Syllabus Systems Design - 301309

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia Academic and Research Vice-rector Syllabus of the Systems Design course 1. COURSE IDENTIFICATION Faculty or Unit: Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería Level: Profesional Course: Diseño de Sistemas Course Type: Teórico Course Designer: Moisés Rodríguez Bolaño Development Day: July 19th, 2018

Initial: ECBTI Training Field: Formación disciplinar Code: 301309 Number of credits: 2 Course Editor: Moisés Rodríguez Bolaño Updating Date: September 7th,2018

Course Description: The Systems Design course is part of the disciplinary training field and belongs to the Software Engineering core of the Systems Engineering program, which allows modeling the behavior that a software information system must fulfill, according to the needs raised by the users The central objective of this course is that the student presents a proposal for the design of a software according to a case study where the grouping of the architectural representations, interfaces at the component and deployment level is demonstrated.Write the course description The course is theoretical, of two (2) academic credits, divided into two (2) units of study and has been designed to run in 8 weeks or 16 weeks depending on the academic period. Each of the themes that are part of each unit of study is composed of different elements so that each student develops processes in individual and collaborative activities that fundamentally seek the apprehension and development of disciplinary competences in the following way: Unit 1. Concepts and principles of design. The Design of Systems defines the process of applying certain techniques and principles with the purpose of defining a device, a process or a System, with enough details to allow its interpretation and physical realization. Unit 2. Design Oriented to Objects and components. Principles, pattern management, interfaces, web components, object-oriented design. The Systems Design course uses the problem-based learning strategy (ABP), it is a didactic strategy that consists of presenting the students with a controversial situation

in order that these, through autonomous work and teamwork collaboratively, develop and carry out the critical reasoning necessary to solve the problem and is based on the principle of using problems as a starting point for the acquisition and integration of new knowledge (Barrows, 1986). 2. TRAINING PURPOSES Purpose of course training: Understand and apply the necessary theoretical knowledge taking into account concepts, basic principles, object-oriented design and components, for the development of a proposal to a situation raised by an information system, allowing to generate solutions to various problems. Design from a set of formal and functional specifications of the system, architecture and software components, with the purpose of satisfying the needs of an organization or a context. Course Competences: The student applies the concepts in the development of patterns, interfaces and the properties that they must fulfill, in order to deliver a proposal. The student models problems through the creation of the architecture and the components of an information system, based on formal and functional specifications of the system. 3. COURSE CONTENTS Units/topics Unit 1.

Required Bibliographic References CONCEPTUALIZATION

Concepts and basic Mohapatra, P. K. (2010). Software Engineering: A lifecycle principles of design Aproach. En P. Mohapatra, Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach (pág. 231). New Delhi: New Age Conceptualization International. Retrieved from Architectural design AN=316074&lang=es&site=edslive&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_231

Component design

level ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN Mohapatra, P. K. (2010). Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach. En P. Mohapatra, Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach (pág. 340). New Delhi: New Age International. Retrieve from: AN=316074&lang=es&site=edslive&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_340 COMPONENT LEVEL DESIGN Mohapatra, P. K. (2010). Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach. En P. Mohapatra, Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach (pág. 296). New Delhi: New Age International. Retrieve from: AN=316074&lang=es&site=edslive&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_296 OVI Requirements Engineering and Management Next, you will find a Virtual Object of Information [OVI] with topics related to Unit 1, which serve for the development of online activity and the first collaborative work. UNAD (2017). Requirements Enginnering and management. [Video file]. Recovered from: OVI Concepts and principles basic of design Next, you will find a Virtual Object of Information [OVI] with topics related to Unit 1, which serve for the development of online activity and the first collaborative work.UNAD (2018). Concepts and basic principles of design. [Video file]. Recovered from:

Unit 2.


Design oriented to Mohapatra, P. K. (2010). Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach. En P. Mohapatra, Software Engineering: A objects and lifecycle Aproach (pág. 296). New Delhi: New Age components International. Recovered from The interface design for a user AN=316074&lang=es&site=edslive&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_296 Pattern-based design PATTERN BASED DESIGN Web application Mohapatra, P. K. (2010). Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach. En P. Mohapatra, Software Engineering: A design lifecycle Aproach (pág. 322). New Delhi: New Age International. Recovered from: AN=316074&lang=es&site=edslive&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_322 WEB APPLICATION DESIGN Mohapatra, P. K. (2010). Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach. En P. Mohapatra, Software Engineering: A lifecycle Aproach (pág. 360). New Delhi: New Age International. Recovered from: AN=316074&lang=es&site=edslive&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_360 OVI System Design and Development Below you will find a Virtual Object of Information [OVI] with topics related to Unit 2, which serve for the development of the online activity and the second collaborative work. UNAD (2017). Object-oriented design. [Video file]. Recovered from: OVI Design oriented to objects and components Below you will find a Virtual Object of Information [OVI] with topics related to Unit 2, which serve for the development of the online activity and the second

collaborative work. UNAD (2018). Object-oriented design. [Video file]. Recovered from:

Additional bibliographic references for this course: Unit 1: Concepts and basic principles of design. De Lucia, A. (2008). Emerging Methods, Technologies and Process Management in Software Engineering. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr. Retrieved from gin.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=225448&lang=es&site=edslive&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_1 Senn, J. A. (1992). Análisis y diseño de sistemas de información. Retrieved from &docID=3194990&tm=1537399474151 Unit 2: Design oriented to objects and components. Matsuura, S., Virvou, M., & IOS, P. (2012). Knowledge-based Software Engineering : Proceedings of the Tenth Joint Conference on Knowledge-Based Software Engineering. Amsterdam: IOS Press. Recovered from m/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=489951&lang=es&site=edslive&ebv=EB&ppid=pp_239 Senn, J. A. (1992). Análisis y diseño de sistemas de información. Retrieved from &docID=3194990&tm=1537399474151

4. LEARNING STRATEGY Description of learning strategy: The Systems Design course uses the problem-based learning strategy (ABP), it is a didactic strategy that consists of presenting the students with a controversial situation in order that these, through autonomous work and teamwork collaboratively, develop and carry out the critical reasoning necessary to solve the problem and is based on

the principle of using problems as a starting point for the acquisition and integration of new knowledge (Barrows, 1986). The problem-based learning strategy will allow the student to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes through real-life situations. In this learning strategy, the greatest weight is carried by the individual activity with the aim that the student internalizes the theoretical referents, practices them and then at the group level can reinforce what they have learned. The strategy will be developed starting with an initial activity that allows to approach previous knowledge of the course and continuing with the following phases: exploration and diagnosis, development and application, phases that will be articulated to the three evaluation moments that the course proposes. 5. DISTRIBUTION OF ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES OF THE COURSE Week

Contents to develop

Activity to develop according to the learning strategy Step 1 - Pre-knowledge

1 and 2


Individual Activity Reviews and develops the Pre-knowledge workshop of the Systems Design course. Step 2 - Concepts and basic principles of design Individual Activity Study the bibliography of Unit 1.

Design concept 3 to 8

Architectural design Component level design

Develop the individual workshop in order to identify the problem that is occurring in the study company. Collaborative Activities As a group they must give solution to the architectural design and the design at the component level of their dependencies Apply the APA standards to the consolidation of the document that will be presented as collaborative work

Step 3 - Object-oriented design Individual Activity Study the bibliography of Unit 2. The interface design for a user 9 to 14

Pattern-based design Web application design

Develop the individual workshop in order to identify the problem that is occurring in the study company. Collaborative Activities As a group they must give solution to the design of interfaces, patterns and web application design Apply the APA standards to the consolidation of the document that will be presented as collaborative work Step 4 - Object-oriented design Individual Activity Study the bibliography of Unit 2.

15 and 16

End of Activity

Develop the individual workshop in order to identify the problem that is occurring in the study company. Collaborative Activities As a group they must give solution to the design of interfaces, patterns and web application design. Apply the APA standards to the consolidation of the document that will be presented as collaborative work

6. STRATEGIES OF ACADEMIC SUPPORT Description of academic support strategies to apply in this course In order to support student learning, and promote their continued participation and give answers to the concerns, the following spaces will be available:

Synchronous Accompaniment Attention by Skype: for advice on problems and specific questions. WebConference: Conduct academic sessions such as Web Conferences, so that students have the opportunity to understand and appropriate the topics of the course. Strips of Attention to the center: Face-to-face accompaniment by the director and tutor of the course to resolve questions, doubts and academic follow-up. Asynchronous accompaniment Internal mail of the course and Institutional mail: Solution of doubts and concerns about the contents of the course, technical support and academic management Attention in the Forums of the course: Follow-up by the tutor to the contributions made in the corresponding forums, giving an assertive feedback to each one of them. 7. COURSE ASSESSMENT PLAN WEEK NUMBER

1 and 2

Assessment Stages


Products to deliver according to the Learning Strategy Phase 0 - Preknowledge of the course.

Highest Score/500 points

Evaluation Score/500 points



Pre-knowledge Workshop.

3 to 8

9 to 14

Intermediate Unit 1

Intermediate Unit 2

Phase 1 - Concepts and basic principles of design Workshop applying where the architectural design and componentbased design is applied Phase 2 - Design oriented to objects and components

35% 350


Workshop applying concepts of interface design for a user, design based on patterns and design of web applications Phase 3 - Design of interfaces and dialogue Windows. 15 and 16 Final

Workshop where contextual menus and dialog windows of an information system are developed. Total Score



500 Points

500 Points
Syllabus Systems Design - 301309

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