TEAM # 1 GA 23 Q. 1stACT .

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1What are the main differences in ingredients between French bread and white sandwich bread? French bread is leaner than White bread. The White bread will have more fat and sugar content and sometimes will also have eggs and milk solids. French bread is made with water and without eggs ANTONIO LUNA








In pastry, a flaky dough is a flaky, unleavened dough, similar to puff pastry. The main difference is that, in the flaky dough, large chunks of food fat (about 2½ cm in diameter) are mixed into the dough, instead of a large rectangle of food fat from the puff pastry. The dough is then inscribed and folded similarly to the puff pastry

ANTONIO_LUNA 3. What are the 12 steps in the production of yeast products? Explain each briefly.

Ingredients to scale: all the ingredients must be passed through before starting the bread making process and with precision Mixing: basically, it is to mix very well the ingredients there are three types the straight dough method, the modified straight dough method and the sponge method Fermentation: is the process where the dough "grows" and the yeast absorbs the sugars. Punching: then it is "punched" so that the dough expels the carbon dioxide Scale: at this stage is where it is divided into equal potions for the bread to be made Ronda: in this process dumplings are formed to stretch your skin and form a smooth layer Bench: this is where the balls that were previously formed are left to rest and the fermentation still continues Make-up and bakery: this are where it is formed or molded, in this process all the bubbles are removed so that there are no gaps in the final product Proof: it's where the molded breads continue to ferment


Baking: in this stage where the bread already molded and fermented is baked and factors such as time and temperature intervene etc. Cooling: after baking the bread, it is taken out and put to cool so that the excess of humidity comes out Storage: after the breads are cooled, those used within 8 hours can be left on the shelves and used within more time can be left in moisture-proof bags ALAN ALONZO 4. What are the three major purposes of mixing yeast dough’s? -

Combine all ingredients into a smooth, even dough.


To distribute the yeast evenly throughout the dough


To develop gluten.


5 Explain the differences in procedure between the Straight dough method and the sponge method. How Is the straight dough method sometimes modified for? Sweet dough’s, and why is this necessary? STRAIGHT MASS In this mixture, most of the breads are mixed with the dough, all the ingredients are mixed in a single operation. It lasts from 1 to 21⁄2 hours. It’s called short fermentation, It does not have a good texture and flavor, long fermentation ferments for 5 or 6 hours or more, long and slow fermentation greatly improves the taste of the product Sponge processes It is a sponge process involves a two-stage mixing method, first, it is made of water, flour and yeast, the dough is prepared by mixing the remaining ingredients. The finished dough can be briefly fermented, or, if the sponge has had a long fermentation, it can be scaled immediately, like a timeless dough. ALEXA MEZQUITA

6. What are the purposes of punching a fermented dough?


The purpose is to expel the carbon dioxide, distribute the yeast for further growth, relax the gluten and equalize the temperature throughout the dough. CYNTHIA CHI 7: How much French bread dough will you need if you Want to make 16 loaves that weigh 12 oz. each after Baking? Taking into account that when French bread is prepared, during its baking it has a loss of approximately 10 to 13 % of the dough weight, for this reason the loss is left between 2 to 12 ounces for each pound previously used. In other words, one pound is equivalent to 16 ounces, so to make 16 12-ounce breads we will use a total of 192 ounces plus our 24 ounces of extra dough that we leave to recover the loss during baking.

MONSERRAT TAGANO 8. - List four advantages of the sponge method for mixing Bread dough’s. List four advantages of the sponge method for mixing bread dough’s. •

Shorter fermentation time for the finished dough.

Increased flavor, developed by the long fermentation of the sponge.

• Stronger fermentation of rich dough’s. High sugar and fat content inhibits yeast growth. When the sponge method is used, most of the fermentation is completed before the fat and sugar are incorporated. • Less yeast is needed, because it multiplies greatly during the sponge fermentation. JUAN MENDEZ


9. What is the importance of water temperature in mixing yeast dough’s? Soften the yeast so that it is better distributed in the dough, but without losing its benefits. The ideal temperature of the water is different for each type of yeast: Fresh yeast: 38°C (100°F) Active dry yeast: 40°C (105°F) CYNTHIA CHI

TEAM # 1 GA 23 Q. 1stACT .

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