 Olive Drab or SCC No.2 in case of some Carriers and “Mickey Mouse” camouflaged vehicles.

Camouflage nets Unlike the US 12th Army Group, units of the British 21st Army Group used a range of different camouflage nets and these were used in the Polish 1st Armoured Division too. Nets were put onto tank turrets, lorry tarpaulins and the like. The type and size of camouflage nets included in the auxiliary

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equipment of vehicles of every kind was exactly described in the regulations: • Scout cars (Humber and Daimler Dingo) – 35ft x 15ft net cut in half. • Armoured cars (Staghound, Morris LRC and Humber LRC) – two 25ft x 12ft nets each. • Tanks (Sherman, Cromwell, Stuart, Challenger) – 35ft x 15ft net. • Trucks with load capacity under 30cwt – two 14ft x 14ft nets each. • Lorries with load capacity 30cwt and more – two 24ft x24ft nets each. • Other cars – 14ft x 14ft net. Rolled or partially rolled nets were carried outside the vehicles.

Markings The white five-pointed star, the so-called Allied Star, which had originally been the recognition insignia of the US Army’s vehicles since late 1941, was the basic recognition sign of the 1st Armoured Division. This was adopted prior to the Normandy invasion as the common Allied recognition sign in the West European theatre. While the 1st Armoured Division’s vehicles also bore white stars, it is difficult to find any standardisation in their positioning and dimensions, although the 21st Army Group adopted an American instruction exactly describing the size and the

ABOVE: Morris C9/B with a Bofors 40mm AA gun, Meppen, May 3rd, 1946. The vehicle belongs to 1. Pułk Artylerii Przeciwlotniczej Lekkiej (1st Light AA Regiment). The divisional “squirrel” and AoS can be seen; latter is a white “43” on red over a dark blue background. The bridge classification number is black “9” on yellow. Battery and troop marking are on a “Battenberg” – dark blue square with a smaller red square in the lower right quarter. In conjunction with white “6” it denotes the 6th vehicle of the 2nd Battery. The vehicle bears “Mickey Mouse Ear” camouflage – SCC No.2 (Khaki) as a base colour and SCC No.14 (Black) on horizontal surfaces.

ABOVE & BELOW: Two outstanding photos depicting 10. PSK (10th Mounted Rifles) tanks. Both Cromwells and Stuarts of the Recce Platoon can be seen. The geometrical squadron markings are painted in white and specific to a divisional reconnaissance unit.



Tank Strengths of 1st Armoured Division (taken from the “Half Yearly Reports on the Progress of the Royal Armoured Corps”) June 1944: - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sherman V (M4A4) – 139 Sherman VC Firefly (M4A4, 17 pdr) – 23 Sherman IC Firefly (M4, 17 pdr) – 2 Sherman V OP (Observation Post) – 5 Sherman V ARV (Armoured Recovery Vehicle) – 11 Cromwell IV/V/VII – 53 Cromwell VI – 6 Cromwell OP - 0 Cromwell ARV – 3 Stuart – 0 (awaiting delivery, should have had 44) Valentine Bridgelayer – 3 Crusader AA – 0 (awaiting delivery, should have had 18)

December 1944: - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sherman 75 mm – 41 Sherman 17-pdr– 40 Sherman 76 mm – 51 Sherman OP – 5 Sherman ARV – 12 Cromwell 75 mm – 60 Cromwell 95 mm – 5 Cromwell OP - 0 Cromwell ARV - 0 Stuart – 40 Valentine Bridgelayer – 0 Crusader AA – 5

June 1945: - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sherman 17-pdr – 40 Sherman 76 mm – 181 Sherman OP – 11 Sherman ARV – 11 Sherman Dozer (type M1) – 3 Cromwell 75 mm – 49 Cromwell 95 mm – 7 Cromwell OP – 3 Cromwell ARV – 3 Challenger – 13 Stuart – 36 Valentine Bridgelayer - 1

INSET ABOVE: General Kazimierz Sosnkowski (left), the Commanding Officer Polish Forces and Maj.Gen. Stanisław Maczek, the 1st Armoured Division G.O.C. photographed shortly before the Division landed in Normandy, 1944. Note the Ford GP Jeep in the background. RIGHT: The insignia of The Polish 1st Armoured Division, see text for details.

position where the stars should have been placed: • Sherman tanks: turret roof – 20in. diameter; hull, engine cover – 60in. diameter. • Tank destroyers: side and rear armour plates – 20in. diameter; hull, engine cover – 44.5in. diameter. • Half-tracks and M3 Scout Cars: engine cover – 35.5in. diameter; side armour – 20in. diameter; rear armour – 15in. diameter. • Jeeps: engine cover – 15in. diameter; body rear sides – 6in. diameter; body rear – 12in. diameter. Despite these precise instructions it is difficult to say if the stars on 21st Army Group’s vehicles, including the 1st Armoured Division, were painted in accordance with the foregoing dimensions. The 1st Armoured Division’s troops observed a number of unwritten rules on the star’s painting, which will be explained later. The stars painted on the upper surfaces of “A” and “B” vehicles, i.e. fighting and transport ones, were placed inside a white circle in order to be more visible from the air. Most Sherman tanks of the 1st Armoured Division did not have stars on their hull engine decks but instead carried them painted on the turret roof. The tanks of the 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade had large-sized white stars painted on their hull sides. They were often painted over or darkened, because they presented a very good aiming point for German anti-tank gunners. The stars on the 10th Mounted Rifles Regiment’s Cromwells were turned upsidedown with one arm of the star pointing down instead of straight up as it was in most cases. These stars were of much smaller size than the ones painted onto the Shermans in the 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade. The size and shape of the 10th Mounted Rifles Regiment’s stars allow the conjecture they were based on the stars of the so-called “Canadian” type. Besides the Allied Star, the 1st Armoured Division’s vehicles, or at least most of them, were marked with the letters “PL” in black on a plain white oval. Both “A” and “B” class vehicles usually carried this “PL” insignia painted on the rear. However, some examples of the insignia placed on vehicles’ fronts are known, too.

Formation sign The 1st Armoured Division formation sign consisted of a helmet and a hussar wing, both painted in black. This form was adopted in 1942. The helmet was placed inside a black circle with an orange centre. This form of the formation sign survived until the division was disbanded in 1947. Due to its composition the sign gained the popular name of “squirrel” among soldiers. We will use this name in the following text to simplify matters.


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The location of the “squirrel” on a vehicle was determined by a British instruction of 1943, which included general details of painting formation signs for every kind of vehicle within formations organised according to the British tables. The relevant section of the instruction read: “The formation sign will be stencilled on the near side (left) front mudguard on all types of vehicles which have mudguards, except motorcycles. On vehicles without mudguards, the formation sign will be stencilled in a position corresponding as nearly as possible to the nearside front mudguard. In addition, formation signs will be stencilled in a prominent position on the rear of the vehicle. Formation signs will not be carried on motorcycles”. As we can see, the instruction did not allow for the formation signs to be painted on motorcycles. Common practice, however, was different and the “squirrel” was put on the left side of the motorcycles’ fuel tanks. Moreover, the instruction did not include an exact description of where on the rear of a vehicle a formation sign should be positioned. So, it seems the practice by both the British and the Poles of painting formation signs on the left side of a vehicle rear was really only a custom. The most important rule, however, stated in the instruction was that: “formation signs will be carried [...] by all units permanently allotted to a div.” So, units attached to the 1st Armoured Division for a limited time were not authorised to bear the “squirrel”. This rule applied, for instance, to an RAF armoured car regiment, which was attached to the 1st Armoured Division in the winter of 1944/45 or to a number of Churchill Crocodile flamethrower tanks of the British 79th Armoured Division’s 141st RAC Regiment who supported the Poles.

ABOVE: Willys MB Jeep of the 1st Traffic Control Squadron, Germany, 1945. SCC No.15 is the overall colour. The AoS - “43” on black background - with the “squirrel” to its right. “Traffic Control” is painted in either black or red on a white background. White webbing is worn by the men.

Unit Codes (Unit Serial Numbers – Arm of Service Numbers) Without doubt, these formed the most complicated part of the British marking system. Luckily, our study starts in 1944, when in the West European theatre the system had already been standardised. According to the system every branch of Arms and Services received a rectangular plate in a colour or colours characteristic for

ABOVE: Maj. Gen. Stanisław Maczek in a Jeep, W.D. Number: M5539138. BELOW: The Regimental Colours of the 10th Mounted Rifles (right) and 1. Pułk Arylerii Motorowej (1st Motorised Artillery Regiment). The 25pdr SP Sexton has an AoS of “74” on as red over dark blue background. The vehicle’s name Jordanów is under a white skull on a black ground, commemorating “The Dead Battery” of the 1920 Polish-Bolshevik War.



Humber Scout Car named Orzeł from an unidentified unit of the Division, plays host to local children in Belgium, 1944. Under the name there is a typical stencil, hardly visible in this case, but reads: “This vehicle is filled with anti freeze 1/3 2/3 & (or “and”) must not be drained”. Sometimes it was just “Anti freeze installed”, often spelt with one “l”, i.e. the American way! ABOVE: Vehicles belonging to 1. Pułk Rozpoznawczy (1st Reconnaissance Regiment) in the UK, 1943. The unit was eventually superseded by the 10th Mounted Rifles and its cadres formed the nucleus of the divisional 1st Independent Machine Gun Squadron. The Humber Mk.II Armoured Cars carry the AoS “47” on black background in addition to the divisional “squirrel” and the RAC red-white-red recognition flash. The vehicles were painted overall with SCC No.2. BELOW: Perhaps these men photographed elements of the 1st Reconnaissance Regiment from the top of their camouflaged Humber Super Snipe Heavy Utility belonging to the Polish Army Film Unit, UK, 1943.

them. Multi-coloured plates were divided horizontally in half, horizontally or vertically with three stripes or diagonally. Below are listed the types of units which formed the 1st Armoured Division and their rectangle colours. These colours were based exactly on the British system: • Armoured Regiments and Motor Battalions – red. • Reconnaissance Regiments – green above blue. • Artillery Regiments – red above blue. • Infantry Battalions – green. • Engineers – blue. • Signals – white above blue. • Divisional Staff, Military Police, MG Support Company, auxiliary and rear units – black. • Workshops – divided in three from top: blue, yellow, red. • Supply services – divided diagonally: red on upper left, green on lower right. To identify units within a formation the abovementioned coloured plates had a number stencilled onto them. The combination of colour and number informed any privy person as to the unit to which a


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ABOVE: Daimler Dingo Scout Cars shortly before embarkation to Normandy. These cars belong to 1. Pułk Pancerny (1st Armoured Regiment) and display a complete set of markings. The centre vehicle has a symbol of a “mermaid” painted on its superstructure. LEFT: Another Humber SC, named Pedziwiatr, crossing a narrow obstacle. The car belongs to 10. Pułk Dragonów (10th Dragoons), a motor infantry battalion. The unit AoS is a white ‘54’ on a red background. Holland, 1944.

vehicle belonged. The point was that the unit codes system was only readable when the formation sign of a division or a brigade was visible. Without this sign it was impossible to identify the name of a unit, because each of the 21st Army Group’s armoured divisions had the same set of unit code numbers. There could be several vehicles standing side by side and each of them could carry the code plate of “51” on red and each of them could belong to a different parent formation. For example, a Sherman marked with “51” on red and with the “squirrel” belonged to the Polish 1st Armoured Regiment, while another Sherman with identical “51” on red and different formation sign could belong to the British 11th or Guards Armoured Divisions, the 27th Armoured Brigade or else the Canadian 4th or 5th Armoured Divisions. This rule applied to every type of units within these divisions. According to the 1943 instruction, unit codes should have been placed as follows: “Unit vehicles will bear two signs stencilled on the vehicles, one facing the front and one the rear. The signs will be, approximately, 9.5in. by 8.5in. The position of the signs will differ with

varying types of vehicles and cannot be standardised but will, where possible, be on the offside (right) front mudguard or some similar position to the front, and on the offside of the tailboard, or some similar position to the rear. The serial number allotted to the unit will be painted in white and as large as possible on the coloured background”. In fact, most numbers were 6in. high. However, it should be noted that the above section of the instructions allowed a certain degree of freedom in interpretation. Another point of the instruction was the strict rule against placing unit codes on any kind of trailer, because different units could use

Crusader AA during Operation ‘Totalise’, August 1944. These antiaircraft Crusaders were eventually withdrawn when the Allies achieved total air supremacy.



ABOVE: Sherman ARV (Armoured Recovery Vehicle) Mk.I, 24. Pułk Ułanów im. hetmana Zółkiewskiego (24th Lancers), August 1944. The junior regiment’s AoS is a white “53” on a red background with the “squirrel” above. “T267” is the vehicle’s individual embarkation number. Note the raised windscreen.

the same trailer on different occasions. The instruction also stated that a unit code was to be painted on both sides of motorcycles’ fuel tanks and on their rear mudguards. As was mentioned above, some of the 1st Armoured Division’s motorcycles carried the division’s formation sign on the left side of their fuel tanks. The code numbers on the plates were painted in white but there was, however, one exception to the rule. It was introduced by a regulation of 1942 and confirmed in October, 1943. The vehicles of signals units carried their code numbers painted in red, as due to their white above blue background white digits would not be visible on such the plate. All unit codes numbers were stencilled.

Tactical markings Only armoured units’ vehicles in the 1st Armoured Division carried tactical markings. The vehicles of the 3rd Rifle Brigade did not use them at all. The tactical marking system was based on the British LEFT: Probably the same spot, slightly to the left. Both Polish and German medical personnel taking care of the wounded. The Carrier has the same diamond-shaped HQ squadron sign. BELOW: The troops of Batalion Strzelców Podhalanskich (Highland Rifles), many of whom served at Narvik in 1940. Note white “61” over a light green background. INSET: Fordson WOT6 G.S. (General Service), 3-ton lorry, 1st Squadron, 2nd Armoured Regiment, August 1944. The “squirrel” can be seen just under the windscreen and also the unit AoS “52” on red background. A yellow triangle squadron sign is painted on both doors and the right mudguard. The white letters “AMN” written in the squadron marking denote regimental ammunition supply column. Bridge classification is black “7” on yellow. The “shelf” over the radiator grille was usually painted with gas detecting paint. W.D. Number: L5285104. The vehicle is painted in “Mickey Mouse Ear” camouflage scheme – SCC No.2 (Khaki) as a base colour and SCC No.15 (Black) on the horizontal surfaces.



ABOVE: A Sherman’s side armour pierced during the August 1944 fighting.

ABOVE: A time to refresh as well. The crew of a Sherman V named Kosciuszko prepare their meal.

system and was closely related to a regiment’s seniority within a formation. The seniority of the Polish 1st Armoured Division’s regiments within the 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade was as follows: • 1st Armoured Regiment – senior regiment, red tactical markings. • 2nd Armoured Regiment – second senior regiment, yellow tactical markings. • 24th Lancers Regiment – junior regiment, blue tactical markings. • 10th Dragoons Regiment – motor battalion, green tactical markings. Tactical markings within a regiment were painted in the colour that corresponded with the regiment’s seniority position within a formation. The vehicles of each of an armoured regiment’s squadrons carried the individual squadron marking in the form of a geometrical symbol in the colour corresponding with the seniority of the regiment: • Headquarters – diamond. • 1st Squadron – triangle. • 2nd Squadron – square. • 3rd Squadron – circle. This system allowed quick identification of vehicles on the battlefield both within a squadron and within a regiment: it was enough to check the shape and the colour of the symbol to identify a vehicle’s parent squadron and regiment. The same tactical marking system as used in the 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade was used in the 10th Mounted Rifles Regiment, which was the divisional reconnaissance regiment, but their markings were in white. The tactical marking symbols were carried on the hull side armour plates by most of the 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade’s Shermans. In the 1st and 2nd Armoured Regiments, as in the 24th Lancers Regiment, their size was quite large. In additional, the symbols were sometimes placed on the hull rear armour plates or on the stowage bins, which were carried there. The tactical markings of the 10th Mounted Rifles Regiment were noticeably smaller and were also carried on the hull front armour of the Regiment’s Cromwells.

ABOVE: Sherman V of 1. Pułk Pancerny (1st Armoured Regiment), the senior regiment of the 10th Armoured Cavalry Brigade. Note the red triangle squadron marking. This particular tank was knocked out at Hill 262, commonly known as “Maczuga” (“Mace”), the crucial point of Falaise Pocket.

Sometimes – rarely in the 1st Armoured Division – the geometrical symbols of the tactical marking system had numbers or the letters “HQ” painted inside. The numbers denoted platoons of a squadron and “HQ” indicated regimental or squadron headquarters. These numbers and letters were painted in the same colour as the symbol or in white. To be continued.

ABOVE: 1st Armoured Division’s Shermans chased the Germans across Northern France. Inscriptions handwritten in chalk read “Vive la Pologne. Merci” (“Long Live Poland. Thank You”) and “A bas les Boches” (“Down with the Krauts”), signed by someone called “Hugo”. Spare track links have been attached to hull and turret as appliqué armour.



Breaker Morant Christopher McGrane turns an Australian Light Horseman bust into “Scapegoat of the Empire” Lieutenant Harry Morant.


ABOVE RIGHT: An image of the author’s completed model reproduced here to represent a contemporary photograph of Harry Morant with a little help from Photoshop. RIGHT: Model Cellar’s beautiful new WW1 Australian Horseman three-quarter bust made for an easy reinterpretation as Harry ‘Breaker’ Morant, Bushveldt Carbineers, South Africa, 1901.


n 1901 Lieutenant Harry Harbold Morant, a professional horse breaker, published poet, hard drinker and idealist, was one of a trio of Australian mounted infantrymen who volunteered together to join Lord Kitchener’s ‘Bushveldt Carbineers’ during the Boer War (1899-1902). The Carbineers were an irregular unit formed to oppose certain Boer ‘commandos’ operating outside the rules of war (as then understood) in the Northern Transvaal territory of colonial South Africa. This land had been acquired from the French by the British Empire as far back as the Treaty of Vienna, after Napoleon was vanquished at Waterloo. The Boer people were hearty former subjects of the Austrian Netherlands, mainly farmers, with Dutch and German heritages. (Our modern usage of ‘commando’ derives from the Boers’ own word for an irregular guerrilla unit of that war – kommando). By 1901, for the British the war was geographically all but won. The famous ‘blockhouse system’ of border strongpoints at established intervals was in place. But tensions remained, and the commandos of the Northern Transvaal were determined to oppose British rule. For their part, the British had become anxious to conclude this troublesome, unprofitable conflict, and most immediately, to prevent Germany, a state not surprisingly sympathetic to the Boers’ cause, from entering the fight by way of some pretext. Partly to mollify the Germans, Morant’s trio was charged with murder and court-martialled for summarily executing seven Boers and a German missionary – all

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


of which had been done under express orders, communicated verbally (but not in writing) by an attaché of Lord Kitchener’s staff. Morant and Lieutenant Peter Hancock received death sentences and were quickly executed. Lieutenant George Witton, a junior officer not involved in the actual executions, was given a life sentence at hard labour. This would shortly be commuted to three years imprisonment. After release, Witton would write his memoirs, describing himself and his associates as “Scapegoats of the Empire”. Thus began – at least in the public conscience of the 20th century – the novel controversy of punishing soldiers on campaign for following patently criminal orders. This issue would later be taken up at greater length at Nuremberg in 1946, and would resurface during America’s war in Vietnam, among other conflicts. In the award-winning, eponymous Australianmade 1979 screen adaptation of the play, Breaker Morant recites from memory the poetry of Lord Byron through the lips of actor Edward Woodward, as the trio awaits a verdict: When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home, Let him combat for that of his neighbours, Let him think of the glories of Greece and of Rome, And get knocked on the head for his labours.

To do good to mankind is a chivalrous plan, And as always is nobly requited, Give battle for freedom wherever you can, And if not shot or hanged, you’ll get knighted! Elsewhere, Morant muses to Witton, “One hasn’t the luxury of choosing which side he’s fighting on in a war, George… and these days, it’s so terribly easy to end up on the wrong one”.

The kit and conversion This 1:9 scale three-quarter bust, titled Australian Light Horseman, 1915 (item MC19012), is a recent addition to Model Cellar’s ( ever-growing line of excellent offerings. It’s my good fortune to know proprietor Paul Ondeck personally – his business is about a half-hour’s drive away – and I recommend all of his miniatures for their quality and sharp pricing. Oddly enough, it was Paul’s own enthusing about recently introducing personalities in his bust figures line (e.g. Colonel Nicholson of Bridge on the River Kwai) at our NCMSS Show in Virginia last September that got me reflecting upon how easily I could convert Carl Reid’s astonishingly beautiful horseman bust sculpture into Harry ‘Breaker’ Morant. The transformation is simple, and within easy grasp of any modeller who has

ABOVE LEFT: Box art for the Model Cellar kit. ABOVE RIGHT: The modified bust, photographed to match the box art and backdated to 1901, the Boer War – Breaker Morant. The bust is by the celebrated and prolific sculptor Carl Reid.

‘‘ ” The transformation is simple, and within easy grasp of any modeller who has worked with resin figures...



The unit identification shoulder patch (rectangle) was easily scraped away with a sharp, rounded blade.

ABOVE: As a rule, I assemble as much as possible before painting. Obviously, Morant’s face was easier to paint separately, with his cigarette-toting hand out of the way. What remarkable detail! BELOW: The basic Vallejo acrylic under-painting. I try to keep the tones as close as possible to the actual oil overlays to follow.

The hat twine is simply two-ply .015” solder, twisted to shape. I used slow-curing cyano glue to allow for some positioning time.

The primed head. When I encounter projects like this head sculpture I reflect happily that our hobby has become such a bona fide art form!


Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


LEFT: I purposely gave Morant a defiant sparkle in each eye, using a very light Vallejo blue and placing the paint on the irises with the tip of a toothpick rather than a brush! I think his uncannily natural handling of the cigarette is fabulous. BELOW: The braided twine holding up his hat brim may be apocryphal. In the film, Edward Woodward (Morant) had his hat brim held up this way, but I think that was probably to help him stand out among his fellow officers, who were dressed practically identically.

The Carbineers preferred a standard infantry Lee-Enfield rifle to the ineffectual carbines with which they had been equipped. In fact, they disliked fighting from horseback altogether. Here, the wood grain of the rifle stock is simulated with flecks of sand paint.

worked with resin figures (in fact, it’s not a bad figure to start with if you’ve yet to try one, modified or otherwise). The changes made to the Australian Horseman to represent Morant are detailed in the accompanying photo captions. However, I should note that Paul’s figure represents an early WW1 Australian mounted horseman, dating perhaps to 1915 or 1916. (I thought he represented a ‘digger”, a Gallipoli campaign combatant, but Paul dates him later). The modifications, then, involve changing those features connected with the WW1 uniform and backdating him to Pietersburg, South Africa, 1901. In summary, these are as follows: the uniform colour becomes Imperial khaki tan; a 4.5mm gun barrel extension is added to the rifle to simulate the

ABOVE: I painted the shiny ostrich feathers in a base Vallejo acrylic blue-black, and treated them to highlights mixed from varying shades of the deep base and Metal Medium agent. LEFT: All the Carbineer officers, regardless of rank, wore the distinctive Australian bush hat with ostrich feather plume. The hat appeared in a deep, cool grey olive-green with grey band. RIGHT: The figure from left rear. Carl Reid has a unique style for his bust pedestals. Each one is textured handsomely and given a nicely descriptive ‘badge’ on the front. With Model Cellar, you never need worry about how to create the connection between bust and base.



LEFT: The Carbineer is festooned with beautifullyformed bandoleers on his left shoulder and waist. These can run the gamut from oxblood leather to deep chocolate tones. RIGHT: All of the figure was painted with my usual method of laying in hobby acrylics, shading as far as possible, then over-painting or glazing with artists’ oils. The face – so convincingly weary and haggard – is loaded with personality. Note the wear on the edges of the bandoleer flaps, and powder burns (Tamiya Weathering Master Soot) on the breast pocket.

ABOVE: Carl Reid spares no efforts in sculpting lifelike hands, replete with nails and veins. I should note that there’s minimal clean-up with Model Cellar resin castings. LEFT: Modifications to backdate the 1915-16 horseman included removing brass buttons from the collar corners and unit identification tabs from the edges of the epaulettes, both jobs easily accomplished with a sharp, curved hobby knife, emery board and steel wool.


Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015

Figures RIGHT: The end of the rifle barrel was the most involved modification. The horseman comes equipped with a rifle that has no barrel extension, yet the Carbineers used an earlier model which had several inches of protruding rifled barrel topped by an aiming notch. These were fashioned from sheet plastic rod and a small PS triangle, respectively. In scale, the extra barrel length works out to 4.5mm. Important: if you make this conversion, glue this piece into a pre-drilled socket in the end of the gun body with two-part epoxy. I must have brushed this fragile assembly a dozen times while painting, and I’m sure that only the strong glue preserved the connection. Alternatively, you might wish to save installing the gun barrel for last!

LEFT: Model Cellar’s 1:9 scale busts come with attractively decorated base stands, as shown here. I painted mine in a rusty iron tone mixed from Vallejo deep bronze tones with Metal Medium as a highlighting agent. Note the appealing horse head badge on the pedestal. BELOW: The completed piece stands almost 11” tall with base, and easily represents my favourite stock bust offering to date.

ABOVE: It’s always nice to set off a figure base with brass plate or the like, but occasionally I opt to create a laserprinted design befitting the subject. The Union flag came from a CD catalogue of images from a home publishing program. I sized the sign, printed it, trimmed it, and glued it to a sheet styrene placard for attachment to the base front. Note how I spelled “carbineer” here. My early written sources included the extra “a” in the word, but I believe the men themselves would have spelled it as I have throughout this article.

earlier service piece; a number of buttons are scraped away, in particular on the collar flaps; the Australian ‘bayonet fan’ insignia is removed from the bush hat brim and epaulettes; and the rectangular unit patches are scraped away from the upper arms. It was a real pleasure to undertake this figure. Carl Reid is one of a new brood of sculptors who have injected a remarkable vitality into their figures, as can easily be seen in the distinct character of Morant’s face, his relaxed pose, and the subtlety of the hands. How far we’ve come from the comparatively naïve offerings of just 25-years ago! Lastly, if you haven’t seen the film Breaker Morant, I would strongly recommend it. As a retired courtroom advocate, I may be partial, but I think the film has everything most history enthusiasts enjoy in movies: classic trial drama, action and gunplay, exotic landscapes, moral dilemmas and wonderful attention to detail. None of which is to say, though, that Model Cellar’s Australian horseman isn’t a superlative piece in itself. I recommend it to you wholeheartedly.


AFV reviews

Box art for the new 1:144 scale Landkreuzer P1000 and Maus from Takom.

Small Scale Scene

TOP: Remember these are the same scale of 1:144, the complete Maus alongside just one of the track units for the P1000 Ratte.

Robin Buckland’s monthly column for military vehicle modellers.


ummer is with us, longer daylight hours, good weather and so many other distractions to lure us away from the modelling bench. Summer shows such as the MAFVA Nationals at Duxford are already behind us. It was isolated a bit this year by the decision of the Imperial War Museum at Duxford not to hold their Military Vehicle Rally this year which was a shame. Tankfest at the Bovington Tank Museum was a great success however, with both days being sold out. Talking of shows, news came in while compiling this column that the War & Peace Revival show in July is likely to be the last as the co-organisers, Rex Cadman and Barbara Shea, have decided that after 27-years it is time to ‘retire’ from the event. Maybe someone else will come along to pick up running the event but there’s no news on that as yet, so we meanwhile look forward to attending what may be the last ever War & Peace show.

Takom A rat (Ratte) and a couple of mice (Maus) in the box together! This is the first kit in 1:144 scale from Takom and once you see it I think you’ll understand why they chose this scale for an armour model. Ignore the flying saucers on the box art, this was a German design drawn up in 1941/42 by Krupp which was approved for construction, though it was cancelled in 1943 by the armaments minister, Albert Speer,


before it was built. This 1,000-ton monster was set to carry a twin 280mm gun turret more normally seen on a battleship such as the Gneisenau! Only two guns in the turret rather than three, as the space that would have accommodated a third gun was to have been used for ammunition storage. With mounts for quad 20mm AA guns and a 128mm Kwk 44 L/55 as used on the Maus to be mounted on the glacis plate, it was also designed to have no less than three runs of track on each side. Powered by marine diesel engines it would have been a real monster, and I suspect a relief for the builders who would actually have had to find the materials and make such a fantastical design actually work. As for the kit, you not only get the huge Landkreuzer itself, but two models of the 188-ton Maus, which was the largest tank ever to have been built. To see the two side-by-side, and realising they are to the same scale, makes for one of the most incredible comparisons I can ever remember seeing in a model kit. The hull of the Landkreuzer, even in 1:144 scale, is bigger than most 1:35 scale armour models. It is very cleanly moulded and the fit of parts is proving to be very good. The Maus is moulded on two sprues, one with the hull and running gear, the other with the turret and of course there are two of each. Building these is quick and quite straightforward. Then you have this huge hull for the Ratte which is very well moulded. The hull and the outer roadwheels are

ABOVE: More scale comparisons, the Takom 1:144 scale P1000 and Maus alongside a 1:35 scale Tamiya BT-7.

in a tan plastic, while the tracks, the remaining components of the vast running gear as well as the huge gun turret are all moulded in a reddish brown plastic. There are also etched-metal parts for the guardrails along the hull and the ladders that fit to the sides of the gun turret. Colour schemes are provided which are of course conjecture, though the two shown for the Maus more likely as that at least was built in reality. Colour profiles are prepared for Takom by working together with Ammo of Mig Jiminez, so colours are keyed to their range of acrylic paints as well. The vast size of this jaw-dropping Nazi project is well served by this combination kit once you see the two subjects together. For anyone who feels they can’t do small scale models, well this one is bigger than most 1:35 scale kits so might tempt you

into having a go with something really ‘different’. Thanks to Pocketbond, the new UK importers for our sample, this is on the shops now.

Revell Another small scale re-release from Revell as they have their 1:72 scale SdKfz 9 Famo on sale again. The kit has come in two slightly different variations over the years, one with a large earth spade on the back and one without; this is the one without the earth spade. The vehicle itself is very nicely done, and it features hard plastic link and length style tracks which work well around the roadwheels. They even include a good size piece of clear plastic to make the windscreen glazing, and you will have plenty left over for use on other models as well. This recovery vehicle is notably larger

Box art of the re-released Famo from Revell.

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015

AFV reviews An assembled example of the 1:72 scale Famo from Revell.

than the smaller SdKfz 7 artillery tractor (also in the Revell range) though it will still take three of these coupled together if you want a recovery scene with a Tiger I. What is in here though are the towbars used to recover a tank, and they illustrate this in the instructions, using a Panzer IV for the illustration of how to couple them up if you want to, though of course you will have to buy another kit for the Panzer IV. Two sets of markings are provided for, and one of these is a bit different for being an example captured and put to use by the British Army RAOC (Royal Army Ordnance Corps) in Tunisia in 1943, while the alternative is also from Tunisia in 1943, but this time in use by the German 10th Panzer Division. A good model, and one which I know assembles neatly and makes for a good addition to a collection of German half-tracks of WW2. Thanks to Revell for our sample. Revell model kits are available from all good toy and model retailers. For further information visit or

AFV Club The Mid-Production version of the AEC Matador in 1:35 scale from AFV Club is now on sale here in the UK. Much of it is the same as the earlier version but now with additional parts to cover the mid-

production version. It gives the new style cab roof, and there is crew seating within the front half of the rear body, and this includes the battery box under the seat, which holds the vehicle batteries. Upper sides on the tilt can be fitted rolled up or down, and if you have them down there are thin clear plastic ‘windows’ to fit to them. This is ideal to simulate these soft plastic panels which allow them to be rolled up in the canvas, rather than a more solid glass screen. More conventional clear plastic parts are provided for the cab glazing. The chassis is very well detailed, including the winch and the underside of the load bed. The only thing not included other than the lower pan of it is the engine, but as this is hidden away once the cab is in place, that isn’t an issue to my mind. Detailing within the cab itself is neat, and you have the option of fitting the cab door windows fully closed or wound partly down. Also good for this first batch of releases is the inclusion of a resin driver figure to fit in the cab. Three colour and marking options are provided for, with one in overall sand (North Africa), another with a sand/khaki and black camouflage (Italy) and a Khaki Drab and Black ‘Mickey Mouse ear’ pattern appropriate for North West Europe. It’s another very comprehensive kit from AFV Club and, with an excellent fit of parts, will be an enjoyable build to get underway. This one is in the shops now and my thanks to AFV Club for the sample.

Box art for the Mid Production Matador by AFV Club.

ABOVE: Two new British Airborne trailers in 1:76 scale from MMS. BELOW: The 1:76 scale Ford V3000S truck kit from Sgts Mess featuring laser cut board components.


Sgts Mess

Two neat and simple little 1:76 scale metal models have been added to the Accessory Pak series from MMS. Two alternatives for the British Airborne Trailer, either one that is open, or another that has the top sheeted over. It is the main body of the trailer which is different in each one, while the extra few detail elements are identical in each one. The one thing you will need is a small pin vice to drill out the holes for the two levelling jacks and in the back of the trailer body for the towhook. I also found a little extra drilling of the inside locating hole on the back of the wheels helped get a good fit too. Assembly with super glue is then quick and easy. As ever with metal models, it’s always best to apply a coat of primer prior to painting. So two neat and simple little metal cast trailers which are welcome additions to the MMS range of metal models. Thanks to MMS for our sample. MMS models are available by regular post at PO Box 626, Folkestone, Kent CT20 9AF or via their website at

A Ford V3000S in 1:76 scale is a new addition to their range of wargames models and really is a ‘Mixed Media’ kit. It includes resin parts for the cab/chassis, metal parts for the drivetrain and wheels, while the wooden GS body is produced using parts in laser cut board. The detail is good, though the cab is moulded solid, common in wargames models. The use of the laser cut wood for the body is a novel idea and one which works well, and looks good. Simple enough in terms of the number of parts, so assembly with super glue and then just a coat of primer and paint to your choice of colour scheme. A single-piece resin cab, chassis and rear mudguards, plus front wheels, twin rear wheels, rear axle and driveshaft all in metal, and finally a small board of laser cut board for the wooden load bed. Everything fits together well and assembly is a quick job. With the different materials it will certainly need a coat of primer before you paint in your chosen colour scheme. The one item that could be usefully added is a spare wheel to fit


AFV reviews

under the body. Thanks to Gary and Ellen at Sgts Mess for our sample it is available through them, along with other items from the range, via their website at

Figures I find the new release of a set of 1:48 scale RAF Ground Crew from Airfix to be particularly interesting. First of all though, let’s talk about what is in the box. The set contains 10 multi-part figures, moulded in a normal hard plastic sprue and not in soft vinyl. Of the 10 figures, two are pilots. One is on the wing about to climb into the cockpit and another is running towards his aircraft as if going to ‘Scramble’. As a nice touch, the running figure has a Spaniel running alongside/ chasing him. The other eight figures, some crouching, others standing, are all carrying out various other tasks associated with an aircraft. All are nicely sculpted, in a variety of service uniform, overalls or shirt sleeves, and each of these ground crew figures has a choice of heads, either with a side cap or a tin helmet. Tasks featured include loading belts of ammunition into the wing-mounted .303s and holding refuelling hoses. A second sprue contains additional equipment, including a trolley carrying ammunition boxes and a couple of Browning machine guns, an Oil Bowser and an Accumulator Trolley. Additionally, some wheel chocks and oil cans, plus a length of vinyl tube for the refuelling hose(s), makes this set ideal to put together with their recent 1:48 scale Hurricane Mk.I in a diorama along with their new 1:48 scale Albion AM463 3-point refueller, a scene hinted at on the back of the box. The instructions give a section to each figure and then provide individual colour illustrations as painting guides for each one as well. My thanks to Airfix for our sample and these are available in the shops now.

Box art for the new Airfix RAF Groundcrew set, and a suggested diorama on the back. Though the Hurricane is not included in the kit it is available separately.

That lets me get back to my thoughts of it being an ‘interesting’ development. Not only does it demonstrate the continued interest in 1:48 scale models, but it has been released at the same time as their new kits of the Albion Refueller and the new Hawker Hurricane Mk.I that all three kits are closely associated together and aimed at being combined to create a diorama which can be so evocative of the Battle of Britain during that summer of 1940. I for one am pleased to see them use such a theme in this way with associated kit releases. My thanks to Airfix for our sample the set is on sale now.

tanks, finer brackets for the front headlight and horn mountings, along with plenty of other details to upgrade the kit. This will go well with the Academy kit to add that extra level of detail to notch it up a level. Clear instructions are provided as usual for Eduard, including a good indication of where moulded plastic detail should be removed and replaced with the finer etched-metal parts. With thanks to Eduard models

for our sample it’s available via their website at http://www. Two new sets of WW2 Royal Navy themed sets of acrylic paints from Lifecolor are now in stock here in the UK via importers The Airbrush Company. Set 1 covers schemes used in the Eastern Approaches, particularly in the early stages of the war. The six colours allow for a variety of the plain grey or multi-colour dazzle schemes used on Royal Navy warships of all sizes. This set comes along at about the same time as Italeri’s new 1:35 scale model of Vosper MTB 74 as used in the St. Nazaire raid and holds the colours used in the multi-colour scheme used on that particular vessel. Good quality paints that brush on well, and with a bit of thinner are suitable for airbrushing as well. On the back there are simple notes against the colours regarding when they were used. The colours in the set are: Admiralty Dark Grey 507A; Admiralty Medium Grey 507B; Admiralty Light Grey 507C; Light Grey B20; Medium Green-Grey MS3; Dark Blue-Grey B5. Set 2 is a change from the drab greys of Set 1, as it carries the colours used particularly on the convoy escorts of the later war period, in the Western Approaches. Here we find pale green and blue along with white, so generally a lighter set of colours in comparison

Accessories New from Eduard is Set 36319 which features two etchedbrass parts frets to upgrade the detail on the recently released 1:35 scale T-34/85 kit from Academy. With new toolboxes, engine grilles, replacement front mudguards, new brackets and strapping for the external fuel

Eduard parts in use on the Academy kit of the T-34/85.

Etched-metal part frets from Eduard’s new T-34/85 set.


Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015

AFV reviews

Box art of the two new WW2 Royal Navy paint sets from Lifecolor.

to those in Set 1. Together though these two sets provide an excellent palette to work with for any WW2 Royal Navy warships. Once again it carries simple notes on the back of the box explaining when and where the particular colours were used. The colours in Set 2 are: Hull Red; W.A. Blue; W.A. Green; White; Semtex Green; Corticene. The retail price is £16.99 (inc VAT) per set and they are available from various stockists, or direct from the UK importers,

News One or two bits of news for forthcoming kits include a couple from Tamiya, one from Zvezda and yet more welcome announcements from Bronco Models. We have had a couple of photos for the new 1:35 scale Panther D due out from Tamiya, along with their 1:48 scale German 3-ton truck. Another one for 1:48 scale fans is news of a new etchedbrass update set from Inside the Armour, which is designed to add detail to the Tamiya kit of the little Daimler Dingo in the same scale. Then from Zvezda we are now expecting a new kit of the GAZ M1 car that looks well detailed. With some more news from Bronco Models, there are a couple of British softskins which I am sure will be popular when they go on sale. There is a Morris Commercial C8 Quad Gun Tractor along with the Morris C8 17pdr Anti-tank gun Tractor while for German armour fans, a Panzer II Ausf D (Fl) with UE Trailer. All are in 1:35 scale.

The Airbrush Company at Inside the Armour have the first of their 1:48 scale releases and it’s a set of etched-metal parts to add finer detail to the new Airfix 1:48 scale Bedford MWD 15cwt truck kit. While the kit is nicely done and good value for money, there are some elements moulded in plastic which by the very nature of plastic mouldings are a little over scale in terms of thickness. This is an area where etched-brass

A photo from Tamiya of their new 1:35 scale Panther D.

Coming from ITA, an update set for the Tamiya 1:48 scale Dingo.

Morris C8 17pdr Anti-tank gun Tractor also announced by Bronco.

replacement parts can really be a great help and that is exactly what we have in this new set. There is a short length of brass tubing for the cross bar of the radiator guard, and thinner metal supports are also on the etched fret to replace the thicker plastic ones in the kit. To go with another kit option, that of having the bonnet open so you can see the engine detail underneath it, there are new side and top panels for the bonnet, along with an open mesh grille for the front face.

Morris Commercial C8 Quad Gun Tractor due from Bronco.

The rolled edge of the bonnet needs to be set into the edge, and the metal is grooved on the inside face to help you do this. I suggest that it’s best to ‘anneal’ the brass first by heating it and then letting it cool. This removes the natural ‘springiness’ of the material so it stays where you bend it, and that can be done around a rod of suitable diameter to keep it all even. Then there are new mudguards and replacement detail for the rifle stowage grip in the cab. The front bumper is also provided for, again where the thinner metal gives a more in-scale look to it. Add a few smaller details of catches and nameplate and there you have this very complete set of upgrade parts. Thanks to Chris Meddings for our sample it’s available from

A new 1:48 scale German 3-ton Truck coming from Tamiya.

The Russian WW2 Gaz due from Zvezda.

A 1:35 scale Panzer II Ausf D (FI) with UE Trailer due from Bronco.



The little Aktiv Snocat was purchased in relatively small numbers for use by the Royal Marines for winter warfare in Norway. At least one of these vehicles is known to have been used in The Falklands War and was seen in Port Stanley towing a ¾-ton trailer. You can also see a Bv202 that was used with the Snocat, both in Norway and The Falklands.

The MAFVA column News and views from the Miniature Armoured Fighting Vehicle Association

Paul Gandy describes a visit to the REME Historic Vehicle Collection at Bordon in Hampshire.


n a cold dark morning before dawn back in early March, four members of the South Wales MAFVA Branch set off on a trip to the REME Reserve Collection at the School of Mechanical Engineering (SME) Bordon in Hampshire. One of our members had previously been a Warrant Officer in the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers and had attended his Artificer

course at Bordon many years before, so for him this was a trip down memory lane. But it was more than just that as Dai is making a model of a Conqueror ARV and wanted to see the example they had at Bordon of this extremely rare vehicle. We all met up with other members of the MAFVA at a nearby car park and made our way to the camp. Once there we were greeted by Roger Jones, the

ABOVE LEFT: This is the final version of the Chieftain, a Mk.11 with its Stillbrew armour around the front of the turret and TOGS gunnery system in place of the searchlight. The front part of the Chieftain turret was made from cast steel with some large tolerances, so the Stillbrew package had to be custom made for each vehicle. ABOVE RIGHT: A Scammell Pioneer tank transporter and an Austin gantry breakdown vehicle beautifully restored to show them as used in the Western Desert of Africa during WW2.

ABOVE LEFT: In need of a good dusting and a bit of TLC, the Austin Loadstar was designed as replacement for the Austin K9 that is behind it, but only a handful came into service. ABOVE RIGHT: The Scammell Contractor was trialled by the British Army, but it never came into service as the Thornycroft Antars fulfilled that role (although it was used by several other countries including Jordan). The Scammell Crusader 35-ton behind it though was used as a Light Equipment Transporter. Both of these vehicles are used by the REME Reserve Collection to take some of their exhibits to various shows.


Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


RIGHT: Some of the MAFVA members photographing the Conqueror ARV that was being driven towards them inside the hanger.

curator of the reserve collection, who gave us a brief talk about the collection, and then we were let loose to climb over, under, or inside any of the exhibits that we wanted to. This is something that you very rarely get the chance to do, especially with such a unique collection of vehicles. For most of the time, people look down on a model, but most times at vehicle displays or rallies where you take your reference photos to make the model, you can usually only photograph the real thing from the ground up, which means that you are very likely to miss some important detail on the roof. It was particularly useful to be able to stand on one vehicle to photograph down onto another one next to it, such as me on the platform of a Foden Recovery Vehicle photographing a Humber 1-ton truck. It was fascinating to hear how they had modified the engine in the Conqueror ARV to enable electronic ignition, and even more so when the huge beast was started up and driven towards the entrance of the hanger, enabling us to photograph it from all sides. Equally impressive was the sight of a Mk.2 Antar tank transporter completely stripped down to its constituent parts which were being restored. This is about the ultimate in kit building, 1:1 scale! After spending some time looking, photographing, measuring or just chatting to friends about the vehicles in the collection, we were then given the opportunity to see a line up of vehicles outside on a vehicle park. These were all damaged in one way or another and were being used as both recovery hulks and for trainee artificers to carry out damage assessments to see if a vehicle is worth repairing, or cast aside as scrap. The whole site at Bordon is due to close shortly, with everything moved from Bordon and Arborfield, including the REME Museum, to form part of a new training academy at what was RAF Lyneham. This will mean that the museum and the reserve collection will both be at the same location, which for us in South Wales will be about an hour’s less travelling each way. This was a thoroughly enjoyable day out with a fascinating collection of vehicles and in the company of some good friends from other MAFVA branches.

ABOVE: An incredibly impressive sight of one of a very small number of Conqueror ARVs that is being restored into working order with electronic ignition. There was a deafening roar and the ground shook beneath as it came towards us.

RIGHT: This is a very rare beast indeed. It’s an FV3561 Dummy Axle 10-30 tonne Recovery Trailer. It could be attached to a Thornycroft Antar tractor unit to enable it recover a disabled one by lifting up the front axle to have a suspended tow. It is similar to a smaller 1-3 tonne version.

Members of South Wales MAFVA at a previous Open Afternoon. We’re having another one on Sunday 4th October 2015.

A MAFVA invitation Our South Wales branch of the MAFVA will be having another Open Afternoon on Sunday 4th October at St. Johns Church Hall, Rachel Close, Danescourt, Cardiff CF5 2SH from 2.30pm to 5pm. You are most welcome to come along and have a look at our models or ask us how we made them. For more information about this or about South Wales MAFVA please contact Paul Gandy at or phone 01443-208447. If you’d like to know more about the MAFVA, have a look at our website



On Parade Books, magazines and DVDs reviewed The Editor welcomes publications for review. Unless a prior arrangement has been made with the Editor review samples WILL NOT be returned. All samples intended for review in ‘On Parade’ should be sent direct to the Editor at the address listed under ‘Editorial’ on the contents page.

As elements of Napoleon’s Imperial Guard assaulted the centre of the weakened AngloBritish line, the musket fire from the 52nd smashed into their flank, the French staggered and the 52nd charged home, routing the French column, which lost all semblance of order. Or so some historians would claim – but is it all true? Reading this book will tell you… Stuart Asquith

Waterloo: The Defeat of Napoleon’s Imperial Guard by Gareth Glover. Frontline Books, an imprint of Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 47 Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2AS. ISBN 978-1-84832-744-3. Price £19.99. Sub-titled Henry Clinton, the 2nd Division and the End of a 200-year-old Controversy, this book draws on a mass of previously unpublished material regarding the exploits of the 3rd British Brigade and indeed the entire 2nd Division of Wellington’s army at Waterloo 1815. Under Lieutenant General Sir Henry Clinton GCB, the 2nd Division was a strong formation, with two of its three brigades German speaking. It was initially stationed in reserve behind the right of the Allied line and north of the Nivelles Road, but was ordered forward to the front line in the early evening of the battle. Commanded by Major General Adam, the 3rd British Brigade consisted of 1/71st (Highland) Light Infantry, 2/95th Rifles (part), 3/95th Rifles (part) and 1/52nd (Oxfordshire) Light Infantry.


Nuts & Bolts Vol.34 Sd.Kfz. 7 – 8 ton Zugkraftwagen Krauss-Maffei and variants by Dr. Nicolaus Hettler. Nuts & Bolts Verlag GbR, Heiner F. Duske, Nikolaus-Otto Str. 10, 24536 Neumünster, Germany. Price £25.15. You might think, if you already have the two Panzer Tracts about the SdKfz 7, that this new one from Nuts & Bolts won’t be needed as well. Wrong! The two series are perfect complements to each other, covering their subjects in different ways. Here Dr. Hettler begins with 20-pages of text dealing with the development of the 8-ton half-

Husky VMMD by Ralph Zwilling. Tankograd In Detail Fast Track 10. Tankograd Publishing, Verlag Jochen Vollert, Am Weichselgarten 5, 91058 Erlangen, Germany. UK distributor Bookworld Wholesale, Unit 10 Hodfar Road, Sandy Lane Industrial Estate, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire DY13 9QB. Price £10.99. Finding and clearing mines and other explosive devices is a dangerous job. One system intended to protect those doing it is the Husky VehicleMounted Mine Detector. Developed from a South African design, it resembles a farm tractor with its four wheels on extended frames

track series and all the vehicles in it. He begins with the very first attempts at producing an all-terrain tractor and shows how the designs evolved to the very latest type. Heer, Luftwaffe and Kreigsmarine use is covered, and there’s a brief section about camouflage and markings. An interesting table shows production figures for the main SdKfz 7 chassis types, broken down by manufacturer and production years and even including their ranges of chassis numbers, and two more show the technical data and the engines, suspensions and number of gears for each of them. More tables give the makeup of main user unit types, including the number officially allocated to them and the artillery and trailers they were intended to haul. A final pair of tables give the links between unit types and their tactical signs – so if you want to know what tac sign was carried by the vehicles of, for instance, a Pioneer bridge construction unit the information is here. After all this is Tony Greenland’s list of kits in all scales, and his comments on those he’s built. Quite a few archive photos are included in those text pages, many showing forerunners of the SdKfz 7, but the main archive photo section begins on page 26 and stretches to page 89. Most of the photos were new to me, and all are shown at a good size for

front and rear. Although its main purpose is to find devices the design means that if one of the wheels sets off an explosion the operator in his cab will remain safe as the axle unit will be blown off while the blast is deflected by the vee-shaped lower hull and steel and ceramic armour will keep out any fragments. A new axle can then be fitted in a few minutes so the vehicle can move on. Huskies have been bought in large numbers by the US armed forces and smaller quantities by others. The history of the Husky is described in the short opening text complete with all the MLA – Multi-Letter Abbreviations for those who speak Civilian – anyone could want. Coverage continues in the form of photos, most of these are full-page general views with smaller ones

modeller’s reference. They start with pre-series vehicles, such as the 1933 KMZ 100, and go on to 1945 plus even some post-war use. All the variants are covered, not just the prime movers and troop carriers but also all the Flak-gun-carrying types, both softskinned and armoured. As well as those the armoured tractor for ‘bunkerbuster’ 8.8cm guns is here, and so is the V2 launch control vehicle. This is a great resource of archive photos. Next is the plans section, 29-pages of 1:35 scale 5-view plans of all the versions mentioned above. Then come 10-pages of colour side views with two to a page, showing colours and markings and with page numbers for the photo each one is based upon. A page listing all known survivors comes next, with keys to identify which of them is shown by the following colour photos. This is an absolute treasure trove with 45-pages, all two or three photos to a page and with closeups of many details in the usual Nuts & Bolts style. And, also in the expected N&B style, there’s a final section of photos of models by well-known modellers. If you are interested in the SdKfz 7 half-tracks this is an essential addition to your library. Very highly recommended! John Prigent

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


showing specific details in closeup. These show the vehicle outside, underneath and inside from several angles. Separate sections show the minedetection equipment, a debris blower unit and the large Visor ground-penetrating radar system both opened up and in transport mode. Additional views show a Husky with slat armour and one with an extending arm remote investigation kit. These vehicles look like something from a science fiction movie but they have gained a good reputation for surviving attacks with no crew fatalities from over 7,000 attacks which is something few tanks can boast. They would make unusual modelling subjects and the photos in this book show enough detail for that to be possible. Peter Brown

Images of War – Hitler’s Light Panzers at War, Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives by Paul Thomas. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 47 Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2AS. ISBN 978-1-78346-3251. Price £14.99. This new title in the Images of War series by Paul Thomas covers the title subject rather well. It is split into four sections, covering: Development and Training; Blitzkrieg; Barbarossa; Last Years on the Eastern Front 1942-43. Each section is introduced with two or three pages of introductory text and then filled with an excellent selection of photos to illustrate each one. With over 250 archive

photos, most of which I had not seen before, there is a really useful coverage of the specific topic of the Light Panzers. The book is rounded off with Appendices on three topics: Panzer Variants; Armoured Crew Uniforms; Camouflage. The first section has some good photos of the early Panzer I Ausf A and B, along with the Befehlswagen and driver training (without superstructure and turret) variants as well as some very early Panzer II versions. Then we come to the first element of combat operations with the Blitzkrieg in Poland and then France. Here we see more of the Panzer II, along with the Czech-built Panzer 38(t) then in service with the Wehrmacht. These include some useful ideas for dioramas for modellers, and from the days before Tigers and Panthers came on the scene. Then we come to the invasion of Russia in Operation Barbarossa. The light panzers were still used in large numbers at this stage, but here opposition from the early T-34s, coupled with the vast distances, took a toll on these smaller machines. Still, with the use of the Panzer 35(t) as well as the Panzer 38(t) they gave a good account of themselves for a year or so before they became outclassed by heavier weapons. Indeed, a number of photos in the two later sections show more knocked out examples. The coverage of the Panzer 38(t) being shown in use in particular is some of the best I can recall seeing together in one book. Unfortunately there are a few gremlins that have crept into this book, with one photo of Panzer IIs being repeated in two places, with captions that differ as to when and where they are. Equally, there are a some more where the vehicle identification is off the mark, such as a number of Panzer II Ausf Ds on a raft, with their distinctive running gear yet captioned at being Panzer 38(t). A shame really as the overall content is really good and the photos will be popular with modellers and military history fans alike, but a pity that in a specialist title like this one there are a few errors in vehicle identification that have not been picked up. Robin Buckland

for an interesting paint scheme, just right to go with all that detail you might have added after having seen this book! Another excellent addition to the Kagero Photosniper series. Robin Buckland

Sturmgeschütz IV by Lukasz Gladysiak, Grzegorz Okonski and Jacek Szafranski. Published by Kagero Books. Available in the UK from Casemate UK Ltd, 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford OX1 2EW. ISBN 978-83-64596-20-9. Price £16.99. casemate-uk@ Photosniper No.13 takes another German AFV for its subject, in this case the StuG IV. Over 100 of the original vehicles were built, subject to minor updates during the production story which are listed, but surprisingly few of them remain today, compared to the similar StuG III for example. This 80-page soft cover book has the development and service story of the type. The book centres around one of the two surviving examples, both in Poland. One is incomplete, having been recovered from a swamp. The second, recovered from a river where it sank through the ice back in 1945. Recovery of this one suffered a number of problems, which led to it being broken up somewhat. However, after much perseverance it was finally all removed from the river mud, and since then a lot of restoration work has been completed. It now rests in the Armoured Weapon Museum of the Army Training Centre in Poznan. The major part of this book involves photos of this StuG during and after the recovery, and it really was in a mess! However, after having been cleaned up, repaired and restored, it now makes an excellent museum exhibit and there are many detailed photos of the restored StuG, including some excellent interior photos. The final element of the book are some excellent colour profiles which will give plenty of inspiration for modellers looking

Painting Wargaming Figures by Javier Gomez ‘El Mercenario’. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 47 Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2AS. ISBN 978-18488-422-1. Price £16.99. Javier Gomez, better known in wargaming circles as ‘El Mercenario’ is an experienced and talented figure painter who enjoys an excellent reputation within the hobby. Here he shares the secrets of his success in this useful guide to painting miniature figures. The reader is taken through the process step-by-step, from the choice of materials and preparation of the figures, through to basing the finished model. Techniques such as dry-brushing, washes, shading and highlighting are all explained with numerous ‘how to’ photos, indeed, over 370 full colour photos of a variety of figures in various stages of painting are included. Specific sections of the book tackle a variety of subjects, such as mixing realistic flesh tones for different races, painting horses, guns and limbers, shields, flags, Napoleonic uniforms and camouflage patterns. The author demonstrates how his techniques and processes can be applied to all wargaming sizes, from 40mm down to 6mm. Whichever historical period – or science fiction/fantasy – and whatever size figure interests the reader, this book is a useful source of practical advice and inspiration. Highly recommended. Stuart Asquith



The Story of ESCI Kits, 1967 – 2000 by Jean-Christophe Carbonel. Published by Histoire & Collections. Available in the UK from Casemate UK Ltd, 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford OX1 2EW. ISBN 978-2-352503-10-1. Price £17.50. casemate-uk@ Another book from Histoire & Collections which is aimed squarely at modellers, and gives us the history of the well-known Italian kit brand ESCI. It opens with some basic information that I always wondered about, but never knew before. How did they get the name ESCI and just what did it stand for? With wanting to start a business, but on a limited starting budget, they used an existing company rather

‘Famous By My Sword’ – The Army of Montrose and The Military Revolution by Charles Singleton. Published by Helion & Company Limited, 26 Willow Road, Solihull, West Midlands B91 1UE. ISBN 978-1-909384-970-2. Price £16.95.


than go through an expensive and very time-consuming process (in Italy apparently) for forming a new company. One of the parties involved still had the rights to a company name that had never been ‘closed’ but was no longer actually trading. So ESCI, Ente Scambi Coloniali Internazionali (Company for Trade with International Colonies) was relaunched to import toys and kits from the Far East. Once the base story is told, it goes through the rest of the history year by year, from 1972 when they started to release their own kits, on to their demise in 2000. Driven primarily by Dino Coppola, ESCI went for a good number of ‘firsts’ for the modelling hobby, and military subjects primarily. The first of these was in producing sets of transfers, for aircraft initially, which sold very well. It explains the effort that went into them, and how they were sold under various company names in different countries, all to get higher volume of sales. Then it moves on to the release of their first major model, the 1:9 scale BMW Motorcycle combination, and how well that was received. It also gives details of planned releases which unfortunately never appeared, though a Zundapp, Triumph, Harley Davidson, Kettenkrad and

James Graham, 1st Marquis of Montrose (1612-1650) was a Scottish nobleman, poet and soldier who initially joined the Covenanters in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms (England, Scotland and Ireland) 16441645, but who subsequently supported King Charles I as the English Civil War developed in Scotland, becoming the king’s captain general in Scotland. In this work, which benefits from a striking front cover, the author seeks to remove ‘the romantic veneer’ often associated with Montrose and examine the troops which composed the Scottish Royalist forces, as well as their operational doctrines within the themes of the early modern military revolution and place them with in the wider European context of development.

Kübelwagen did make it into production. Then year-by-year we get the details of what kits wee released, how they were the first to do multiple variants of an aircraft or even armoured vehicle, something that is common these days for a number of manufacturers. Equally as we go through year-by-year, it includes many illustrations of the old box art and catalogues, including kits that were announced though never actually produced. As the story goes on, it includes the various links with different manufacturers and distributors around the world, including Revell and Italeri, even the artists who produced the artwork for boxes and catalogues. In 2000 the firm was sold on to ERTL in the USA, but a difference in the driving interests of the markets for the new owners unfortunately led to the end of ESCI as a brand. The moulds, or most of them at least, did find their way back to Italy and the capable hands of Italeri, where they continue to re-release them under their own brand name these days. This is really an interesting one to read, and it is profusely illustrated with the old ESCI kits, photos which bring back so many modelling memories. Robin Buckland

The 72-page, card cover book opens with a chronology of the First Civil War in Scotland and related events, followed by an introduction. Then the armies of the early 17th century are discussed, followed by a section on the Scots and the ‘military revolution’, an overall view of the army is presented, then a look at highland troops and Montrose’s regulars. Next comes a review of their battlefield performance at Tippermuir, Aberdeen, Fyvie Castle, Inverlochy, Auldearn, Alford, Kilsyth and Philiphaugh. Finally the author offers his conclusion on Montrose’s performance. The text is rounded off by three appendices providing contemporary accounts of some of the actions, plus a bibliography. There are 20 monochrome illustrations,

Understanding the Somme 1916 – An illuminating battlefield guide by Thomas Scotland and Steven Heys. Published by Helion Books. Available in the UK from Casemate UK Ltd, 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford OX1 2EW. ISBN 978-1-909384-42-2. Price £16.95. casemate-uk@ This is, as intended of course, a very handy book to keep with you in the car if you want to travel the battlefield of the Somme, or if you want to do it as the authors have, in a pannier on your bike. Maybe just from an interest in the history, or maybe to trace the footsteps and perhaps fate of a relative, either way you will get to see some beautiful French countryside and of course have an opportunity to relax and enjoy some good French food and wine on your journey.

some specially commissioned colour artwork and photos of re-enactors in period dress. This is the first title in the series The Century of the Soldier – Warfare 1618-1721 which, it is intended, will cover the period of military history which saw the era of pike and shot warfare, the development of standing armies and the introduction of black powder weapons. The series sets out to examine the period in a greater degree of detail than has been previously attempted and enjoys a very wide brief, with the intention of covering all aspects of the period from the battles, campaigns, logistics and tactics to the personalities, armies, uniforms and equipment. Helion & Company would be pleased to receive submissions for this series. Stuart Asquith

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


This guide has been written by two Scottish enthusiasts, both surgeons by occupation, who have made the Somme their special interest, and clearly done a lot of travelling in the area, often it seems on bicycles. Over 17 chapters, they take you chronologically through the four and a half months of the Battle of the Somme. It began with a major attack on 1st July 1916, and ended with the last major action on 18th November the same year. No great breakthroughs came from the fighting, and there were successes and failures for the British Army through the course of the fighting. The authors go over all the aspects of what happened, good and bad, along with a good explanation of the units involved, along with numerous photos of the area today. Mixed in with all this they relate what happened, along with the photos, to what you can see as you tour around the different locations where these events took place almost 100-years ago. Even if you are simply sitting reading the book at home, these neatly annotated photos of the battlefields, along with the wellwritten text will help you get an excellent picture in your mind’s eye of what took place all those years ago. The blowing of huge mines (at the Hawthorn Crater) and of places now well known in the history of the British Army, such as Thiepval, Flers, Ancre and Beaumont-Hamel among others are all involved in this larger story of the fighting on the Somme. They talk about the lessons learnt for the use of artillery, and despite 1.7 million shells being fired at the start of July in support of the first attack, a failure to have high explosive shells to cut the German wire, and the time it took to learn the importance of counter-battery fire which began to pay dividends in the final two years of the war. A proper part of any WW1 battlefield visit I think, they also include the memorials that are in place today, along with the many cemeteries where the casualties lie to this day. They really do justice to an interconnected series of battles which started in summer sunshine and ended in the cold wet mud of a November winter. Well worth reading in itself, but a real boon if you are planning to visit the battlefield yourself. Robin Buckland

Aussie Land-Rover Perentie by Gordon Arthur. Tankograd In Detail Fast Track 07. Tankograd Publishing, Verlag Jochen Vollert, Am Weichselgarten 5, 91058 Erlangen, Germany. UK distributor Bookworld Wholesale, Unit 10 Hodfar Road, Sandy Lane Industrial Estate, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire DY13 9QB. Price £10.99. The Australian armed forces bought large numbers of vehicles based on the LandRover 110 beginning in the late 1980s. Commonly known as Perentie after a large lizard found in Australia, they have many differences from the basic model including a heavy-duty chassis and an Isuzu diesel engine. Despite that the basic 4x4 version looks much like a Defender fitted with ‘bull bars’ but the 6x6 model is obviously very different. Other detail differences were introduced when a second batch of vehicles was ordered. Total production of over 4,000 was split among 17 different types ranging from basic 4x4 with or without

The Battles of French Flanders by Jon Cooksey and Jerry Murland. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 47 Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2AS. ISBN 978-1-47382-403-4. Price £14.99. This new title is part of the Battle Lines: The Western Front by Car, by Bike and on Foot, series and as the series title suggests, it is indeed designed as a walking, cycling and driving guide to the principal British battles of 1915 on the Western Front. The book covers the possibly less familiar actions at Bois Grenier, Neuve Chapelle, Aubers Ridge, Givenchy, Festubert, Loos and the 1916 battle at Fromelles. The authors take readers/visitors over a series of routes, explaining the fighting, what can be seen and what happened at each historic place, additionally describing the battlefields, monuments

winches or radios to 6x6-armed versions for their Special Air Service. Although destined to be replaced by Mercedes G-Wagons many have been refurbished and will continue in use for several years yet. As few of these vehicles are seen outside Australia this book offers vehicle enthusiasts and modellers a rare opportunity to see what they are like. Basic details of production and variants are provided but the main part of the book is a series of excellent colour photos of vehicles. These are mostly full-page views with a few smaller ones showing additional details close up. Coverage starts with the 4x4 in soft-top and hard-top versions and the specialist armed patrol types, then moves on to the 6x6 series in cargo, ambulance, different maintenance support options, the Infantry Mobility Vehicle and various weapons carriers including the Long Range Patrol type used by the SAS. General views are supplemented by close-ups of the engine and cab interiors. In short, lots for Land-Rover fans and modellers looking for something out of the ordinary. Certainly depicting the camouflage printed canvas covers will be a challenge. Peter Brown

and cemeteries. As well as being interesting to read, this nicely produced, well-illustrated pocket – or glove compartment – sized paperback book would certainly indispensable when touring the area. Stuart Asquith

Tank Battles of World War 1 by Bryan Cooper. Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 47 Church Street, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2AS. ISBN 978-1-47382-562-8. Price £19.99. Arguably, failure to exploit the potential of an original idea can be viewed as a recurring theme in British history. The author argues however few failures can have been so costly in terms of human lives as that of the military commanders in early 1916 to fully appreciate that the tank was a potentially war winning weapon. The losses on the Somme, Passchendaele and Ypres had to be endured before the accepted conventional methods of warfare were abandoned and the tank was given an opportunity. He describes the early tank actions, drawing on eyewitness accounts, as well as noting the courage and endurance of the crews, not just in battle, but in the difficult conditions in which they had to drive and fight their vehicles – scalded, scorched and poisoned with exhaust fumes – as they laid the foundation of the Allied victory. First published in 1974 by Ian Allan Ltd, this book was reprinted in 2014. It is illustrated with original photos, as well as tactical maps and sketches of various types of tank and their summarised data. Stuart Asquith






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Product reviews

Atten-Shun! The Product Review Column The Editor welcomes product samples for review. Unless a prior arrangement has been made with the Editor review samples WILL NOT be returned. All product samples intended for review in ‘Atten-Shun!’ should be sent direct to the Editor at the address listed under ‘Editorial’ on the contents page.

Dragon Models Ltd British Heavy Tank Conqueror Mark 2 in 1:35 scale The Berlin Victory Parade of 1945 was a seminal day in the world of Western tank designers, for the Soviets used it to parade the new IS-3 heavy tank which scared all observers. Ignoring the fact that the tank was a dog which took 15-years to turn into a functional combat system with any sort of viability on the battlefield, both the US and British designers looked to create a counterbalance to this monster. The US developed the M103 series which debuted in the early 1950s, but the British took a bit longer. Their goal was the FV200 ‘Universal Tank’ series whose design development started in 1946. But it was not until 1952 they had a running chassis, which was soon partnered with a Centurion turret to provide the FV221 Caernarvon tank for running tests of the new chassis. This was later developed into the FV214 Conqueror Mark 1, followed by the Mark 2, and production lasted into 1959. The tanks remained in service through 1966 before being withdrawn.

Like the M103, the Conqueror looked to defeat the IS-3 with brute force via a 120mm rifled gun and high-powered AP projectiles. But like the M103 it was underpowered for its size with a very thirsty Rolls-Royce Meteor engine giving it a road range of only 95-miles. Also unlike the M103 it only had a crew of four – driver, gunner, loader and commander - so its rate of fire was far less than the M103 which used separate projectile and charge loaders. The Conqueror has only been served in small scale by a 50-yearold ROCO model in 1:87 scale and a few odd wargame ones,

as well as some resin kits. This is the first release of a Conqueror in 1:35 scale in styrene (item 3555), and overall appears to match well with the references I have. The only noticeable bit I see missing is the forward antenna base which mounts at the front left corner of the gun access plate on the turret roof. Most of the dimensions appear to match the ones I have with the exception of the gun barrel which appears to be about 16mm short – oddly enough, the same figure as for the M103 whose gun the Conqueror’s 120mm was supposedly based on. The shortage appears to be on the section between the bore evacuator and the mantlet for anyone wishing to try and correct it. While the box art claims it is a one-piece barrel it is not – it is actually in two-pieces with a joint in the middle! However, all one needs to do to obtain a smooth joint is use a Flex-i-File tool for around 3-minutes. I believe Dragon did this to avoid any warpage or sink marks which are common on large solid parts. It appears that here Dragon’s marketing and engineering departments appear not to be communicating! The rest of the kit is nicely done. There is no detail on the inside of the hatches, but in this case they ‘pop and rotate’ so nothing is visible anyway! The suspension nicely replicates the massive assemblies used on the original. Each bogie assembly (there are eight) consists of nine parts, but they are mostly hidden under the skirts when installed. As the original tank was very ‘bitty’ with a lot of bits added on after the main components were assembled, the kit does a nice job of replicating those features. Some features are beautifully done such as the ‘slide-moulded’ stowage bins with full details on the outside and top sections. There are two tow cables but the kit

instructions are not very good at showing that other than the numbers in parentheses to show two sides for their installation – the right one is hard to see in the instructions. The overall layout of the turret is nicely done, and the bustle basket matches the photos and drawings I have. Unlike their Saladin kit it also has a nice .30 calibre machine gun on the commander’s cupola. Note that photos show the tanks with three antennas, but only the rear two antenna bases are provided. The kit’s antennas are too heavy and most modellers will want to replace the ‘whip’ portions with either wire or stretched sprue. The tracks are twin sections of DS plastic with a total of six links (three per section end) overlapping for attachment. Given the loose fit of most tracks, this should allow the modeller to cut and adjust them for a proper taut fit. While they seem a tad thin in depth the width is correct. One really smart move is that Dragon has made the canvas weather shroud between the gun mantlet and the turret front from DS Plastic, so it is flexible and still fits the gap. This is a smart use of the DS material and much easier to deal with than either vinyl or injection-moulded styrene. Finishing directions are for two vehicles, both in British Bronze Green: 7th Armoured Brigade, BAOR, 1960s (registration number 05 BB 96) or BAOR 1967 (registration number 41 BA 19). A small sheet of Cartograf decals is included. Overall, other than the disappointing short barrel this is a nice kit and should be an easy build. Cookie Sewell Price £59.99 Dragon Models Ltd., Kong Nam Industrial Building, 10/F, B1, 603-609 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong. Tel: 2493 0215. Fax: 2411 0587. UK distributors, The Hobby Company, Milton Keynes MK5 8PG.


Product reviews

Mitches Military Models WW2 RAF Fighter Pilot in 200mm scale Another of the excellent large scale resin figure models from Mitches Military Models (item 200/FPF). Once again it features

Dragon Models Ltd Pz.Beob.Wg. V Panther Ausf. D Early Production in 1:35 scale There are always offbeat versions of production vehicles beloved by modellers, and for years one of the most popular derivatives of the Panther tank was the armoured observation vehicle variant – Panzerbeobachtungswagen in German. Built mostly from redundant Ausf D Panthers, the observation variant was


a figure sculpted by the very talented hands of Maurice Corry. A WW2 RAF Fighter Pilot, in flying helmet and flying jacket, this is not a complex model to assemble. Moulded in polyurethane resin, the body is a single-piece casting, with

designed as an armoured forward artillery observer and fire coordination vehicle. One prototype was built in late 1943 and apparently another 40 Panther Ausf D were rebuilt into this variant when they were sent back for repairs. The vehicle had the gun removed and the mantlet was replaced with one mounting a dummy gun and a ball mount for a machine gun. The now roomy turret was fitted with a map

boots, head and arms to add, plus parachute pack and a couple of straps, as well as the oxygen hose and the electrical connection which just needs a length of wire to be added to it, as seen in the box top illustration of the figure.

plotting table and extra artillery band radio sets supplied for coordination of firing. Dragon released a ‘boutique’ kit of this vehicle in 2007 under their cyber-hobby affiliate (item 6419), and it was something like the Dragon ‘Premium’ line of kits with a lot of etched-brass and pre-cut single link ‘Magic Tracks’. This kit (item 6813) strips out most of those parts and adds a number of new or remoulded sprues in their place as well as including both single link moulded tracks and DS Plastic single run tracks. Most of the sprues are from earlier Ausf A and D kits but as noted a number of sprues were either swapped out or upgraded using new moulds. The model comes with some nice touches, such a choice of wheel hubs for the drivers and the aforementioned choice between track sets. The kit comes with few extra parts and no clear styrene inserts either, but the early Panthers did not have much exposed glass anyway (the ‘dustbin’ cupola being pretty much without). But this was an upgraded vehicle with the late A/ standard G cupola so surprising that it has no inserts.

The detail on the whole figure is very nicely done, and the subtlety of the sculpting for the face and helmet, along with the textures on the sheepskin flying jacket and parachute harness are all crisply reproduced in good quality resin castings. Once assembled, which is not difficult, you are left with needing a coat of primer and then a paint finish. If there is one thing I’d like to see added to the kits from Mitches, it is a guide for basic colours, or at least to quote a reference source for where to find some guidance. Only a small thing, but I think there are likely to be a lot of modellers who would like to get just that bit more help/advice for what is a beautiful model figure. Robin Buckland Price £65 Mitches Military Models, 4 Mill Terrace, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 9AF. www.mitchesmilitarymodels.

The skirts are provided on two sheets of diecut .015” white styrene, which is about right for scale thickness but may be a bit flimsy to install. The instructions are new and are different – a cross between photographic ones like Dragon has used in the past and computer-generated images. But they are clear and easily followed. Two finishing schemes are provided: Unidentified Unit, Kursk 1943 (overall sand with black crosses); 4./Pz.Rgt. Grossdeutschland, Karachev 1943 (sand with green/red brown striping, black 521, crosses and white insignia). A small sheet of Cartograf decals is included. Overall, while some modellers will complain that the etchedbrass is gone many modellers wanting a simpler build will be happy with this kit. Cookie Sewell Price £49.99 Dragon Models Ltd., Kong Nam Industrial Building, 10/F, B1, 603-609 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, New Territories, Hong Kong. Tel: 2493 0215. Fax: 2411 0587. UK distributors, The Hobby Company, Milton Keynes MK5 8PG.

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015

Product reviews

Revell Focke Wulf Fw 190 F-8 in 1:32 scale A new release from Revell, this large kit of the Focke Wulf Fw 190 F-8 (item 04869) has some eye-catching box art that will draw your attention when seen in your local model shop or at a show. The Fw 190 was originally built as a plain fighter aircraft, and still relatively unusual in the ETO for having a radial engine. The F-8 was a variation of the A-8 but with a modified injector in the engine to improve performance at lower altitudes, an adaptation to make it suitable for a ground attack role, as indicated with the large bomb slung underneath that is illustrated in the box art. It was also armed with 2 x 13mm MG131 machine guns over the nose cowling, plus 2 x 20mm MG151/120 in the wing roots. The box itself is large, and contains an all-new tooling for 2015. Before you start building the kit itself, the first three elements of the instruction sequence need you to make some choice for how you want to finish it as various holes will need to be opened up (or not) on the one-piece lower wing depending on whether you want to mount it on the stand that is included, and what choice of underwing stores you want to go for. One a central rack under the fuselage you can fit either a fuel tank or 500kg or 250kg bombs, and depending on what you have chosen to go there, single or twin racks under the wings for either 2 x small 50kg bombs under each wing or extra fuel tanks. What is handy though, is that whatever your chosen option, the large base has space to display the other options on there so they need not be wasted. There are other choices to be made, such as fitting the undercarriage down or up, so it can be displayed in ‘flying’ mode on the display stand, whether

you want to go for either a ‘flat’ cockpit canopy or a ‘bubble hood’ style, and for both of these there are alternatives for fitting it open or closed. The cockpit interior is well detailed so coupled with a very nicely detailed radial engine, for me it cries out to be made with the undercarriage down, the cockpit open and the engine panels left off so all this lovely detail can be shown off. With the undercarriage down you will also get to see the nicely moulded detail inside the undercarriage bays as well. The highlight for me is the BMW 801D 14-cylinder radial engine. With two banks of seven cylinders plus all the associated pipework it makes an impressive element of the model which would be a real shame to hide

by fitting the cowlings closed up. With the covers off, you also have the 2 x 13mm machine guns which are mounted on top of the nose, just in front of the cockpit, firing over the top of the engine. The barrels for the 2 x 20mm cannon in the wing roots are also there, though no gun breeches for them. While mentioning the wings, the flaps can be fitted either up or down and the engraved panel line detailing around the airframe are all very nicely done. There is plenty to do in this build, a good indication of which is provided by there being 78 steps in the construction sequence given in the instructions, plus the choice from two options for colours and marking. Though wearing two different camouflage patterns, the two options are both for aircraft of St.SG 10 operating from Czech territory in 1945. Option A is for ‘Black 6’, which

carries a 500kg bomb under the centreline which itself carries a colourful sharkmouth marking (rather than on the aircraft itself) while option B is for ‘Black 2’. This is a model that has a lot of detail within it, especially for interior items such as the cockpit and engine. Very much a model tooled to the latest standards and usefully provided with a display stand. For a large scale model this is what I’d consider good value for money. There will be after-market sets available to add even more/finer details but this will be not bad at all straight from the box. Robin Buckland Price £36.99 Revell model kits are available from all good toy and model retailers. For further information visit


Product reviews

Mirror Models Russian Fuel Trailer 1 Axle in 1:35 scale The Soviets started to field fuel tankers (petrol bowsers to the Commonwealth) in the 1930s and had several designs of light

Takom Renault FT with Berliet Turret in 1:16 scale In real life only a small twoman light tank, but it was a true tank, with a fully-rotating turret. With a large number of excellent model figures available in this scale (120mm) there have been relatively few AFV models to go with them. Now Takom have done a lovely job in producing this large scale model of this important early AFV (item 1003). They have released a couple of other variants before, with a different turret, but I have now had the chance to take a close look at one of these, the latest one out, with the 37mm gun mounted in a Berliet turret.


and medium tankers. But fuel was always a constraint and thus the more the better. Mirror Models is a recent addition to the modelling world and the first one to my mind from Ireland to make 1:35 scale

Plus it also comes with a resin cast commander figure. When you open the box you find it filled with sprues. Even for a small tank like the FT, the hull sides are large bits of plastic, and have good detail on inside and out, with the external detail featuring a lot of rivet heads of course. There is also interior detail though, with nonslip floor plate, the interior detail for the gun breech, the driver’s seat and controls, ammunition racks and further back the radiator and engine for the internal details as well. So when it comes to the exterior, you might well be tempted to leave both the driver’s access hatch and the engine compartment covers fitted in the open

kits. They have jumped into the void left by a lack of US and Commonwealth vehicles as well some lighter Soviet ones like the Komsomolets tractor. This kit (item 35204) replicates a simple 300-litre trailer which can be used for either fuel or water, but the latter was usually not considered a problem to the Soviets. It comes with a spigot at the rear of the tank but no hoses for use in fuelling vehicles. Construction is relatively straightforward and as it is a simple kit so are the instructions. The most complex part of the build is wrapping the spring mounts over the axle and springs using the length of wire provided but more experienced modellers may wish to replace it with fine styrene rod and sprue as well as add strip carrier plates and NBW castings. The kit does provide the carrier plates (Parts D18) for

position so that internal detailing can be seen. Detail like the tow chain to wrap onto the rear mounted un-ditching skid and some detail parts provided in etched-brass. To go with the running gear, the track links are made up from individual parts so you can assemble these so they ‘work’, and in this scale these individual links are quite large so this shouldn’t present much of a problem. The turret is made up from flat riveted panels rather then the smooth cast turret of earlier releases, and this makes up well enough. Two multi-coloured camouflage options are given, and interesting to see how Takom have teamed up with Ammo of Mig Jiminez Productions to do all the colour guides, and that all paint references quoted are keyed to those for the Ammo armour paints. Two colour options are suggested, and both use variations of multi-colour camouflage schemes on the exterior surfaces, but somehow typically French. A resin cast figure for a Commander is also included in the box, packed in its own plastic packet. Given a coat of primer and then painted, he will look good sitting in the open

those who use the wire method. The trailer does come with front and rear landing gear so it may be shown on the front as sitting or on both when in use. The trailer is proper for use with just about any Soviet truck such as the light GAZ-AA and GAZ-AAA ones or the bigger ZIS5/ZIS-6 or Studebaker US6 and also the Komsomolets. No decals are included and the instructions indicate it is painted overall dark green (e.g. 4BO) and the tyres are black. I expect it would have some sort of registration number on it but have not seen a good photo of one to determine what they would look like. Overall this is a nice little kit and while seemingly expensive it is styrene and much easier to deal with and modify than a resin kit. Cookie Sewell

hatch of the small turret. The primitive insides the real thing is well reflected in the model, the crew must have relied on their padded helmets for protection, as going over rough ground or dropping into a trench, travelling in the real thing must have been uncomfortable for any length of time. There is no padding for the crew and the idea of ‘crew comfort’ didn’t come into the heads of the designers of the time. Yet the FT series were built in very large numbers, and serving with both the US Army as one of their early tanks, and the Italians had Fiat built copies as well. As for the French Army, the FTs were still in service at the start of WW2 though by then quickly outclassed by the panzers that faced them. The instruction booklet is nice and clear, with assembly broken down into easy to follow stages. A lot of parts in the kit and plenty of detail both inside and out to keep a modellers occupied for a while, it is really good to see models on the market that go with the ever-growing number of 120mm (1:16) scale figures that are now available. Robin Buckland Price £79.99 UK distributors Pocketbond, PO Box 80, Welwyn, AL6 0ND.

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015

Product reviews

AFV Club Churchill Mk.IV AVRE w/Fascine Carrier Frame in 1:35 scale AFV Club continue to release kits of the different variants of the Churchill AVRE, as so successfully operated by the 79th Armoured Division, the so-called “Hobart’s Funnies”. This ‘Hobart’ Churchill (item AF35288) features AFV Club’s basic Mk.IV AVRE with the cast turret mounting the large Petard Mortar, and the extra fittings on the hull sides for

engineer equipment, but a new addition this time around is the wooden framework mounted on the front of the tank to carry a large bundle of tightly rolled wood, or ‘Fascine’. This was used to fill ditches/trenches to enable other AFVs to cross them and it was a role that the Churchill performed admirably. Once the fascine had been laid, the crew could jettison the wooden framework, allowing the AVRE to then operate in its standard role.

The basic Churchill kit of the AVRE has been covered before so I won’t repeat any of that here. Suffice to say that it has lots of good detail, even if there is room for some minor improvements along the way if you want to. What’s new in this one in particular is the wooden frame, and this features some nicely moulded-on wood grain. There is also a length of twine to use with your chosen form for the roll of wooden stakes, or fascine. Twine is also included to take the place of the wire cables that secured the fascine in place during transport, along with the individual shackles and fastenings to secure it to the vehicle until ready to laying. The inclusion of all these little brackets and fastenings to go on the cables is great. What isn’t in the kit is the material for the fascine itself.

You can make you own, and basic dimensions for one are provided in the kit when you buy it. There is also a resin fascine available in the Hobby Fan range, a sister company with AFV Club. This is made in polyurethane resin and is not cheap. While very nicely made and detailed, it is more expensive than the cost of the main kit, so I suspect a number of modellers will be put off by that and they will choose to make their own. Markings are provided and suggested for four different examples, all serving in Normandy in 1944 with the 79th Armoured Division and all in a plain dark green colour scheme. Robin Buckland Price £36.99 UK distributors Pocketbond, PO Box 80, Welwyn, AL6 0ND.

Creative Dynamic The Glue Looper Micro-Glue Applicator By now most modellers use some variety of ACC cement to assemble multi-media kits or attach items like brass or resin to older kits. But use of those cements can be tricky as some have relatively thick (high viscosity) compositions and are easily placed on the object; others, usually ‘hotter’ (e.g. faster drying) ones are low viscosity and very difficult to get both in place and in the proper amount. The most difficult one I have which I use is a brand called “Dr. Mike’s” which is nearly impossible to use straight from the bottle. A number of techniques are available such as fine pointed tips or extension tubes, but the root problem is still how quickly the cement runs out and where it goes once out of the bottle. Using a dauber such as a toothpick from a puddle may help but this usually doesn’t carry enough low viscosity cement to get the job done. Analyzing the problem, Creative Dynamic has created a perfect tool for the purpose – the Glue Looper (item 101). What it consists of is one of three different size loops at the end of a highly modified craft knife blade attachment that uses

surface tension to carry a more useful amount of low viscosity cement to where it is needed. At the AMPS 2015 show this year CD owner Ken Alfter and his partner Ann were on hand and demonstrate the tool in action. She would pour out a small amount of ACC on a scrap of styrene, dip the Looper in the cement and then touch it to where it was needed; if it was a seam between plastic or other parts once touched it would break the surface tension and the ACC would flow down

the seam, sealing it nearly immediately. While I suspect it will still be difficult to attach very small etched-metal parts with this method (not enough ‘footprint’ on the part) it is a very neat and handy way to attach nearly everything else. To clean the tool Ann simply picked up a basic BIC lighter and burned the tip clean. The tips are all made of what appears to be etched stainless steel and are quite thin; for proper seating in a craft knife handle they have a doubler at

the back which folds over so the handle can properly grip the tool. CD also offers a bespoke craft knife handle for $5; this is a padded handle with a rear adjustment-locking knob that looks to be quite comfortable for use as a general-purpose craft knife as well. They also recommend Mercury Adhesives M5T ACC cement which they also offer for $3.50 for a 10cc bottle. Overall this is a really nice idea and one I am going to be happy to use to deal with fussy parts in the future! Thanks to Ken and Ann for the review samples. Cookie Sewell Price $15.99 ($12.99 plus $3 p&p) thegluelooper@


Product reviews




Star Decals Decal sets in 1:35 scale More sets of decals have been recently released by Star Decals covering a range of different periods and nationalities. 35-881. Soviet units operating in Afghanistan in the 1980s used a wide range of vehicles and this set covers the BTR-70 8x8 armoured personnel carrier with options for four different units. First is one with 186 Spetsnaz (Special Forces) Battalion with a wide striped band with letter K on the front. A similar marking is also on vehicles of a Military Police Battalion with alternatives for command or ordinary vehicles. A vehicle with 12 Guards Motor Rifle Regiment had a slogan on the hull side, another option for an unknown unit has simpler markings. Price £5.60. 35-882 gives markings for several Soviet wheeled vehicles. These include BTR-80 wheeled APCs in two-colour camouflage schemes, one thought to be 184 Spetsnaz Battalion and another from an unidentified unit both with alternative tactical numbers. Two BRDM-2 armoured cars from unknown units include one with a red star on the turret. A GAZ-69 4x4 car had a black and white striped front bumper and plain


markings. Finally, a MAZ-537 tank transporter tractor unit includes a leaf-like symbol and Cyrillic wording. Price £5.60. 35-883 covers T-62 series tanks with options for factory-finish vehicles, some carrying spare track for extra protection and others with the BDD ‘horseshoe’ armour package on the turret front and bar armour. Units include 103 Guards VDV Division in plain finish and two-colour scheme with or without the well-known guards badge and another unidentified Guards unit with guards badge, 5 Guards Motor Rifle Division in two-tone camouflage, 12 Guards Motor Rifle Regiment, 191 Motor Rifle Brigade, 70 Separate Motor Rifle Brigade and some unidentified units. Price £6.99. 35-884 ‘Israeli AFVs #3’ covers M1 Shermans and AMX 13/75. For the former we have the large style of markings used on Shermans in the early 1960s with examples on M4A1 76mm with VVSS and VVSS while for the AMX there are four different tanks operated by the 37th Tank Brigade on the Jordan front in 1967 including markings painted onto the tanks and those carried on detachable fabric panels. Price £6.99.


35-885 35-885 gives turret numbers in four different styles as used on Yugoslavian AFVs in the 1990s. These appeared on several different types of vehicle ranging from T-38-85 through T-55A to T-72M and M-84 tanks, BTR-50 APCs, BRDM-2 armoured cars and 2S1 self-propelled guns which are illustrated in the instructions with

additional numbers listed, with two different styles of red star included. Price £6.99. Many thanks to Johan Lexell for sending these sets for review. Peter Brown Prices in text

Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015

Product reviews

Zvezda Sir Francis Drake’s Flagship HMS “Revenge” in 1:350 scale This 1:350 scale model from Zvezda depicts the first of 13 warships in the Royal Navy to have been named ‘Revenge’. This first incarnation of Revenge was a 46-gun galleon launched in 1577, famous for her association with Sir Francis Drake as his flagship and for seeing action against the Spanish Armada in 1588. This kit is part of Zvezda’s ‘Art of Tactic’ wargaming system, and is a snap fit kit where no (or little) glue is required to construct the model. While not the usual fare for the review pages of this magazine we thought it worthy of a quick mention as possible way of encouraging younger/novice modellers into the hobby. Zvezda suggest that this model is suitable for modellers of age 10 and over. The kit comes attractively and well packaged in an outer box with colourful artwork on the box top and photos of a completed kit can be seen on the box base. There is a second inner box of sturdy plain cardboard protecting the six sprues of hard plastic components, decal and instruction sheets within. The instructions are in an easy to follow diagram format, with text in English and Russian. The are 10 stages of construction ending in painting and decal application. Paints from the Humbrol range are quoted. A bright decal sheet provides all the colourful designs and markings associated with a ship of this type, from the red white and blue harlequin paintwork of the hull to the royal heraldry and gilded

decorative mouldings. The gold is represented in metallic ink, and colour registration looks good. Flags to top the masts are also provided on the decal sheet, though I am personally not a fan of flags being reproduced in decal form, for me paper works better. The model consists of 78 parts and when completed will be 12.5cm in length. As already noted the kit consists of six sprues of plastic parts in three colours. One white sprue for the sails, two tan colour for the hull, deck, and masts, three in black for two types of display

base, rigging, and cannons. All components are crisply moulded with no sign of any flash. Due to the choice of coloured plastic the model could be ‘snapped’ together without painting, but I think that the fine surface detail of the model would respond very well to some careful painting and pin washes. The model can be displayed in one of three ways; full hull on an oval base with a nameplate, as a waterline model, or on a base that I assume is designed for wargaming purposes. With some supervision and guidance from a more

experienced modeller I think that this model would be an interesting and rewarding project for the youngster to build, particularly appropriate if studying the Spanish Armada at school. There are other historic period ships available in the range, for more information visit or Zvezda’s home page noted below. Richard Dyer Price £13.99 UK distributors, The Hobby Company, Milton Keynes MK5 8PG.


TRADERS CLUBS COMPETITIONS DEMOS ENTRANCE £6 UNDER 16 FREE OPEN 11AM - 4PM 5 - 10 minutes walk from the Angel, Kings Cross, Euston, Highbury & Islington stations with 4 bus stops nearby


• Military Vehicles, not converted or scratch built, 1/48th or larger. • Military Vehicles, scratch built or converted (to a type, version, or mark other than that depicted by the original kit), 1/48th or larger. • Military Vehicle Diorama, 1/48th or larger. • Military Vehicles of all types, smaller than 1/48th. • Military Vehicle Dioramas smaller than 1/48th. • Naval ships and dioramas, all scales.


• Military Aircraft Models and dioramas, all scales. • Military Figure Models and Busts, of all types and scales, including vignettes and figure dioramas. • Miscellaneous. All models not covered by the above classes.

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Next issue Volume 45 No.9 will be on sale 21st August 2015

l AMPS 2015

Highlights from US Society’s National Convention

l Bedford QLD

Building the GS variant of the WW2 truck

l Painting the shed

l A ram with no horns!

A farm outbuilding, not your garden one!

Observation Post Ram Tank in 1:35 scale

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Military Modelling Vol.45 No.8 2015


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Euromilitaire 2015



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30th year in 2015 The Leas Cliff Hall, Folkestone Book your



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Advertisers’ Index A Amerang Airbrush Experts

84 78

B Bookworld Wholesale 6&7 C Classified & Shop Guides 81 & 82 D Deluxe Products 8 E Euromilitaire Show 2, 77 & 79 Expo Drills & Tools 10 G Graphic Air 13 H Historex Agents 9,11 & 13

K Kit Form Services 13 L London Plastic Modelling Show 76 M Mitches Military Models 78 Model 11 Q Quickwheel 10 S Subscriptions 4&5 V Vectis Auctions 83 V&A Museum 82









Exhibition organised by: Exhibition organised by the Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Chistoric.chatham L@DockyardChatham Exhibition entry included inL the price of an annual ticket. C historic.chatham @DockyardChatham Exhibition entry included in the price of an annual ticket.


Military Modelling Vol.45 No. 8 2015
Military Modelling Vol.45 Issue 08

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