Model test for NP2_MWT

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Model test for New Platinum 2 – Midterm Test Content: READING AND USE OF ENGLISH • • • • • • • • • •

Present Perfect (Inter 2/Advanced 2); Expressions of doubt/uncertainty – page 8 and Consolidation Lesson 1; Subjunctive (adjectives) – Page 10 and Consolidation Lesson 1; Presenting your findings – Page 27; Conjunctions (result) – Pages 32 and 33; Expressions of time (future) – Page 43 (extracted from Audio Scripts, page 140) and Consolidation Lesson 3; Phrasal verb: find/encounter a problem – Page 17 and Consolidation Lesson 1; Phrasal verb: get sick – Page 34; Phrasal verb: result in/make something happen – Page 51; Redo and study Unit 2, Language Workout 2, page 36.


While one person suffers bullying, the other one ________________ bullying; How do you say “deficiência” (física) in Englsih? Only one word; What are some consequences of suffering bullying? Try to think of about three or four consequences and write your sentences using conjunctions that indicate “result” (page 33).


Page 61, numbers 2 and 8; Page 62, numbers 2, 4 and 10 (for numbers 2 and 4, your reference is the subjunctive [pages 9 and 10] and you can also think of other adjectives besides “essential” and “important”).


Essay (Consolidation Lesson 2); Article (Consolidation Lesson 3).


Redo and study Unit 2, Language Workout 2, page 36.

1. For numbers 1 to 8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use the word given in orange. Do not change the word given. 1. Houses will be destroyed by the hurricane. BRING The hurricane ______________________________ destruction to the houses.

2. People will be able to connect themselves to their phones thirty years from now. YEARS’ ______________________________, people will be able to connect themselves to their phones. 3. I haven’t slept for the past three days. It might be insomnia. COMING I think I’m ______________________________ insomnia. I haven’t slept for the past three days. 4. We got a ride. But, we didn’t arrive on time. THOUGH We didn’t arrive on time, ______________________________. 5. Mark needs to find a new job. This is really serious. VITAL It is ______________________________ a new job. 6. They all gave me the wrong information. I finally understand it. COME I’ve ______________________________ that they all gave me the wrong information. 7. We lost some matches because of our setbacks. AGAINST We wouldn’t have lost some matches if we ______________________________ those setbacks. 8. I can’t believe there is water on the Moon. BELIEVE I find ______________________________ that there’s water on the Moon.

2. Read this article about a music festival. Six sentences have been removed from it. For questions 9 to 14, choose from the sentences (A – G) the one which best fits each gap. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. Glastonbudget - the main event on the musical calendar for tribute bands The Glastonbury Festival, which takes place in Britain in late June, offers an impressive line-up of famous bands over four days, but tickets aren't cheap at around £200. Glastonbudget, as the name suggests, is a lowpriced music festival that specialises in booking tribute bands. A tribute band performs the songs, or 'cover versions', of the particular group they admire, usually copying the group's appearance closely and sometimes playing their music rather well. The tribute band's name is often deliberately similar to the original one, so Dread Zeppelin is a reggae version of Led Zeppelin. There are tribute bands everywhere: Umma Gumma in Brazil, Mun Floyd in Italy, Pink Division in Norway and The Pink Tones in Spain are just four of the many Pink Floyd sound-alikes. Glastonbudget was dreamed up back in 2003 by Nick Tanner, who runs a village pub in Leicestershire, and his sister. 9_____ Nick loved holding it, as it earned double the money of a normal opening. As the pub wasn't big enough to fit in many more people, Nick suggested looking for another venue. A year later they found themselves standing in a field, having spent £160,000 in setting up the first Glastonbudget festival. 10_____ Due to a combination of hard work, donations and goodwill from the local community, ticket sales have increased steadily. Nowadays, it is a sell-out event, not to mention being the biggest tribute and new music festival in Europe. Like the budget airlines, there is a system of selling a limited number of low-price tickets: depending on when you book, it's possible to buy a weekend ticket for as little as 99 pence. 11_____ Even if they are not big-name acts, this makes it an extremely attractive alternative to Glastonbury. People who attend Glastonbudget often comment not only on how well it is organised, but on how much of a community atmosphere there is at the event. 12_____ Not many festivals can boast a line-up that includes Coldplay, Guns N' Roses, The Foo Fighters and The Killers. Neither can Glastonbudget, although it comes quite close: Coldplace, Guns 2 Roses, The Four Fighters and The Fillers all rocked the main stage this year. Another popular act at Glastonbudget this year was lziggy, formed by lorry driver Brian Spiers after workmates kept pointing out his amazing likeness to Iggy Pop. Brian - who was mobbed at a recent Iggy And The Stooges show in London - explained that he had had to drop three jeans sizes and get some singing lessons before starting the band. 13_____ He's planning to get them removed by laser eventually. 14_____ Since the festival 's second year, the organisers have featured more and more young, upand-coming local bands. Closely associated with the Soar Valley Music Centre, the festival also provides training for young people in different aspects of the music industry. A. Glastonbudget isn't just about tribute bands though. B. Despite losing money on that occasion, the festival has gone from strength to strength ever since. C. Having chosen such diverse bands, the organisers were confident of success from the start. D. Near or total strangers become part of a genuinely music loving festival and enjoy some entertaining bands. E. He also has to spend £50 per gig buying make-up to cover his tattoos because his hero doesn't have any. F. The two were discussing ways to expand the monthly tribute band night. G. This rises to a maximum of just over £50, which includes camping and parking.

LISTENING 1. You will hear a woman talking about problems faced by the Grand Canyon National Park Service. Complete the sentences with a word or short phrase. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Grand Canyon is located in the ____________________________ part of Arizona. The canyon is ____________________________ deep from top to bottom. The Grand Canyon National Park was opened in ____________________________. ______________________________ people a year visit the Grand Canyon National Park. The park provides visitors with ____________________________ to help solve the problem of parking. 6. In the summer the park is affected by __________________________, brought by southwesterly winds. 7. The park also suffers from a lack of ____________________________ and this sometimes has to be brought in by truck. 8. The temperature of the Colorado river is now ____________________________ all year round. 9. Some types of ____________________________ have now totally disappeared. 10. The Grand Canyon is often said to be one of the ____________________________ in the world.
Model test for NP2_MWT

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