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Strategic Growth Forum® 2012 EY Host role and responsibilities
General Overview - hosting our guests ► EVERY guest (including speakers and sponsors) should have an assigned EY Host,
preferably from his or her Sub-Area. The Sub-Area SGM leader is responsible for assigning hosts including coordinating assignments outside of their Sub-Area, if that makes more sense.
► The EY Host will be and additional contact for the guest prior and throughout the
event, including cc for invitations to private events and contact for requests for private meetings (outside of the private meeting system).
► If the CSP is not attending, the CSP must meet with the EY Host to make sure the
Host understands the client’s business issues and expectations for the Forum.
► EY Hosts should register for SGF AFTER their guests register and based on the
hosting ratio set by the Sub-Area. The hosting ratio should average about 3 guests per EY Host. If there are multiple guests from a company attending, the host might be assigned more than 3 guests.
► No later than a week before the Forum, the SGM Sub-Area leader will hold an internal
conference call for all EY Hosts (and any other EY attendees) to review on-site expectations of the Sub-Area.
► Accompany guests to sessions and discuss the business issues arising from the
► Accompany guests to breakfast, lunch and evening activities – EY internal
activities should be kept to a minimum
► Communicate pipeline expectation, including reporting of wins/opportunities
while on-site
► Review Sub-Area specific activities at SGF
Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012
Individual EY Host responsibilities October Pre-Forum activities ► Meet with guest(s) PRIOR to the Forum to understand his/her objectives and what
he/she wants to get out of the Forum.
► Understand current business issues of the company ► Suggest relevant sessions to attend from the Forum agenda ► Review report of registered guests (weekly external version available from the SGM
Sub-Area leader) with your guest. Are any of the attendees, or companies, of interest to your guest? i.e. potential acquisitions, buyers, customers, strategic partners, etc.
► Explain benefits of the Private Meeting System and help guests log-in to the site and
update their profile (which can be imported from LinkedIn). Private meetings are one of the most unique features of our event.
► The launch email will come from “Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012”
to the email address that they used to register (See Appendix for launch email)
► They will be able to view and request meetings with:
• Sponsors • Speakers • All other attendees • The private meeting tool is integrated with the SGF external website to enable viewing of sessions, speakers, etc. • NOTE: DELETE THE EY EVENTS APP IF YOU HAVE THIS FROM LAST YEAR. IT IS NO LONGER SUPPPORTED BY THE FIRM AND WILL NOT HAVE THE 2013 SGF INFORMATION. ► Build a personalized itinerary for your guest that includes specific dates and times of
Forum sessions, identified above, Sub-Area activities and confirmed private meetings (see example in Appendix and itinerary template on SGM CHS).
► Provide the “Sub-Area attendee guide” highlighting Sub-Area/regional EOY activities,
if applicable.
► Check back with your guest, as necessary, and communicate any updated information.
Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012
November On-site activities ► The focus is on our guests; keep internal gatherings and meetings to a minimum ► Accompany your guest to breakfasts, sessions and receptions/dinners ► Volunteer to accompany your guests to private meetings ► Work to deepen and enhance your relationship and better understand the company
through your discussions:
► Ask what resonated with your guest, immediately following each session ► Identify their top three business issues ► Correlate how EY can help ► Introduce your guest to other service line leaders from your Sub-Area or
national, as you start to better understand the business needs and opportunities
► Report at least ONE service opportunity per company to Strategic Growth Forum/EY-
We ask that each EY Host report in daily. Daily reports and highlights will be provided to and reported out to leadership. APP/US.(See Appendix for opportunity reporting email and requirements).
► Have fun and build lasting relationships!
November/December Post-Forum activities ► Thank your guests for attending and let them know you will meet with them back home ► Arrange to meet your client back home after the Forum ► Provide post-Forum thought leadership, as appropriate ► Bring other service line personnel with you as it relates to issues that surfaced at
► Close on open opportunities ► Complete any necessary additions/changes to the opportunities that have been logged
into Interaction
► Follow-up rigorously on open opportunities ► National will report monthly on open/closed opportunities for six months following SGF
Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012
Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012
Sample guest itinerary 2012 Personalized Itinerary for Jane Smith, CEO, ABC Company Wednesday, November 14th 7:00 a.m.
Attend breakfast session: IPOs and M&A: managing your personal unlimited liability
Track 1
8:15 a.m.
Attend Day 1 opening of the Strategic Growth Forum
Desert Ballroom
Arne Sorenson, President and CEO, Marriott International, Inc., interviewed by Alan Murray, Deputy Managing Editor and Executive Editor, Online, The Wall Street Journal Insights from leaders of market leading companies panel 10:30 a.m.
Attend “Exiting gracefully: when and how to sell your company”
Track 1
11:30 a.m.
Attend “New markets: broadening the geographic footprint via M&A”
Track 2
12:30 p.m.
Private meeting: John Doe, CEO, Doe & Company (confirmed through Private Meeting tool)
Pavilion room 5
2:00 p.m.
Attend “Growth companies and private equity: transformational partnerships”
Track 1
3:00 p.m.
Attend “Cocktails, capital, and conversation! reception
3:30 p.m.
Private meeting: Pat Cook, CEO, Worldwide Company (confirmed through Private Meeting tool)
Pavilion room 4
5:30 p.m.
Attend Hospitality@home: geographic reception for East Central Sub-Area
Location posted on-site
7:00 p.m.
Attend private dinner with EY hosts and other company executives
Tour Lobby
Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012
Thursday, November 10th 7:00 a.m.
Attend breakfast session: A post-election outlook on taxes and personal wealth planning
Track 1
8:15 a.m.
Attend Day 2 opening sessions
Desert Ballroom
Frederick W. Smith, Chairman, President and CEO, FedEX Corporation, interviewed by Alan Murray Tinker Hatfield, Vice-President, Design & Special Projects, Nike, Inc. 10:30 a.m.
Attend “The next workplace: why CEOs are paying attention” session
Track 2
11:30 p.m.
Attend lunch featuring Family Business Award of Excellence presentation and “Start-up communities” panel discussion
Desert ballroom
1:00 p.m.
Private meeting: Rich Rogers, CEO, USA Corp. (confirmed in Private Meeting System)
Pavilion room 12
3:00 p.m.
Private meeting: Mark Williams, Q Private Equity
Pavilion room 4
5:30 p.m.
Attend the Get connected: industry reception for Financial Services
Locations posted onsite
7:00 p.m.
Attend Fire & Ice dinner and entertainment
Palm course driving range
Contacts: Your name and cell number
Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012
Strategic Growth Forum Private Meeting tool Launch email Subject Line: You now have access to the Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum Private Meeting Tool
You now have access to the Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® Private Meeting Tool Wendy, Get ready to connect at the Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum®! You now have access to set up your profile and private meeting schedule for the Strategic Growth Forum. Once your profile is set up, you can view the profiles of other participants and request private one-on-one meetings with them in advance of the Forum. You will receive a system email every time a meeting is requested, confirmed or cancelled. Features include: • Syncing your profile information with your LinkedIn© account • Mobile version of the tool so you can stay connected with your smartphone during the Forum • Recommendations of attendees you should connect with based on common interests • Adding Forum sessions and activities to your calendars • Secure private messaging system to quickly connect with other participants We recommend that you log in to the site regularly to request and accept meetings to maximize your networking opportunities and experience at the Strategic Growth Forum. If you have any questions regarding any aspect of the private meeting tool, please contact Kevin Vlk at kevin.vlk@ey.com or +1 415 894 8101 or Merilee Martin at merilee.martin@ey.com or +1 201 872 1904 We look forward to seeing you at the Forum in November. Best regards, Ernst & Young SGF Private Meeting Administrators Kevin Vlk | Kevin.Vlk@ey.com | +1 415 894 8101 Merilee Martin | Merilee.Martin@ey.com | +1 201 872 1904 OPT OUT: Participation is optional. If you do not want your profile to be included on the private meeting site, please contact Kevin Vlk at kevin.vlk@ey.com or or Merilee Martin at merilee.martin@ey.com to have your profile removed at any time.
Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012
Strategic Growth Forum opportunity reporting email From: To: Cc: Date: Subject:
Strategic Growth Forum/EY-APP/US, EY_Amer Area_SGM SGF Attendees.GLMS 10/05/2012 10:00 AM SGF Opportunity Reporting Instructions
To EY SGF attendees: SAVE THIS EMAIL FOR REPORTING: As opportunities are identified, please send the following information to SGF.opportunities@ey.com (look up in the Lotus database under Strategic Growth Forum): 1. Company Name 2. Sub-Area 3. Service Line(s) 4. Amount(s) of opportunities associated with each service line 5. Sub-service line(s) and Amount(s) of opportunities associated with each service line, if applicable 6. Anticipated Engagement Partner and / or Pursuit Leader - assumed to be the person sending the email unless otherwise specified The SGF Opportunity Reporting team will ensure all opportunities are input into Interaction. The more information you can provide - the less work for you when you get back to your office after SGF. The following assumptions will be made unless otherwise noted in the email received: 1. Pursuit Leader and Engagement Partner are assumed to be the individual sending the email 2. If one lump sum amount is provided for an opportunity with multiple service lines/ subservice lines, amounts will be allocated evenly over each service line/ sub-service line 3. Anticipated win date is assumed to be six months after SGF 4. Probability of win is assumed to be 25% 5. Pursuit team will be left blank unless other names are provided (Note: this means that if the EY host is not the person sending the email, the EY host will not be included on the opportunity unless mentioned) Note that opportunities for the same company, but in different service lines, will be input separately due to Interaction structure and will result in multiple opportunities. Please direct any questions to stephanie.may@ey.com and teddy.tankersley@ey.com.
Ernst & Young Strategic Growth Forum® 2012